module fDNLS_Direct
using DifferentialEquations, GLMakie, LinearAlgebra, OffsetArrays
using SpecialFunctions: zeta
DifferentialEquations - Used for the ODE Solver
GLMakie - 2D/3D plotting backend,
SpecialFunctions - Used for importing the Riemann zeta function
function main(N, end_time)
Per the boundary conditions, solve for u = (u_{-N+1}, ..., u_{N-1})
h = 1
α = 0.2
tspan = (0.0,25.0)
x = -N+1:N-1
# Per u_(-N) = 0 and u_(N) = 0, then we solve the (2N+1) - 2 = 2N-1 total equations
RHS(u,p,t) = im*(h*coefficientMatrix(α,x)*u - abs2.(u).*u)
# initial_values = 0.9*Complex.(sech.(x)).* exp.(im*x)
initial_values = onSite(30,α,x)# .* exp.(im*x) # onSite(ω, α)
# Equivalent to Ode45 from Matlab
prob = ODEProblem(RHS, initial_values, tspan)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), reltol=1e-8, abstol=1e-8)
plot_main(sol, x) # Surface and contour plot of |u|²
return sol
function coefficientMatrix(α,x)
M = OffsetArray(zeros(length(x), length(x)), x,x) # Offset indices for M[i,j]. For example, M[-N+1, -N+1] corresponds to M[1,1].
for i in firstindex(M,1) : lastindex(M,1)
for j in axes(M,2)
i == j ? M[i,i] = 1/abs(i - (-N))^(1+α) + sum(1/abs(i - m)^(1+α) for m in x if m!=i) + 1/abs(i - N)^(1+α) : M[i,j] = -1/abs(i - j)
return M.parent
function onSite(ω,α,x)
# Assumption: qₙ = q₋ₙ, q₀ >> 1 >> q₁ >> ...
Q = OffsetVector(zeros(Complex{Float64},length(x)),x)
Q[0] = sqrt(ω + 2*zeta(1+α))
# Obtain q₂, q₃, ... via equation (3.1)
for n in 1:maximum(x) #drop first 1 since already initialized
asymptotic_onsite = sum(Q[j]/(n+j)^(1+α) for j in 1-n:n-1)/(2*zeta(1+α) - 1/(2n)^(1+α) + ω)
Q[-n] = asymptotic_onsite
Q[n] = asymptotic_onsite
return Q.parent # typeof(Q) = OffsetVector, typeof(Q.parent) = Vector
function plot_main(sol,x)
fig = Figure(backgroundcolor=:snow2)
y = sol.t
z= [abs(sol[i,j])^2 for i in axes(sol,1), j in axes(sol,2)] # sol[i,j] is the ith component at timestep j.
p1 = surface(fig[1,1], x, y, z,
axis=(type=Axis3, xlabel="Space", ylabel="Time", zlabel="|u|²",
title=L"\text{Intensity plot with } u(x,0) = \text{ asymptotic onsite sequence}"))
#p2 = contourf(fig[1,2], x, y, z, axis=(xlabel="Space", ylabel="Time"))
#p2 = scatter(fig[1,2], x, onSite(30,0.2,x), xlabel="Space", ylabel="qₙ", title="Asymptotic onsite sequence")
normSol_inf = [norm(sol[i], Inf) for i in 1:length(sol.t)]
p3 = lines(fig[2,:], y, normSol_inf, label=L"k=1", axis=(xlabel="Time", ylabel=L"L^{\infty}", xticks=0:0.5:25))
const N=18
const end_time=20
main(N, end_time)