print ("You wake up in a strange house, you do not remember how you got here though.") print ("You look around. The house has 10 doors, all of them are locked.") print ("You find a key on the floor. You pick the key up. You start heading towards the first door.") print ("The first room has a weird painting on the wall, a couch, a bag and a strange looking plush.") interact1 = input ("You have observed your surroundings now. What do you choose to interact with? (A = painting B= bag C = plush.)") print ("You carefully moved the picture. You saw a crowbar behind it.") print ("You grab the crowbar and force the door open. The door opens. You can now go to ROOM 2.") print ("You see an empty room with numbers on the walls. There is nothing else here than the door to ROOM 3. However, the door needs a code.") print ("You look at the numbers on the wall, maybe those will help you with something?") print ("You see: 6____, ___5, _2__, __8_. Maybe these can help with the code.") code = input ("Figure out the code using the numbers on the wall.") print ("The code was right. You open the door to ROOM 3.") print ("ROOM 3 looks like a garden...grass covering the ground, flowers, trees...such a pretty room.") print ("You know you can't stay here, right? You need to find an exit.") print ("You observe your surroundings. grass, flowers, a tree, a swingset hanging from a branch... Which one could help you?") print ("You grab the swingset and see a shovel in it. You pick up the shovel. Maybe you should try digging a bit, you might find a tool that helps you.") print ("You start digging. And yeah, you eventually find a small box. You grab the box and open it. You have found the key to the door of ROOM 4.") print ("You use the key to open the door.") print ("You see ROOM 4...but wait, something is off.") print ("You shake the hazy feeling off. Let's see, what's here. It looks like a bathroom.") print ("It's such a small place. It only has a shelf and a bathtub.") interact2 = input ("What will you interact with? (A = shelf B = bathtub C = whatever is under the shelf.")
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