ok s 2022unknown
2 years ago
1.5 kB
// initial conditions let runCounter = 0; let runLimit = 25; let invervalId; function stop(id) { clearInterval(id); } // cpal procedure automator function to be used in interval function cpal() { var url = document.querySelector("#main_content > div.desktop-dt-wrapper > div > div.desktop-dt-top > div.desktop-dt-top-actionrow > div.card-content-header > a").href; const splitUrl = url.split('/'); const profileUrl = splitUrl[0] + '//' + splitUrl[2] + '/' + splitUrl[3] + '/' + splitUrl[4]; var windowObjectReference; var windowFeatures = "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes"; function openRequestedPopup(url) { windowObjectReference = window.open(url, "tab:" + url, windowFeatures); } openRequestedPopup(profileUrl); var likeButton = document.querySelector("#main_content > div.desktop-dt-wrapper > div > div.desktop-dt-top > div.desktop-dt-top-actionrow > div.desktop-dt-top-actionrow-controls > div.desktop-dt-top-actionrow-actions > div > div:nth-child(2) > button"); likeButton.click(); runCounter++; if (runCounter > runLimit ) { stop(intervalId); window.alert("finished running " + runLimit + " times. Interval Removed. Counter has been reset."); runCounter = 0; } } // end of cpal procedure automator function for iterator // run procedure X times and then stop function runXTimes(times) { runLimit = times; intervalId = setInterval(cpal, 1100); } runXTimes;