Parallel LA
3 years ago
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#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* Global Variables - keywordTrie : a instance of keyword_Trie - symbolTable : a instance of class Symbol_Table and object type data-structure Utils data-structures - keyword_node : a class data-type for keyword_Trie data-structure - keyword_Trie : a Trie data-structure to keywords - Symbol_Table : a class type data-base to store real-time declared variables and provide them id - Token : a class to store string-type tokens Global Functions - lexical_analysis() : Lexically analyses a input-stream and returns a vectors of tokens Utils - vector_to_string() : Functions to convert vector of character's to a string Serial lexical Analysis utils - getKeyword() : Looks if the Lexemme is a Keyword - getVariable() : Looks if the Lexemme is a Variable - getParenthesis() : Looks if the lexemme is a Paranthesis - getPunctuation() : Looks if the lexemme is a Punctuation - getWhitespace() : Looks if the lexemme is a WhiteSpace - getRelop() : Looks if the lexemme is a Relop - getNumber() : Looks if the lexemme is a Number */ class identifier { public : int id; // to store the id of the variable string name; // to store the name of the variable identifier() // a null identifier { id=-1; name="\0"; } identifier(int id, string name) { this->id = id; this->name = name; } }; class Symbol_Table { public : int current_size; map<int,identifier> identifiers; // map with 'key : id' and 'value : identifier type object' Symbol_Table() { current_size = 0; // no id's present at initialization } int insert(string var) // returns valid 'integer' if insertions is successful, -1 if not successful { bool allocate = true; // check if the variable is already declared of not, if not allocate position in map, if yes return -1 for(auto node : identifiers) { if( // using {allocate=false;break;} } if(allocate==false) return -1; int id = ++current_size; identifiers[id] = identifier(id,var); return id; } void del(int id) { identifiers.erase(id); } void pop() { identifiers.erase(current_size); current_size--; } }SymbolTable; string vector_to_string(vector<char> str) { string to_string(str.begin(),str.end()); return to_string; } class Token // class token to issue tokens - in this case RELOP tokens { public : string t; // represents the token string for this simple operations Token() { t = "Not an identifiable Token"; } Token(string token_type) { t = "< " + token_type + " >" ; } Token(string token_type ,string token_value) // if the type of token and the name of the operator is provided { t = "< " + token_type + " , " + token_value + " >"; } Token(string token_type, int token_value) { t = "< " + token_type + " , " + to_string(token_value) + " >"; } Token(string token_type ,char token_value) // if the type of token and the name of the operator is provided { t = "< " + token_type + " , " + token_value + " >"; } }; class keyword_node { public : char a; map<char,keyword_node*> dict; bool isTerminal; keyword_node( char a ='\0' ) { this->a = a; isTerminal = false; // default the node is not a terminat } }; class keyword_Trie { public : keyword_node *root; keyword_Trie() { root = new keyword_node(); // the root is pointing to a null object } void insert(string str) // inserts a string into the Trie data-structure { keyword_node *temp = root; int i = 0; while(str[i]!='\0') { char data = str[i]; if(temp->dict.count(data) == 0) temp->dict[data] = new keyword_node(data); temp = temp->dict[data]; i++; } temp->isTerminal = true; } bool nfa(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { int pos = i; bool valid = false; bool loop = true; char data; vector<char> word ; keyword_node *temp = root; while(loop) { if(pos<=file_input.length()) data = file_input[pos]; else {loop = false;data='\0';} if(temp->isTerminal && !isalnum(data)) { valid=true; Token T ; T = Token(vector_to_string(word)); tokens.push_back(T); loop = false; } if(temp->dict.count(data)) // exist in Trie { temp = temp->dict[data]; pos++; word.push_back(data); } else { loop = false; } } if(valid==true) { i=pos;// update i; } return valid; } }keywordTrie; // keywords is a global Trie type data-structure void initialize_keywords() { // initializing all the keywords int number_of_keywords = 2; string keyword[number_of_keywords] = {"if", "else" }; for(int i=0;i<number_of_keywords;i++) { keywordTrie.insert(keyword[i]); } } bool getKeyword(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { int pos = i; bool valid = keywordTrie.nfa(file_input,tokens,i); return valid; } bool getVariable(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { int pos = i; int state = 0; bool loop = true; bool valid = false; vector<char> var; char c; while(loop) { if(pos<=file_input.length()) c = file_input[pos]; else {loop = false;c='\0';} // we will use c++ std::'bool isalpha(char c)' , 'bool isalnum(char c)' switch(state) { case 0 : if(isalpha(c)) { state=1; var.push_back(c); pos++; } else { loop=false; } break; case 1 : if(isalnum(c)) { state=1; var.push_back(c); pos++; } else { state=2; pos++; } break; case 2 : valid = true;loop=false;pos--; /* Steps : - Issue the token - Enter this int Symbol Table */ int id = SymbolTable.insert(vector_to_string(var)); if(id!