3 months ago
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(automation File below) alias: Doorbell_Motion_Notification sequence: - service: camera.snapshot data: entity_id: camera.front_door filename: /config/www/snapshots/ring_motion_latest.jpg - wait_for_trigger: - platform: time minutes: 0.5 # Wait half a second to ensure the file is written - service: google_generative_ai_conversation.generate_content data: model: models/text-bison-001 # Specify the model (if needed) prompt: > Very briefly describe what you see in this image: {{image_path}}. Your message needs to be short for a phone notification. Ignore stationary objects and buildings. Only describe moving subjects. variables: image_path: /config/www/snapshots/ring_motion_latest.jpg - service: notify.mobile_app_jerry data: message: > Doorbell motion detected! {{generated_text}} response_variable: generated_text: "{{ result.data.response }}" Configuration File below sensor: - platform: template sensors: generated_ai_response: value_template: "{{ states('sensor.last_ai_response') }}" rest_command: generate_ai_insight: url: "https://generativeai.googleapis.com/v1/models/text-bison:generateText" method: POST headers: Authorization: "key removed" Content-Type: "application/json" payload: > { "prompt": { "text": "{{ prompt_text }}" }, "temperature": 0.7, "candidate_count": 1 } content_template: true
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