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import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import make_moons # ======================================================================== # dataset """ n_tot = 800 n = int(n_tot/2) # two moons, not really linearly separable X, y = make_moons(n_tot, noise=0.15, random_state=0) # divide data into training and testing np.random.seed(42) order = np.random.permutation(n_tot) train = order[:n] test = order[n:] Xtr = X[train, :] ytr = y[train] Xtst = X[test, :] ytst = y[test] np.save("quiz2_datafiles/Xtr.npy", Xtr) np.save("quiz2_datafiles/Xtst.npy", Xtst) np.save("quiz2_datafiles/ytr.npy", ytr) np.save("quiz2_datafiles/ytst.npy", ytst) """ Xtr = np.load("quiz2_datafiles/Xtr.npy") Xtst = np.load("quiz2_datafiles/Xtst.npy") ytr = np.load("quiz2_datafiles/ytr.npy") ytst = np.load("quiz2_datafiles/ytst.npy") n = len(ytr) plt.figure() colors = ["g", "b"] for (X, y) in [(Xtr, ytr), (Xtst, ytst)]: for ii in range(2): class_indices = np.where(y==ii)[0] plt.scatter(X[class_indices, 0], X[class_indices, 1], c=colors[ii]) plt.title("full dataset") plt.show() # ======================================================================== # classifier # The perceptron algorithm will be encountered later in the course # How exactly it works is not relevant yet, it's enough to just know it's a binary classifier from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron as binary_classifier # It can be used like this: bc = binary_classifier() bc.fit(Xtr, ytr) # this is how to train the classifier on training data preds = bc.predict(Xtst) # this is how to obtain predictions on test data