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a year ago
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//中文傻B懶人包說明 看不懂英文請自行google找插件

[01] l4d_shotgun_sound_fix
//第三人稱 散彈槍聽得到聲音, 無bug

[02] ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect

[03] l4d2_assist

[04] l4d_blackandwhite

[05] l4d_afk_commands
//Adds a lot of commands to go AFK or join a team.

[06] Enhanced_Throwables

[07] Realish_Tank_Physx_1.3

[08] l4d_playerjoining

[09] all4dead2
//ADM能創造各種物品與生成特感 (打上!admin選擇all4dead)

[10] l4d_infected_glow

[11] l4d_fire_glow	

[12] l4d_dynamic_light
//Teleports a light_dynamic entity to where survivors are pointing with flashlights on.

[13] l4dffannounce

[14] _[L4D2]Survivor_Legs

[15] l4d2_skill_detect
//各種skill report

[16] pill_passer
//u can pass pill/腎上腺素 by pressing "R" button

[17] kills

[18] l4d2pause
//adm pause the game (!forcepause)

[19] lerptracker
//show player change lerp

[20] l4d2_witch_crown_fix
//Fixes the Witch not dying from a perfectly aligned shotgun blast due to the random nature of the pellet sprea

[21] games
//Games(!code, !roll, !coin)

[22] l4d_pig_infected_notify

[23] l4d_texture_manager_block
//踢出使用mathack 作弊的玩家

[24] admin_hp

[25] l4d2_ai_damagefix
//對AI Hunter與 AI Charger造成的傷害數據跟人類玩家一樣 

[26] l4d2_nobhaps

[27] l4d_tank_rock_ignition

[28] witch_allow_in_safezone

[29] witch_prevent_target_loss

[30] Witch_Double_Startle_Fix

[31] l4d_sm_respawn
//adm 復活玩家 (打上!admin->玩家指令->Respawn Player)

[32] l4d2_weapon_csgo_reload

[33] hp_tank_show

[34] l4d_wind
//管理員可自行增加一堆電腦玩家 (指令!addbot)
//傳送活著的隊友到準心位置上 (打上!admin->玩家指令->Teleport Player)

[35] voiceannounce_ex

[35] show_mic.smx

[36] l4d2_pounce_damage
//戰役模式下體驗AI Hunter高撲傷害

[37] pounceannounce

[38] l4d2_charger_shoved_fix
//Prevents the Charger from slowing down when shoved while charging.

[39] lfd_both_ledge
//Disabling abuse method of receiving free health

[40] lfd_both_fixChainsaw
//Making impossible to use chainsaw while reviving a teammate

[41] Trails_Projectile

[42] l4d_flashlight_speconly

[43] Hunter_pounce_alignment_fix

[44] physics_object_pushfix

[45] l4d_explosion_announcer

[46] l4d_hold_shove_n_switch_fix

[47] l4d2_wskin_rng
//"The Last Stand"大更新之後,有些武器有多種武器皮膚,隨機生成

[48] fix_fastmelee

[49] l4d2_grenade_launcher_world_hit_fix

[50] [L4D2] Survivor Animation Fix pack
//1.使用 Collapse-to-Incap-Pounced 動畫,發生在hunter撲倒倒地的玩家
//2.使用 IncapFrom_Charger 動畫,發生在Charger鬆手之後,玩家已經倒地
//4.使用 IncapFrom_Charger 動畫取代倒地的動畫 (關閉中)

[51] l4d_unswap_empty_primary

[52] l4d2_block_equip_same_melee

[53] left4dhooks
//left4downtown + l4direct

[54] l4d2_weapon_drop_glow_fix

[55] l4d_witch_realism_door_fix

[56] l4d2_spit_glow

[57] l4d2_reload_fix

[58] zombie_spawn_fix
//修正對抗模式中過關玩家正在載入地圖之時,特感玩家無法成為靈魂狀態 (會顯示等待玩家加入遊戲)

[59] l4d_pipebomb_ignore

[60] l4d2_item_hint

[61] jockey_ride_stuck_fix

[62] l4d_drop
//丟棄手中的武器或物品 (輸入!drop)

[63] l4d_tank_rock_destroyer_announce

[64] l4d_fix_deathfall_cam
//避免旁觀者與特感 掉落死亡鏡頭、開場動畫鏡頭、最後救援滅團場景鏡頭卡住

[65] remove_touch_links
// 修復特感處在死亡/倒地區域內換到倖存者隊伍之後倖存者會立即死亡/倒地

[66] l4d_witch_behind_fix
//近距離攻擊witch會立刻轉身 (無法從背後拿近戰卡住Witch裝B)

[67] weapon_spawn_duplicate_fix

[68] l4d_incap_door_fix

[69] l4d_revive_reload_interrupt

[70] trigger_horde_notify
//誰開機關的提示 (不是每個機關都能判斷)

[71] l4d2_block_rocketjump
//防止玩家踩在投擲物品、Tank石頭、普通殭屍、Witch頭上會飛高跳 (source engine bug)

[72] l4d2_spritetrail_fix
//env_spritetrail 物件創建一秒後會消失特效 (source engine bug)

[73] drop_secondary
//玩家死亡 掉落手槍(雙槍)與近戰與電鋸

[74] l4d_death_weapon_respawn_fix
//1. 死亡時有M60主武器,那麼下次復活的時候不再給予M60武器而是給予機槍或散彈槍
//2. 死亡時有主武器,滅團重新回合之後不會再給予T1武器 (不影響過關攜帶的武器)

[75] l4d2_jockey_hitbox_fix
//修正Jockey Hitbox的問題 (影片解說: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DakbNJJzi8)

[76] l4d_fix_shove_duration
//Fix SI getting shoved by nothing.
//The value of z_gun_swing_duration isn't respected internally, but a constant 1.0 instead.

