2 months ago
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import machine from machine import Pin, SPI from utime import sleep # Pin assignments for 7-segment display RCLK = 9 # Register clock pin SCK = 10 # SPI clock pin MOSI = 11 # SPI MOSI pin # LED segment definitions (for CCW and CW) LED_1 = 0xFE # CCW tens LED_2 = 0xFD # CCW ones LED_3 = 0xFB # CW tens LED_4 = 0xF7 # CW ones # Segment codes for digits 0-9 (7-segment encoding) SEG8codes = [ 0x3F, # 0 0x06, # 1 0x5B, # 2 0x4F, # 3 0x66, # 4 0x6D, # 5 0x7D, # 6 0x07, # 7 0x7F, # 8 0x6F, # 9 ] class LED_8SEG_DISPLAY: def __init__(self): self.rclk = Pin(RCLK, Pin.OUT) self.rclk(1) # Initialize register clock (RCLK) self.spi = SPI(1, baudrate=1000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(SCK), mosi=Pin(MOSI), miso=None) def write_cmd(self, Num, Seg): """Write command to a specific LED segment.""" self.rclk(1) # Set RCLK high self.spi.write(bytearray([Num])) # Send digit number (LED address) self.spi.write(bytearray([Seg])) # Send the segment data (digit code) self.rclk(0) # Set RCLK low (latch data) sleep(0.002) # Wait briefly self.rclk(1) # Set RCLK high again # Create the display object DISPLAY = LED_8SEG_DISPLAY() # Helper functions to extract tens and ones digits def get_tens(num): return (num // 10) % 10 def get_ones(num): return num % 10 # Pin setup for rotary encoder A_PIN = machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) B_PIN = machine.Pin(1, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) # Initialize rotation counters total_ccw = 0 total_cw = 0 # Interrupt handler for the rotary encoder def rotary_encoder_irq(pin): global total_cw, total_ccw A_STATE = A_PIN.value() B_STATE = B_PIN.value() if A_STATE == 0 and B_STATE == 1: # Clockwise rotation total_cw += 1 elif A_STATE == 1 and B_STATE == 0: # Counter-clockwise rotation total_ccw += 1 # Set up interrupt handlers for rotary encoder A_PIN.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=rotary_encoder_irq) B_PIN.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=rotary_encoder_irq) # Main loop to display CW and CCW on the LED display and send data to PC time_elapsed = 0 debounce_interval = 0.05 try: while True: # Debounce the rotary encoder sleep(debounce_interval) # Every 10 seconds, print the total CW and CCW rotations to the PC time_elapsed += debounce_interval if time_elapsed >= 10: print(f"Total CWs: {total_cw}, Total CCWs: {total_ccw}") time_elapsed = 0 # Display the CCW count (tens and ones) on LED 1 and LED 2 DISPLAY.write_cmd(LED_1, SEG8codes[get_tens(total_ccw)]) # Tens digit of CCW sleep(0.001) DISPLAY.write_cmd(LED_2, SEG8codes[get_ones(total_ccw)]) # Ones digit of CCW sleep(0.001) # Display the CW count (tens and ones) on LED 3 and LED 4 DISPLAY.write_cmd(LED_3, SEG8codes[get_tens(total_cw)]) # Tens digit of CW sleep(0.001) DISPLAY.write_cmd(LED_4, SEG8codes[get_ones(total_cw)]) # Ones digit of CW sleep(0.001) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Gracefully exit on keyboard interrupt
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