a year ago
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import pytesseract from PIL import Image import numpy as np import queue # Load the image img = Image.open('image.png') # Convert the image to a numpy array img_array = np.array(img) # Define the connectivity of the pixels connectivity = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] # Define the heuristic function def heuristic(node, goal): return abs(node - goal) + abs(node[1] - goal[1]) # Define the A* search function def astar(img_array, start, goal): q = queue.PriorityQueue() q.put((0, start)) visited = set() text = '' while not q.empty(): _, node = q.get() if node in visited: continue visited.add(node) x, y = node if img_array[x][y] == 0: text += pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.fromarray(img_array)) if node == goal: break for dx, dy in connectivity: nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy if 0 <= nx < img_array.shape and 0 <= ny < img_array.shape[1]: cost = heuristic((nx, ny), goal) q.put((cost, (nx, ny))) return text # Define the BFS function def bfs(img_array, start): q = queue.Queue() q.put(start) visited = set() text = '' while not q.empty(): node = q.get() if node in visited: continue visited.add(node) x, y = node if img_array[x][y] == 0: text += pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.fromarray(img_array)) for dx, dy in connectivity: nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy if 0 <= nx < img_array.shape and 0 <= ny < img_array.shape[1]: q.put((nx, ny)) return text # Define the DFS function def dfs(img_array, start): stack = [start] visited = set() text = '' while stack: node = stack.pop() if node in visited: continue visited.add(node) x, y = node if img_array[x][y] == 0: text += pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.fromarray(img_array)) for dx, dy in connectivity: nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy if 0 <= nx < img_array.shape and 0 <= ny < img_array.shape[1]: stack.append((nx, ny)) return text # Perform A* search, BFS, and DFS on the image start = (0, 0) goal = (img_array.shape - 1, img_array.shape[1] - 1) text_astar = astar(img_array, start, goal) text_bfs = bfs(img_array, start) text_dfs = dfs(img_array, start) # Print the recognized text print('A*:', text_astar) print('BFS:', text_bfs) print('DFS:', text_dfs)