a year ago
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import pandas as pd import mysql.connector import json from base64 import b64decode as base_b64decode from base64 import b64encode as base_b64encode import re releaseId = '275.2' releaseType = '' replicationTarget = 'TESTING' catalogId = '' opId = 'HOB' buId = 'DEFAULT' replicationJobId = '' json_file_path = "/app/scripts/PPM_Release_Management/Product_Catalog_ETL/config/ppm_reply.json" try: with open(json_file_path) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) #For PPM_PC encrypt = json_data.get('PPM_PC', {}).get('ENCRYPT') host = json_data.get('PPM_PC', {}).get('DB_HOST') port = json_data.get('PPM_PC', {}).get('DB_PORT') user = json_data.get('PPM_PC', {}).get('DB_USER') if encrypt == 'Y': password = base_b64decode(json_data.get('PPM_PC', {}).get('DB_PASSWORD')).decode('utf-8') else: password = json_data.get('PPM_PC', {}).get('DB_PASSWORD') cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port) cursor = cnx.cursor() primary_query = "SELECT * FROM tibtcare_ppm_st2.etl_ppm_replication_master" cursor.execute(primary_query) rows = cursor.fetchall() columns = [desc[0] for desc in cursor.description] df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns) filtered_df = df[df['eprm_catalog'].isin(['PC']) & (df['eprm_enabled_flg'] == 'Y') & df['eprm_table_type'].isin(['MASTER' or 'AUDIT'])] #replicationTarget encrypt_tar = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('ENCRYPT') host_tar = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_HOST') port_tar = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_PORT') user_tar = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_USER') if encrypt_tar == 'Y': password = base_b64decode(json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_PASSWORD')).decode('utf-8') else: password = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_PASSWORD') cnx_tar = mysql.connector.connect(user=user_tar, password=password, host=host_tar, port=port_tar) cursor_tar = cnx.cursor() for _, row in filtered_df.iterrows(): eprm_table_name = row['eprm_table_name'] eprm_join_cols_entity = row['eprm_join_cols_entity'] eprm_join_cols_reim = row['eprm_join_cols_reim'] eprm_table_alias = row['eprm_table_alias'] eprm_table_type=row['eprm_table_type'] clause_removed_reim_join = eprm_join_cols_reim.replace(" AND", "").replace("=", "") remove_string = [eprm_table_alias + "." + v for v in eprm_join_cols_entity.split(",")] if eprm_table_alias + ".version" not in remove_string and eprm_table_alias + ".version" in eprm_join_cols_reim: remove_string = remove_string + [eprm_table_alias + ".version"] eprm_join_cols_entity = eprm_join_cols_entity + ", version" reim_select_cols = clause_removed_reim_join for v in remove_string: reim_select_cols = reim_select_cols.replace(v, "").replace("reim.", "") reim_select_cols = reim_select_cols.replace(" ", ",") if eprm_table_type == "AUDIT" and eprm_table_alias + ".version" in remove_string and "reim.version" not in eprm_join_cols_reim: reim_select_cols = reim_select_cols + ",version" # Replace the column fields in the secondary query with the extracted column names #reim_select_cols=re.sub(r'\w+\.','',reim_select_cols) split_parts = reim_select_cols.split(',') replaced_parts = [] for part in split_parts: dot_index = part.find('.') if dot_index != -1: replaced_part = part[dot_index + 1:] replaced_parts.append(replaced_part) else: replaced_parts.append(part) replaced_string = ','.join(replaced_parts) #print(replaced_string) secondary_query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tibtcare_ppm_st2.{eprm_table_name} WHERE ("+eprm_join_cols_entity+") IN (SELECT "+replaced_string+" FROM tibtcare_ppm_st2.release_entity_inst_map WHERE release_id='"+releaseId+"' AND op_id='"+opId+"' AND bu_id='"+buId+"')" #print(secondary_query) try: cursor_tar.execute(secondary_query) result = cursor_tar.fetchone() print(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]}") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(f"Error occurred while executing the query: {err}") cursor.close() cnx.close() except FileNotFoundError: print(f"File {json_file_path} not found.") except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error occurred while parsing JSON file.") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(f"Error occurred while connecting to the MySQL database: {err}") except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")