a year ago
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''' Welcome to the MadLibs practice Your goal is to practice using variables Fill in each variable with a string Run the code and see your silly story displayed Now you are ready to create your own mad libs program! ''' adjective1 = "" adjective2 = "" adjective3 = "" adverb = "" exclamation = "" famousPerson1 = "" famousPerson2 = "" noun1 = "" noun2 = "" noun3 = "" noun4 = "" noun5 = "" number = "" pluralNoun1 = "" pluralNoun2 = "" pluralTypeOfFood = "" typeOfLiquid = "" print('The first electric '+noun1+' was invented in 1904 by') print('a '+adjective1+' young man named '+famousPerson1+'. He and his') print('brother '+famousPerson2+' ran a small '+noun2+' repair shop,') print('and in their spare time they studied '+pluralNoun1+' When they') print('started work on their invention, everyone said, "'+exclamation+'!') print('You\'ll never get it off the '+noun3+'." But they built') print('an '+adjective2+' model out of old '+pluralNoun2+' and a used '+noun4) print('The model worked fine, and in ten minutes it toasted 24 slices of') print(pluralTypeOfFood+' It also used of up two gallons of '+typeOfLiquid) print('an hour, and the top converted into a '+noun5+'. They sold the ') print('patent to an '+adjective3+' millionaire for '+number+' dollars and') print('lived '+adverb+' ever after.')