=-1) { Token T("ID",id); tokens.push_back(T); } else { Token T; tokens.push_back(T); // it will return an un-identifiable Token found mean-while because token is already in symbol-table } break; } } if(valid==true) i=pos; return valid; } bool getArithmetic(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { bool valid = false; char c = file_input[i]; Token T; switch(c) { case '+' : valid=true; T = Token("ARITH",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '-' : valid=true; T = Token("ARITH",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '*' : valid=true; T = Token("ARITH",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '/' : valid=true; T = Token("ARITH",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; } if(valid==true) i++; return valid; } bool getParenthesis(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { bool valid = false; char c = file_input[i]; Token T; switch(c) { case '(' : valid=true; T = Token("PAREN_OPEN",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case ')' : valid=true; T = Token("PAREN_CLOSE",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '{' : valid=true; T = Token("PAREN_OPEN",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '}' : valid=true; T = Token("PAREN_CLOSE",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '[' : valid=true; T = Token("PAREN_OPEN",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case ']' : valid=true; T = Token("PAREN_CLOSE",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; } if(valid==true) i++; return valid; } bool getPunctuation(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { bool valid = false; char c = file_input[i]; Token T; switch(c) { case ';' : valid=true; T = Token("PUNC",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '"' : valid=true; T = Token("PUNC",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; case '\'' : valid=true; T = Token("PUNC",c); tokens.push_back(T); break; } if(valid==true) i++; return valid; } bool getWhitespace(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { int pos = i; int state = 0; bool loop = true; bool valid = false; char c; while(loop) { if(pos<=file_input.length()) c = file_input[pos]; else {loop = false;c='\0';} // we will call the c++ std::isspace(char ch) to check if its a white-space or not switch(state) { case 0 : if(isspace(c)) { state = 1; pos++; } else { loop = valid = false; } break; case 1 : if(isspace(c)) { pos++; } else { state=2; pos++; } break; case 2 : valid = true; loop=false; pos--; break; } } if(valid==true) i=pos; return valid; } bool getRelop(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { int pos = i ; // saving the current position of the 'i' input stream pointer int state = 0; // state is initialized to 0 bool loop = true; // while we have to loop bool valid = false; // valid = True when something is found char c; while(loop) { if(pos<=file_input.length()) c = file_input[pos]; else {loop = false;c='\0';} switch(state) { case 0 : if(c=='<') { pos++; state = 1; } else if(c=='=') { pos++; state = 5; } else if(c=='>') { pos++; state = 6; } else { valid = false; // the valid turns to False loop = false; } break; case 1 :if(c=='=') { pos++; state = 2; } else if(c=='>') { pos++; state = 3; } else { pos++; state = 4; } break; case 2 :{Token T("RELOP","LE"); tokens.push_back(T); valid = true; loop = false; break;} case 3 : {Token T("RELOP","NE"); tokens.push_back(T); valid = true; loop = false; break; } case 4 : {Token T("RELOP","LT"); tokens.push_back(T); valid = true; loop = false; break;} case 5 : {Token T("RELOP","EQ"); tokens.push_back(T); valid = true; loop = false; break;} case 6 : if(c=='=') { pos++; state = 7; } else { pos++; state = 8; } break; case 7 : {Token T("RELOP","GE"); tokens.push_back(T); valid = true; loop = false; break;} case 8 :{ Token T("RELOP","GT"); tokens.push_back(T); pos--; valid = true; loop = false; break;} // End of the loop and the switch conditional statements } } if(valid==true) i = pos; // update pointer to the input in stream return valid; // either true or false } bool getNumber(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens,int &i) { int pos = i ; // saving the current position of the 'i' input stream pointer int state = 0; // state is initialized to 0 bool loop = true; // while we have to loop bool valid = false; // valid = True when something is found vector<char> number_string; char c ; while(loop) { if(pos<=file_input.length()) c = file_input[pos]; else {loop = false;c='\0';} switch(state) { case 0 : if(isdigit(c)) { pos++; state = 1; number_string.push_back(c); } else { valid = false; // the valid turns to False loop = false; } break; case 1 :if(isdigit(c)) { pos++; state = 1; number_string.push_back(c); } else if(c=='.') { pos++; state = 3; number_string.push_back(c); } else if(c=='e') { pos++; state = 6; number_string.push_back(c); } else { pos++; state = 2; } break; case 2 :{ Token T; // put the