opt-2 niepełnyimport random random.seed(213) d = [] length_of_instance = 10 for i in range(length_of_instance): d.append([]) for _i in range(length_of_instance): if i != _i: d[i].append(random.randint(1, 2000)); else: d[i].append(0) print("Current distance matrix") print(d) route = [j for j in range(length_of_instance)] random.shuffle(route) def route_cost(rout): total_dist = d[rout[0]][rout[-1]] for i in range(len(rout)-1): total_dist+= d[rout[i]][rout[i+1]] return total_dist print(f'For route before opt-2: {route} the total cost equals to {route_cost(route)}') def opt_2_shift(rout, A, C): midpath = rout[A+1:C] midpath.reverse() return rout[:A+1] + midpath + rout[C:] for i in range(length_of_instance): for j in range(i,length_of_instance): new_route = opt_2_shift(route,i,j) if route_cost(new_route)< route_cost(route): route = new_route print(f'For route after initial round of opt-2: {route} the total cost equals to {route_cost(route)}')
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