18 days ago
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% Prompt the user to select an image file [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.tif', 'Image Files (*.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.tif)'}); if isequal(filename, 0) disp('User selected Cancel'); return; end % Read the selected image originalImage = imread(fullfile(pathname, filename)); % Check if the image is grayscale if size(originalImage, 3) ~= 1 error('The input image must be a grayscale image.'); end % Ensure the image is 8-bit if ~isa(originalImage, 'uint8') originalImage = uint8(originalImage); end % Check the size of the image [originalHeight, originalWidth] = size(originalImage); if originalHeight ~= 1024 || originalWidth ~= 1024 error('The input image must be 1024 x 1024 pixels.'); end % Subsample the image to 32 x 32 pixels newSize = [32 32]; subsampledImage = imresize(originalImage, newSize, 'bilinear'); % Display the original and subsampled images figure; subplot(1, 2, 1); imshow(originalImage); title('Original 1024 x 1024 Image'); subplot(1, 2, 2); imshow(subsampledImage); title('Subsampled 32 x 32 Image');
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