regex cleanup
11 days ago
1.3 kB
export default { data() { return { contact: { address1: '', address2: '', billing: { address1: '', } }, }; }, methods: { // Function to remove unwanted characters removeUnwantedChars(input) { const regex = /[\*\.,\(\)\"\'\:\;\-\@\&]| {2,}/g; return input.replace(regex, ''); }, // Utility function to set a nested value by path setNestedValue(obj, path, value) { const keys = path.split('.'); let target = obj; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length - 1; i++) { target = target[keys[i]]; } target[keys[keys.length - 1]] = value; }, // Utility function to get a nested value by path getNestedValue(obj, path) { return path.split('.').reduce((acc, key) => acc[key], obj); }, // Generic input handler to clean unwanted chars and trigger validation handleInput(fieldPath) { const currentValue = this.getNestedValue(this, fieldPath); const cleanedValue = this.removeUnwantedChars(currentValue); this.setNestedValue(this, fieldPath, cleanedValue); // Trigger the validation after cleaning this.$v[fieldPath].$touch(); } } };
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