export default function Chat({ messages, onQuestionSubmit, isLoading, isError, queryResponseId, showSource, }: any) { const { projectId, ingestId } = useParams(); const { control, handleSubmit, setValue } = useForm({ defaultValues: { prompt: "", }, resolver: zodResolver(promptSchema), }); const { mutateAsync: conversationCreate } = useCreateConversation(); const [conversationId, setConversationId] = useState(''); const [promptData, setPromptData] = useState<string>(""); const [responseTimeTaken, setResponseTimeTaken] = useState<any>([]); const [elapsedTime, setElapsedTime] = useState<number>(0); const [showOverlay, setShowOverlay] = useState(false); const [audioQueryResponseValue, setAudioQueryResponseValue] = useState<boolean>(false); const [isRecording, setIsRecording] = useState(false); const [reachedTimeLimit, setReachedTimeLimit] = useState(false); // Added state for time limit const mediaStream = useRef<MediaStream | null>(null); const mediaRecorder = useRef<MediaRecorder | null>(null); const chunks = useRef<Blob[]>([]); const inputRef = useRef(null); const messagesRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const recordingTimeout = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null); const { data } = useGetProjectSettings((projectId as string) || ""); const knowledgeBaseIdentifier = storage.get(storageKey.PROJECT_IDENTIFIER); const authTenantId = useAuthTenantId(); const [history, setHistory] = useState<any>([]); const { mutateAsync: audioConversation } = useAudioChat(); const { data: apiToken } = useGetApiToken(authTenantId); const { clientId, clientSecret } = (apiToken as any)?.tokens?.[0] || {}; const authUserName = useAuthUserName(); let apiKey: string = ''; if (apiToken) { apiKey = btoa(clientId?.concat(':', clientSecret)); } const createConversation = async (apiKey: string) => { try { const response = await conversationCreate({ projectId, api_key: apiKey, projectIngestIdentifier: ingestId, username: btoa(authUserName), userType: 'botChat' }); console.log("response", response) setConversationId(response.conversation_id as string); } catch (err: any) { console.log(err); } }; console.log('conversationId', conversationId) useEffect(() => { if (apiKey) { createConversation(apiKey); } }, [conversationCreate, projectId, apiKey, ingestId]); const scrollToBottom = () => { if (messagesRef.current) { messagesRef.current.scrollTop = messagesRef.current.scrollHeight; } }; useEffect(() => { scrollToBottom(); }, [messages]); useEffect(() => { if (!isLoading) { const audioQueryResponse = data?.data?.find( (setting: any) => setting.key === "audioQueryResponse" )?.value; setAudioQueryResponseValue(audioQueryResponse === "enabled"); } }, [data, isLoading]); useEffect(() => { if (isLoading) { setValue("prompt", ""); } }, [isLoading, setValue]); useEffect(() => { inputRef.current && (inputRef.current as HTMLInputElement).focus(); }, [messages, showOverlay]); const onSubmit = (data: TPromptSchema) => { const trimmedPrompt = data.prompt.trim(); if (!trimmedPrompt) return; setPromptData(trimmedPrompt); onQuestionSubmit(trimmedPrompt); }; const toggleOverlay = () => setShowOverlay(!showOverlay); useEffect(() => { if (promptData && isLoading) { const intervalId = setInterval(() => { setElapsedTime((prevTime) => prevTime + 1); }, 1000); return () => clearInterval(intervalId); } else if (promptData && !isLoading) { setResponseTimeTaken((prev: any) => [ ...prev, { promptQuestion: promptData, resultTime: elapsedTime }, ]); setElapsedTime(0); } }, [isLoading, promptData]); const updateHistory = (prompt: string, response: string) => { const chatHistory = [...history]; chatHistory.push([prompt, response]); setHistory(chatHistory); }; const handleStartRecording = async () => { if (!navigator.mediaDevices?.getUserMedia || typeof MediaRecorder === "undefined") { console.error("Browser does not support audio recording."); return; } setReachedTimeLimit(false); // Reset the time limit flag try { const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); mediaStream.current = stream; mediaRecorder.current = new MediaRecorder(stream); chunks.current = []; // Reset chunks mediaRecorder.current.ondataavailable = (e) => { if (e.data.size > 0) { chunks.current.push(e.data); console.log("Chunk added, size:", e.data.size); } }; mediaRecorder.current.start(100); // Start recording and fire ondataavailable every 100ms setIsRecording(true); setShowOverlay(true); console.log("Recording started"); // Set a timeout to stop recording after 10 seconds recordingTimeout.current = setTimeout(() => { setReachedTimeLimit(true); // Update reachedTimeLimit state handleStopRecording(); }, 10000); } catch (error) { console.error("Error starting recording:", error); alert("Failed to access microphone. Please check permissions."); } }; const stopAllTracks = () => { if (mediaStream.current) { mediaStream.current.