3 years ago
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Code: // Used for input & output functions #include <stdio.h> // Used for exit function #include <stdlib.h> // Used for string function #include <string.h> #define MAX 50 // Function used to enter Customer in queue void customerEntry(); // Function used to exit Customer in queue void customerExit(); // Function used to print Waiting in queue void customerWaiting(); // Array to store customer name char queue[MAX][MAX]; // Intialize from & rear to -1 int rear = - 1; int front = - 1; // Main Function int main() { // Used to store choice int choice; // Infinite loop till user exit while (1) { // Print meu printf("\n1.Customer Entry\n"); printf("2.Customer Exit\n"); printf("3.Waiting Customers\n"); printf("4.Exit\n"); // Take choice printf("\nEnter your choice : "); scanf("%d", &choice); // Perform based on choice switch(choice) { // If choice is 1 case 1: // Call customerEntry() customerEntry(); break; // If choice is 2 case 2: // Call customerExit() customerExit(); break; // If choice is 3 case 3: // Call customerWaiting() customerWaiting(); break; // If choice is 4 case 4: exit(1); // If any other choice default: printf("Error: Invalid Choice."); } } } // Function used to enter Customer in queue void customerEntry() { // Used to store name char custName[MAX]; // If Queue is full if(rear == MAX - 1) // Print warning printf("Customer Queue is already full... Please wait for sometime"); // If queue is not full else { // If queue is empty if(front== - 1) // Set front to 0 front = 0; // Read newline getchar(); // Take name printf("Enter the customer name: "); scanf("%[^\n]s", custName); // Increase rear by 1 rear = rear + 1; // Add customer at rear of queue strcpy(queue[rear], custName); printf("Customer Successfully Enter in Queue\n"); } } // Function used to exit Customer in queue void customerExit() { // If qqueue is empty if(front == - 1 || front > rear) { printf("Queue is already empty"); return; } // If queue is not empty else { printf("Customer exit from queue : %s\n", queue[front]); front = front + 1; } } // Function used to print Waiting in queue void customerWaiting() { int i; // If queue is empty if(front == - 1) printf("Queue is qlready empty"); // If Queue is not empty else { printf("\nWating list of Customer: "); // Loop for each Customer for(i = front; i <= rear; i++) { // Print name printf("%s ", queue[i]); if(i != rear) printf(" --> "); } printf("\n"); } }
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