number into the token T = Token("NUM",vector_to_string(number_string)); tokens.push_back(T); pos--; valid = true; loop = false; break;} case 3 :if(isdigit(c)) { pos++; state = 4; number_string.push_back(c); } else { valid = false; // the valid turns to False loop = false; } break; case 4 :if(isdigit(c)) { pos++; state = 4; number_string.push_back(c); } else if(c=='e') { pos++; state = 6; number_string.push_back(c); } else { pos++; state = 5; } break; case 5 : { Token T; // put the number into the token T = Token("NUM",vector_to_string(number_string)); tokens.push_back(T); pos--; valid = true; loop = false; break;} case 6 :if(isdigit(c)) { pos++; state = 8; number_string.push_back(c); } else if(c=='+' || c=='-') { pos++; state = 7; number_string.push_back(c); } else { valid = false; // the valid turns to False loop = false; } break; case 7 :if(isdigit(c)) { pos++; state = 8; number_string.push_back(c); } else { valid = false; // the valid turns to False loop = false; } break; case 8 :if(isdigit(c)) { pos++; state = 8; number_string.push_back(c); } else { pos++; state = 9; } break; case 9 : { Token T; // put the number into the token T = Token("NUM",vector_to_string(number_string)); tokens.push_back(T); pos--; valid = true; loop = false; break;} // End of the loop and the switch conditional statements } } if(valid==true) i = pos; // update pointer to the input in stream return valid; // either true or false } void serial_lexical_analysis(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens) { int i = 0; // index where the file pointer is at the start - acts like string pointer while(file_input[i]!='\0' && i<=file_input.length()) // till the input stream does not end { if(getKeyword(file_input,tokens,i)); else if(getVariable(file_input,tokens,i)); else if(getNumber(file_input,tokens,i)); // i is the stream pointer - which will be updated if return is True else if(getRelop(file_input,tokens,i)); // i is the stream pointer - which will be updated if return is True else if(getArithmetic(file_input,tokens,i)); else if(getParenthesis(file_input,tokens,i)); else if(getPunctuation(file_input,tokens,i)); else if(getWhitespace(file_input,tokens,i)); else { Token T; // not an identifiabel token tokens.push_back(T); i++; // increment i } } } void parallel_lexical_analysis(string file_input, vector<Token> &tokens) { int i = 0; // index where the file pointer is at the start - acts like string pointer while(file_input[i]!='\0' && i<=file_input.length()) // till the input stream does not end { int final_pos[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // Order : keyword, Variable, Number, Relop, Arithmetic, Parenthesis, Punctuation, Whitespace vector<Token> temp_tokens; // will be deleted as the loop iterates for(int k=0;k<8;k++) { final_pos[k] = i; switch(k) { case 0 : getKeyword(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[0]); break; case 1 : getVariable(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[1]); break; case 2 : getNumber(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[2]); break; case 3 : getRelop(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[3]); break; case 4 : getArithmetic(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[4]); break; case 5 : getParenthesis(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[5]); break; case 6 : getPunctuation(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[6]); break; case 7 : getWhitespace(file_input,temp_tokens,final_pos[7]); break; } } // see what to call finally int max_index = -1; int max_pos = i; for(int k=0;k<8;k++) { if(final_pos[k]>max_pos) { max_index = k; max_pos = final_pos[k]; } } if(max_index == -1) // i.e no token is issued { Token T; // not an identifiabel token tokens.push_back(T); i++; // increment i } else { // A Token will surely be issued // correcting the Symbol Table if(final_pos[1]>i) SymbolTable.pop(); // popping the identifier if issued from the symbol table // Now issuing the original token by using the max_index switch(max_index) { case 0 : getKeyword(file_input,tokens,i); break; case 1 : getVariable(file_input,tokens,i);break; case 2 : getNumber(file_input,tokens,i); break; case 3 : getRelop(file_input,tokens,i); break; case 4 : getArithmetic(file_input,tokens,i); break; case 5 : getParenthesis(file_input,tokens,i); break; case 6 : getPunctuation(file_input,tokens,i); break; case 7 : getWhitespace(file_input,tokens,i); break; } } } } int main() { // Initializing start initialize_keywords(); // Initialization done cout<<"Enter number of test cases : "; int t; // test cases cin>>t; while(t--) // starts from t-1 to 0 ( t times ) { cout<<"Enter the Input Stream : "; string input_stream; fflush(stdin); getline(cin,input_stream); cout<<"\n"<<"Lexical Analysis for Input Stream : "<<input_stream; vector<Token> tokens; // for serial navigation // serial_lexical_analysis(input_stream,tokens); // for paralle navigation parallel_lexical_analysis(input_stream,tokens); cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<tokens.size();i++) cout<<tokens[i].t<<endl; cout<<"\n"; cout<<endl; } return 0; }