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop()); mediaStream.current = null; } if (mediaRecorder.current) { mediaRecorder.current = null; } if (recordingTimeout.current) { clearTimeout(recordingTimeout.current); recordingTimeout.current = null; } }; const handleStopRecording = async () => { if (mediaRecorder.current?.state === "recording") { mediaRecorder.current.stop(); await new Promise(resolve => mediaRecorder.current!.addEventListener("stop", resolve)); } stopAllTracks(); setIsRecording(false); setShowOverlay(false); console.log("reachedTimeLimit", reachedTimeLimit); if (reachedTimeLimit) { console.log("Recording reached time limit. API call cancelled."); return; } if (chunks.current.length === 0) { console.error("No audio chunks were recorded."); return; } try { const audioBlob = new Blob(chunks.current, { type: "audio/wav" }); console.log("Audio Blob size:", audioBlob.size); if (audioBlob.size === 0) { console.error("Audio Blob is empty."); return; } const fileName = `audio_${knowledgeBaseIdentifier}_${conversationId}.wav`; const file = new File([audioBlob], fileName, { type: "audio/wav" }); console.log("File created:", file); const response = await audioConversation({ projectId, file, api_key: apiKey, conversation_id: conversationId, }); console.log("Audio API Response:", response); } catch (error) { console.error("Error uploading audio:", error); alert("Error uploading audio. Please try again."); } }; const handleCancel = () => { stopAllTracks(); chunks.current = []; setIsRecording(false); setShowOverlay(false); setReachedTimeLimit(false); // Reset reachedTimeLimit state }; const lastMsgIndex = messages.length - 1; return ( <ChatStyled> <Box className="chat-styled-wrapper"> <Stack className="chat-scrollbar" spacing={2} ref={messagesRef}> <Box className="bot"> <Message message={{ text: "Hi there! How can I assist you today?", sender: "bot", }} hideFeedback={true} /> </Box> {messages?.map((message: any, index: number) => ( <Box key={index} className={message.sender === "bot" ? "bot" : "user"}> <Message index={index} lastMsgIndex={lastMsgIndex} message={message} showSource={showSource} queryResponseId={queryResponseId} timer={elapsedTime} responseDataTime={responseTimeTaken} /> </Box> ))} </Stack> {isLoading && ( <Box sx={{ pb: 4, textAlign: "left", display: "flex", alignItems: "center", paddingLeft: "1rem" }}> <Box sx={{ height: "20px", width: "20px", marginRight: "0.5rem" }}> <LoadingIcon /> </Box> <Typography color="#ccc">Generating answers, Please wait.</Typography> </Box> )} {isError && !isLoading && ( <Box sx={{ pb: 2 }}> <Typography color="error">Something went wrong.</Typography> </Box> )} <Box> <form onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (isRecording) { handleStopRecording(); } else { setReachedTimeLimit(false); handleSubmit(onSubmit)(); } }} > <Box className="chatbox"> {!isRecording ? ( <FormInputText size="large" fullWidth placeholder="Type a message" variant="outlined" sx={{ input: { width: "calc(100% - 64px)" } }} name="prompt" control={control} type="text" displayError={false} disabled={isLoading} autofocus={true} multiline={true} maxRows={4} minRows={1} handleMultiLineEnter={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} inputRef={inputRef} /> ) : ( <Box> <Box borderRadius={16} bgcolor="" borderColor="red" border={1} py={2} px={1}> <Typography variant="h6"> {reachedTimeLimit ? "Recording stopped after 10 seconds. Please try again." : "Recording... (Max 10 seconds)"} </Typography> <IconButton className="close-button" onClick={handleCancel}> <Close /> </IconButton> </Box> </Box> )} <Box sx={{ position: "absolute", top: 7, right: 60, display: "flex", alignItems: "center", }} > {audioQueryResponseValue && !isRecording && ( <Tooltip title="Use Voice Mode" placement="top"> <IconButton onClick={handleStartRecording} > <SoundIcon /> </IconButton> </Tooltip> )} </Box> <IconButton type="submit" className={`icon-button ${!isLoading && "icon-button-hover"}`} > {isLoading ? ( <CircularProgress sx={{ height: "20px !important", width: "20px !important" }} /> ) : ( <SendIcon /> )} </IconButton> <Box className="scroll-to-bottom" component="span" onClick={scrollToBottom}> <Tooltip title="Scroll to Bottom"> <IconButton> <KeyboardArrowDownIcon /> </IconButton> </Tooltip> </Box> </Box> </form> </Box> </Box> </ChatStyled> ); }
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