a month ago
1.6 kB
#include <stdio.h> struct file { char fname[10]; int start, size, block[10]; } f[10]; void main() { int n, allocated[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { allocated[i] = 0; } printf("Enter no. of files:"); scanf("%d", &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("\nEnter file name:"); scanf("%s", f[i].fname); printf("Enter starting block (0-9):"); scanf("%d", &f[i].start); if (f[i].start < 0 || f[i].start >= 10) { printf("Invalid starting block. Please enter a value between 0 and 9.\n"); return; } f[i].block[0] = f[i].start; allocated[f[i].start] = 1; printf("Enter no. of blocks:"); scanf("%d", &f[i].size); printf("Enter block numbers:\n"); for (int j = 1; j <= f[i].size; j++) { x: scanf("%d", &f[i].block[j]); if (f[i].block[j] < 0 || f[i].block[j] >= 10) { printf("Invalid block number. Please enter a value between 0 and 9.\n"); return; } if (allocated[f[i].block[j]] == 1) { printf("Block %d is already allocated-->enter another block\n", f[i].block[j]); goto x; } allocated[f[i].block[j]] = 1; } } printf("File\tstart\tsize\tblock\n"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%s\t%d\t\t%d\t", f[i].fname, f[i].start, f[i].size); for (int j = 0; j <= f[i].size - 1; j++) { printf("%d--->", f[i].block[j]); } printf("%d", f[i].block[f[i].size]); printf("\n"); } }
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