[77] staggersolver

[78] jockey_ride_team_switch_teleport_fix

[79] rock_stumble_block

[80] l4d_dead_save_nodify

[01] blocktrolls

[02] savechat

[03] l4d2_vote_manager3

[04] command_buffer
//避免指令過多 記憶體無法保存

[05] l4d_votes_5

[06] l4d_versus_specListener

[07] firebulletsfix
//修正value 1 tick 誤差

[08] l4d_info_editor
//unlock all melee weapons + edit weapon

[09] l4d2_script_cmd_swap
//Blocks the script command and replaces with a logic_script entity to execute the code instead.

[10] l4d_weapon_prop_give_fix

[11] l4d_game_files_precacher
//預先pre load 一些model 和 sound 檔案, 修正late precache還有避免不存在模組而使得伺服器崩潰

[12] TickrateFixes

[13] l4d_use_priority
//Patches CBaseEntity::GetUsePriority preventing attached entities blocking +USE.
//當玩家身上有其他實體物件會擋住玩家使用E鍵功能 (譬如: Hats、Glare、Weapon Charms)

[14] l4d2_transition_info_fix

[15] disable_cameras

[16] l4d2_shove_fix

[17] l4d_late_model_precacher

[18] l4d2_weapon_equip_glow

[19] smart_ai_rock
//AI Tank不會丟underhand rocks且會立馬轉頭攻擊背後的倖存者

[20] l4d2_pistol_delay

--Dedicated Server專用插件--
[01] dedicated_sceneprocessor
//Provides forwards and natives for manipulation of scenes

[02] dedicated_[L4D2] Melee Weapon Grunts

[03] dedicated_[L4D2] Survivor Carried By Charger Vocalization Restore

[04] dedicated_lfd_both_fixSG552

[05] dedicated_l4d_coop_markers
//戰役模式中顯示人類已走完25% 50% 75%路程

[06] dedicated_l4d_DynamicHostname

[07] dedicated_block_packet_exploits

[01] server_GagMuteBanEx
//!exban 封鎖玩家,有限時間
//!exgag 禁止玩家打字,有限時間
//!exmute 禁止玩家用MIC說話,有限時間

--愚蠢的the last stand更新--
[01] TLS_FollowTarget_Detour
//(win)server.dll + 0x347467
//(lin)server_srv.so!SurvivorBot::IsReachable(CBaseEntity*) const + 0xe

[02] TLS_TriggerMoved_Detour
//Fixing the null pointer dereference in CM_TriggerWorldSpaceBounds() 
//(win)engine.dll + 0x20fc9a
//(lin)engine_srv.so!SV_TriggerMoved(edict_t*, bool) + 0x5e

[03] TLS_EnumEntity-Fix
//Fixing the null pointer dereference in CTriggerTraceEnum::EnumEntity 
//(win)server.dll + 0x10684
//(lin)server_srv.so!CTriggerTraceEnum::EnumEntity(I HandleEntity*) + 0x46

[04] TLS_l4d2_pack_entity_patch
//Fixing SV_PackEntity Error Handler Patch
//(win)KERNELBASE.dll!RaiseException + 0x62
//(lin)engine_srv.so!Sys_Error_Internal(bool, char const*, char*) + 0x119
//need Source Scramble (https://github.com/nosoop/SMExt-SourceScramble/releases)

[05] TLS_l4d2_ladder_patch
//Fixing Crash on CNavLadder::GetPosAtHeight
//(win)server.dll + 0x499d23
//(lin)server_srv.so!CNavLadder::GetPosAtHeight(float) const + 0xe

[06] TLS_GetCollideableTriggerTestBox_Detour
//Fixing the crash with null pointer dereference in CM_GetCollideableTriggerTestBox
(Windows only, Thanks to Drakoshka)

[07] TLS_SV_SolidMoved-Fix
//Fixing the null pointer dereference in SV_SolidMoved
//engine.dll + 0x20fb6f
//Crash happen in the next function called right after engine.dll + 0x20fbad.
(Windows only, Thanks to Drakoshka)

[08] TLS_Tier_MemScan_Detour
//Temp. walkaround agains wrong mem. address access in Tier0, maybe some mem. scan related
(Windows only, Thanks to Drakoshka)

[09] TLS_Server_sub_101D7CB0_Detour
//Null pointer dereference fix in server.dll
(Windows only, Thanks to Drakoshka)

[10] TLS_charger_nav_path_fix-l4d2
//navmesh / SI pathing / charger behavior.
//charger gets stuck and after about 5 mins, server crashes

[01] l4d_telpeort_call