Reading an XML file

Example on how to read an XML file
2 years ago
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		private void TestingMyXMLFunction()
			// get nb of stop/target lines defined in the current ATM strategy template
			int cntAtmBracket = parseAtmXMLfile();
			Print( "How many brackets are defined in the ATM template: " + cntAtmBracket.ToString() );
		private string GetATMStrategy()
			/// returns a string holding the name of the selected ATM strategy in the chart trader panel
			/// a null value is returned if no selection has been made
            string tempATMStrategyName = null;

                AtmStrategy atmStrategy = this.ChartControl.OwnerChart.ChartTrader.AtmStrategy;
                if (atmStrategy != null)
                    tempATMStrategyName = atmStrategy.Template + "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                //stuff exception
//				tempATMStrategyName = null;

            return tempATMStrategyName;
		private int parseAtmXMLfile()
			/// Reads the ATM template XML file and returns the number of targets added by the user
			/// return -1 if no ATM file specified in chart trader otherwise a valid count
			atmTemplateName = GetATMStrategy();
			if (atmTemplateName == null) return -1;
			int	bracketKey;
			double nodeQuantity = 0;
			double nodeStopLoss = 0;
			double nodeTarget = 0;
			string nodeAutoBreakEvenAt = string.Empty;

			string pathToAtmStratFolder = NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.UserDataDir + "templates\\AtmStrategy\\";
			string xmlFileToLoad = pathToAtmStratFolder + atmTemplateName + ".xml";
			XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
			xmlDoc.Load( xmlFileToLoad );
			// solution found here ->
			// the XML tag <Brackets>...</Bracket> contains the nodes that define the Stop/Target/StopStrategy
			var mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
			mgr.AddNamespace("", "");
			XmlNode root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
			XmlNodeList xnList = root.SelectNodes("//*[local-name()='Brackets']/*[local-name()='Bracket']");
//			Loop through all Targets and read its content.
//			Each pair of tag <Bracket>...</Bracket> contains a Target definition (Quantity, Stop, Target, Stop strategy)
			// start with a fresh new empty list (Quantity, Stop, Target, StopPrice, LimitPrice, OrderStateStop, OrderStateTarget)
			bracketKey = 0;
			orderQty = 0;
			foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
				{	// if node <Quantity> does not exists then return an empty value
				nodeQuantity = Double.Parse(xn["Quantity"].InnerText);
				catch(Exception ex) { nodeQuantity = 0; }
				{	// if node <StopLoss> does not exists then return an empty value
				nodeStopLoss = Double.Parse(xn["StopLoss"].InnerText);
				catch(Exception ex) { nodeStopLoss = 0; }
				{	// if node <Target> does not exists then return an empty value
				nodeTarget = Double.Parse(xn["Target"].InnerText);
				catch(Exception ex) { nodeTarget = 0; }
				bracketList.Add( bracketKey, new CBracket(nodeQuantity, nodeStopLoss, nodeTarget) );
				orderQty = orderQty + nodeQuantity;
				// uncomment the following lines to read the Stop Strategy and Add a new property in the CBracket class definition
//				try
//				{	// if node <StopStrategy><AutoBreakEvenProfitTrigger> does not exists then return an empty value
//					nodeAutoBreakEvenAt = xn["StopStrategy"].SelectSingleNode("AutoBreakEvenProfitTrigger").InnerText;
//				}
//				catch(Exception ex) { nodeAutoBreakEvenAt = string.Empty; }
//				string str2Print = String.Format( " Quantity = {0}/ StopLoss = {1}/ Target = {2}/ AutoBreakEvenAt = {3}", nodeQuantity , nodeStopLoss , nodeTarget, nodeAutoBreakEvenAt );
//				Print(str2Print);					
			return xnList.Count;
		} // parseAtmXMLfile