a year ago
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use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufReader, Write}; use std::path::Path; use serde_json::Value; fn fix_points(points: &mut Vec<(f64, f64)>) { let mut s = 0.0; for i in 0..points.len() { let (px, py) = points[i]; let (qx, qy) = points[(i + 1) % points.len()]; s += (qx - px) * (qy + py); } if s < 0.0 { points.reverse(); } } fn main() { let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect(); if args.len() < 2 { eprintln!("Usage: {} <input_file> [--output <output_file>]", args[0]); std::process::exit(1); } let in_name = &args[1]; let out_name = match args.get(2) { Some(arg) if arg == "--output" => { if args.len() < 4 { eprintln!("No output file provided."); std::process::exit(1); } args[3].clone() } _ => Path::new(in_name).with_extension("txt").to_string_lossy().to_string(), }; let in_file = File::open(in_name).expect("Failed to open input file."); let reader = BufReader::new(in_file); let j: Value = serde_json::from_reader(reader).expect("Failed to parse JSON."); let mut out_file = File::create(&out_name).expect("Failed to create output file."); if let Some(layers) = j["layers"].as_array() { for l in layers { if let Some(name) = l["name"].as_str() { if name == "walls" { if let Some(objects) = l["objects"].as_array() { for o in objects { if let (Some(x), Some(y), Some(polygon)) = (o["x"].as_f64(), o["y"].as_f64(), o["polygon"].as_array()) { let mut points = Vec::new(); for p in polygon { if let (Some(px), Some(py)) = (p["x"].as_f64(), p["y"].as_f64()) { points.push((x + px, y + py)); } } fix_points(&mut points); let s = points.iter().map(|(x, y)| format!("({} {})", x, y)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" "); out_file.write_all(format!("wall [{}]\n", s).as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write to output file."); } } } } else if name == "objects" { if let Some(objects) = l["objects"].as_array() { for o in objects { if let (Some(name), Some(x), Some(y)) = (o["name"].as_str(), o["x"].as_f64(), o["y"].as_f64()) { out_file.write_all(format!("{} ({} {})\n", name, x, y).as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write to output file."); } } } } } } } }