@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Initialize the game counter set "gameCount=0" :playAgain :: Increment the game counter set /a "gameCount+=1" :: Ask the user to choose the difficulty level echo Choose the difficulty level: echo EASY (E), MEDIUM (M), HARD (H) set /p "level=Enter your choice (E/M/H): " :: Set the difficulty level and max tries based on the user's choice set "maxTries=10" set "k=1" if /i "%level%"=="M" set "maxTries=8" & set "k=3" if /i "%level%"=="H" set "maxTries=6" & set "k=10" :: Generate a random number between 10 and 99 set /a "num=10 + %random% %% 90" :: Initialize the number of tries set "tries=0" :guess :: Increment the number of tries set /a "tries+=1" :: Ask the user to guess the number set /p "guess=Guess the number: " :: Check if the guess is valid if !guess! lss 10 ( echo INPUT ERROR goto guess ) if !guess! gtr 99 ( echo INPUT ERROR goto guess ) :: Check if the guess is correct if !guess! equ !num! ( set /a "score=(maxTries - tries + 1) * k" echo YOU WIN score: !score! echo Score: !score!, Date: %date%, Time: %time% >> "%USERNAME%.txt" goto end ) :: Check if the guess is too small or too big if !guess! lss !num! ( echo TOO SMALL ) else ( echo TOO BIG ) :: Check if the maximum number of tries has been reached if !tries! geq !maxTries! ( echo YOU LOOSE It was: !num! goto end ) :: Let the user guess again goto guess :end :: Display the best score if more than one game has been played if !gameCount! gtr 1 ( set "bestScore=0" for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%a in ('type "%USERNAME%.txt"') do ( set "score=%%a" for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%b in ("!score!") do ( set /a "score=%%b" if !score! gtr !bestScore! set "bestScore=!score!" ) ) if !gameCount! equ 0 ( echo == NO SCORES TO COMPARE TO YET == ) else ( echo == BEST SCORE !bestScore! == ) ) :: Ask the user if they want to play again set /p "playAgain=Do you want to play again (Y/N)? " if /i "%playAgain%"=="Y" ( goto playAgain ) else ( if /i "%playAgain%"=="N" ( echo Goodbye! ) else ( echo Invalid choice goto end ) ) pause
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