2 months ago
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public static class SingletonHub { readonly static Log.Logger LOGGER = Log.SetTag(nameof(SingletonHub)); readonly static Dictionary<Type, Func<object>> valueFactories = new(); readonly static Dictionary<Type, object> instances = new(); public static void Register(Func<object> valueFactory, Type type, bool overrideFactory = false, bool overrideValue = false) { if (!overrideValue && instances.ContainsKey(type)) { LOGGER.Error($"Already has an object associated with key \"{type}\""); return; } if (overrideFactory) { valueFactories[type] = valueFactory; return; } valueFactories.Add(type, valueFactory); } public static void Register(object ins, Type type, bool overrideFactory = false, bool overrideValue = false) { if (valueFactories.ContainsKey(type)) { if (!overrideFactory) { LOGGER.Error($"Already has an value factory associated with key \"{type}\""); return; } valueFactories.Remove(type); } if (overrideValue) { instances[type] = ins; return; } instances.Add(type, ins); } public static void Register<T>(Func<T> valueFactory, bool @override = false) { Register(valueFactory, typeof(T), @override); } public static void Register<T>(T ins, bool @override = false) { Register(ins, ins.GetType(), @override); } public static T Get<T>() { Type key = typeof(T); if (valueFactories.ContainsKey(key)) { instances[key] = valueFactories[key].Invoke(); valueFactories.Remove(key); } return (T)instances[key]; } public static void Clear() { instances.Clear(); } }
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