self.instantshoot=false; self thread doinstashoot();// DELETE THE ONES WE PUT IN THERE ALREADY AND JUST HAVE THIS INSTEAD //replace the functions with these toggleInstantshoot() { if(self.instantshoot==true) { self iPrintln("Instashoot ^1OFF"); self.instantshoot=false; self enableWeapons(); } else if(self.instantshoot==false) { self iPrintln("Instashoot ^2ON"); self.instantshoot = true; self enableWeapons(); } } doinstashoot() { self endon("death"); self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "stop_instashoot" ); for(;;) { if(self.instantshoot==true) { self waittill( "weapon_change" ); self thread shootything(); } else if(self.instantshoot==false) { self.instantshoot=false; } wait 0.05; } } shootything() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "reload_rechamber" ); self endon("death"); self endon("end instant thing"); self endon("next_weapon"); self endon("weapon_armed"); self endon("weapon_fired"); for(;;) { if( self getcurrentweapon() != "airdrop_marker_mp") { if ( self attackbuttonpressed() && !self isreloading() ) { self disableWeapons(); wait 0.01; self enableWeapons(); self notify("end instant thing"); } } wait 0.01; } }
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