# Set the API URL
set api_url "https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/dwd-icon?latitude=41.57&longitude=23.28&daily=weathercode,temperature_2m_max,temperature_2m_min,apparent_temperature_max,apparent_temperature_min,sunrise,sunset,precipitation_sum,rain_sum,showers_sum,snowfall_sum,precipitation_hours,windspeed_10m_max,windgusts_10m_max,winddirection_10m_dominant,shortwave_radiation_sum,et0_fao_evapotranspiration¤t_weather=true&timeformat=unixtime&timezone=Africa%2FCairo"
# Define the commands
bind pub - "!now" weather_now
bind pub - "!today" weather_today
bind pub - "!monday" weather_monday
bind pub - "!tuesday" weather_tuesday
bind pub - "!wednesday" weather_wednesday
bind pub - "!thursday" weather_thursday
bind pub - "!friday" weather_friday
bind pub - "!saturday" weather_saturday
bind pub - "!sunday" weather_sunday
# Define the procedures
proc get_weather {url} {
set token [http::geturl $url]
set data [http::data $token]
http::cleanup $token
return $data
proc parse_weather {data} {
set json_data [json::json2dict $data]
set temperature [dict get $json_data temperature_2m]
set description [dict get $json_data weathercode]
set sunrise [dict get $json_data sunrise]
set sunset [dict get $json_data sunset]
set precipitation [dict get $json_data precipitation_sum]
set wind_speed [dict get $json_data windspeed_10m_max]
set wind_direction [dict get $json_data winddirection_10m_dominant]
return "Temperature: $temperature°C\nDescription: $description\nSunrise: $sunrise\nSunset: $sunset\nPrecipitation: $precipitation mm\nWind Speed: $wind_speed km/h\nWind Direction: $wind_direction"
proc weather_now {nick host handle channel text} {
set data [get_weather $::api_url]
set response [parse_weather $data]
putquick "PRIVMSG $channel :$response"
proc weather_today {nick host handle channel text} {
set data [get_weather $::api_url]
set json_data [json::json2dict $data]
set forecast_data [dict get $json_data daily 0]
set temperature_max [dict get $forecast_data temperature_2m_max]
set temperature_min [dict get $forecast_data temperature_2m_min]
set description [dict get $forecast_data weathercode]
set response "Today's Forecast:\nMaximum Temperature: $temperature_max°C\nMinimum Temperature: $temperature_min°C\nDescription: $description"
putquick "PRIVMSG $channel :$response"
proc weather_monday {nick host handle channel text} {
# Get the forecast for Monday (index 1)
set data [get_weather $::api_url]
set json_data [json::json2dict $data]
set forecast_data [dict get $json_data daily 1]
# Parse the forecast data
set temperature_max [dict get $forecast_data temperature_2m_max]
set temperature_min [dict get $forecast_data temperature_2m_min]
set description [dict get $forecast_data weathercode]
# Construct and send the response message
set response "Monday's Forecast:\nMaximum Temperature: ${temperature_max}°C\nMinimum Temperature: ${temperature_min}°C\nDescription: ${description}"
putquick "PRIVMSG ${channel} :${response}"
# Define procedures for other days of the week in a similar way