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{\color[HTML]{333333} \textbf{Layer}} & {\color[HTML]{333333} \textbf{Layer Name}} & {\color[HTML]{333333} \textbf{Activation Function}} & {\color[HTML]{333333} \textbf{Input Shape}} & {\color[HTML]{333333} \textbf{Output Shape}} \\ \hline
Input Layer & conv2d\_input & - & (128,128,3) & (128,128,3) \\ \hline
Conv2D & conv2d & Relu & (128,128,3) & (128,128,32) \\ \hline
MaxPooling2D & max\_pooling2d & - & (128,128,32) & (64,64,32) \\ \hline
Dropout & dropout & - & (64,64,32) & (64,64,32) \\ \hline
Conv2D & conv2d\_1 & Relu & (64,64,32) & (64,64,64) \\ \hline
MaxPooling2D & max\_pooling2d\_1 & - & (64,64,64) & (32,32,64) \\ \hline
Dropout & dropout\_1 & - & (32,32,64) & (32,32,64) \\ \hline
Conv2D & conv2d\_2 & Relu & (32,32,64) & (32,32,128) \\ \hline
MaxPooling2D & max\_pooling2d\_2 & - & (32,32,128) & (16,16,128) \\ \hline
Dropout & dropout\_2 & - & (16,16,128) & (16,16,128) \\ \hline
Flatten & flatten & - & (16,16,128) & 32768 \\ \hline
Dense & dense & Relu & 32768 & 128 \\ \hline
Dropout & dropout\_3 & - & 128 & 128 \\ \hline
Dense & dense\_1 & Sigmoid & 128 & 1 \\ \hline