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Public Class MainForm Private Sub btnCalculateAverage_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateAverage.Click Dim temperatures(4) As String Dim sum As Double = 0 Dim average As Double = 0 Dim isValid As Boolean = True ' Store the TextBox values in the temperatures array temperatures(0) = txtWeek1.Text temperatures(1) = txtWeek2.Text temperatures(2) = txtWeek3.Text temperatures(3) = txtWeek4.Text temperatures(4) = txtWeek5.Text ' Check the input and calculate the sum For i As Integer = 0 To 4 Dim temp As Double If Not Double.TryParse(temperatures(i), temp) Then ' Set isValid to False if the input is non-numeric isValid = False ' Display an error message in the StatusStrip statusLabel.Text = "Error: Non-numeric input for Week #" & (i + 1).ToString() & ". Please enter a numeric value." ElseIf temp < -50 OrElse temp > 130 Then ' Set isValid to False if the temperature is out of range isValid = False ' Display an error message in the StatusStrip statusLabel.Text = "Error: Invalid temperature for Week #" & (i + 1).ToString() & ". Please enter a value between -50 and 130." Else sum += temp End If If Not isValid Then ' Set focus to the incorrect field Select Case i Case 0 txtWeek1.Focus() Case 1 txtWeek2.Focus() Case 2 txtWeek3.Focus() Case 3 txtWeek4.Focus() Case 4 txtWeek5.Focus() End Select ' Exit the loop Exit For End If Next If isValid Then ' Calculate the average average = sum / 5 ' Display the average lblAverage.Text = average.ToString("N2") ' Clear the StatusStrip statusLabel.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click ' Clear the TextBoxes, Labels, and StatusStrip txtWeek1.Clear() txtWeek2.Clear() txtWeek3.Clear() txtWeek4.Clear() txtWeek5.Clear() lblAverage.Text = "" statusLabel.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click ' Close the application Me.Close() End Sub End Class