Ninepatch Rect Drop Shadow Panel Script
Script that allows the panel to automatically resize and position based on the size and position of the parent node, allowing for a drop shadow to be easily added to a ninepatch rect in Godot 3HoppersEcho
10 months ago
1.1 kB
class_name DropShadowPanel extends MarginContainer export var inset :int = 4 export var drop_amount :int = 8 export var top_buffer :int = 0 export var shadow_size :int = 2 func _ready() -> void: hide() _connect_signals() _test() yield(get_owner(), "ready") setup(get_parent()) # show() # Manually connect signals at ready func _connect_signals() -> void: pass func _test() -> void: pass func setup(node :Control) -> void: hide() recalculate_size(node) var panel :StyleBox = $Panel.get_stylebox("panel", "") print(panel, " found") panel.set_shadow_size(shadow_size) # $Panel.set("custom_styles/panel:shadow_size", shadow_size) show() func recalculate_size(node :Control) -> void: print("Setting up shadow panel in relation to %s | Node position: %s" % [node, node.rect_position]) rect_min_size = node.rect_size rect_min_size.x -= inset * 2.0 if top_buffer > 0: rect_min_size.y -= top_buffer drop_amount += top_buffer if is_instance_valid(self): yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") rect_position = Vector2(inset, drop_amount) rect_size = Vector2.ZERO