2 months ago
6.9 kB
class ManualRotationScreen(ctk.CTkToplevel): def __init__(self, parent, dark_mode: bool, language='EN', settings_menu=None): super().__init__(parent) self.language = getattr(parent, 'LANGUAGE', 'EN') self.settings_menu = settings_menu self._destroyed = False self._closing = False # Use CircularProgress's class-level turntable reference self.turntable = CircularProgress._turntable self.bin_config = BinConfiguration() # Make it fullscreen and disable all close operations self.overrideredirect(True) self.geometry(f"{self.winfo_screenwidth()}x{self.winfo_screenheight()}+0+0") self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: None) self.attributes('-topmost', True) # Set colors to match main screen self.dark_mode = dark_mode self.bg_color = '#1c1c1e' if dark_mode else '#f5f5f7' self.configure(fg_color=self.bg_color) # Create title label self.title_label = ctk.CTkLabel( self, text=TRANSLATIONS[self.language].get('manual_rotation', 'Manual Rotation'), font=("Dongle", 40, "bold"), text_color='white' if dark_mode else 'black' ) self.title_label.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.18, anchor='center') # Create circles frame with transparent background self.circles_frame = ctk.CTkFrame(self, fg_color="transparent") self.circles_frame.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor='center') # Add padding frame with transparent background self.padding_frame = ctk.CTkFrame(self.circles_frame, fg_color="transparent") self.padding_frame.pack(padx=50) # Create Grey Circles for each bin for bin_config in self.bin_config.bins: container = ctk.CTkFrame(self.padding_frame, fg_color="transparent") container.pack(side='left', padx=15) progress = RotationCircleButton( container, bin_id=bin_config['id'], size=220, language=language, dark_mode=dark_mode, command=lambda bid=bin_config['id']: self._rotate_to_position(bid) ) progress.pack() progress.set_dark_mode(dark_mode) # Add larger close button self.close_button = ctk.CTkLabel( self, text="×", width=60, # Increased width height=60, # Increased height text_color='white' if dark_mode else 'black', font=("Arial", 48, "bold"), # Increased font size cursor="hand2" ) self.close_button.place(relx=0.98, rely=0.05, anchor="ne") # Adjusted position self.close_button.bind("<Button-1>", self.handle_close) self.close_button.bind("<Enter>", lambda e: self.close_button.configure(text_color="#ff3b30")) self.close_button.bind("<Leave>", lambda e: self.close_button.configure( text_color='white' if dark_mode else 'black' )) # Bind destruction event self.bind("<Destroy>", self.on_destroy) def handle_close(self, event=None): """Handle closing the screen safely""" if self._closing or self._destroyed: return self._closing = True try: # Close settings menu if open if self.settings_menu and self.settings_menu.is_open: self.settings_menu.close_menu() # Apply temporary cooldown to all instances for instance in CircularProgress._instances: if not instance._destroyed: instance.can_press = False instance.is_pressed = False instance.press_animation_active = False # Schedule re-enabling after delay self.after(1500, self._re_enable_instances) # Schedule actual destruction self.after(100, self.destroy) except Exception as e: print(f"Error during close: {e}") self.destroy() def _re_enable_instances(self): """Re-enable CircularProgress instances""" try: for instance in CircularProgress._instances: if not instance._destroyed: instance.can_press = True except Exception as e: print(f"Error re-enabling instances: {e}") def on_destroy(self, event): """Handle destruction of the window""" if event.widget is self and not self._destroyed: self._destroyed = True self._re_enable_instances() def _rotate_to_position(self, bin_id): """Rotate to the specified bin position""" if self._closing or self._destroyed: return print(f"Starting rotation to {bin_id}") if not self.turntable or not self.turntable.is_initialized: print("No turntable controller available or not initialized") MessageDialog( self.winfo_toplevel(), TRANSLATIONS[self.language].get('please_wait', 'Please wait'), self.dark_mode ) return # Create loading screen loading_screen = LoadingScreen( self.winfo_toplevel(), message=TRANSLATIONS[self.language].get('moving_bin', 'Moving to position...'), dark_mode=self.dark_mode, language=self.language ) def perform_rotation(): try: if self._destroyed: return # Calculate target position target_position = self.turntable.positions[bin_id] # Calculate and execute movement steps, direction = self.turntable._calculate_steps(target_position) self.turntable._move_motor(steps, direction) self.turntable.current_position = target_position # Close loading screen after movement completes if not self._destroyed: self.after(500, loading_screen.close) except Exception as e: print(f"Error during rotation: {e}") if not self._destroyed: self.after(0, loading_screen.close) # Run rotation in separate thread thread = threading.Thread(target=perform_rotation, daemon=True) thread.start()
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