loadSections(request: EditorSelectionChangeRequest) { const { nodes: nodeQueue, sectionsToRemove } = request; const queue: Node[] = [...nodeQueue]; // Remove sections if necessary if (sectionsToRemove) { sectionsToRemove.forEach((key) => { const section = ( this.flattenDataService.flattenDataByKey( [...(this.pageLayouts ?? [])].map((lay) => lay.sections).flat(1), 'content' ) as PageSection[] ).find((sec) => sec.key && sec.key === key); if (section) { section.content = []; section.tables = []; section.header = undefined; section.expandedOnce = false; section.collapsed = false; section.loading = true; section.isItem = false; section.styleClass = undefined; section.messages = []; } }); } while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.shift(); // Get the next node if (!node) continue; const nodeIsItemChild = [...(node.key?.split('-') ?? [])].length > 1 && isNaN(Number(node.key?.split('-')[0])); // Check if the section is already loaded if (this.getSectionLoadedState(<string>node.key) || !node.parent) { if ( this.queryStringService .getUrlParamsByKey(SELECTION_PARAM_KEY) .some((key) => key === node.key) || node.selectable === false ) { this.queryStringService.removeUrlParamsByKey(SELECTION_PARAM_KEY, [ <string>node.key, ]); this.selectionChange$.next({ node, requestType: EditorSelectionChangeType.Hide, }); } else { this.queryStringService.addUrlParam( SELECTION_PARAM_KEY, <string>node.key ); this.selectionChange$.next({ node, requestType: EditorSelectionChangeType.Show, }); } continue; } // Handle parent node loading for item children if (nodeIsItemChild) { const parentHasLoaded = this.getSectionLoadedState( <string>node.parent?.key ); if (node.parent && !parentHasLoaded) { queue.unshift(node.parent); // Add parent to the front of the queue continue; } } const layout = [...(this.pageLayouts ?? [])].find( (layout) => layout.key === this.getTopLevelTreeNode(<string>node.key).key ); if (!layout) continue; let section = layout.sections.find((section) => section.key === node.key); if (!section) { section = { key: '', collapsed: true, content: [], }; } const itemNode = this.setupValues?.find( (value) => value.nodeName === node.key?.split('-')[0] && value.nodeType === NodeType.I ); // Load the section const observable = forkJoin({ itemNames: itemNode ? this.itemDataService.getItemNameList(<ItemNameRequest>{ nodeDefIds: [itemNode.nodeDefId], versioncar: this.setup?.versionCar, }) : of(undefined), pageSection: this.pageSectionDataService.getByKey( <string>node.key, <string>this.versionCar ), nodeMetadata: this.nodeMetatadataService.getWithQuery({ names: [node.key as string], }), }); observable .pipe( catchError((err) => { this.messageService.add({ severity: 'error', detail: this.i18nService.translate( 'editor.EDITORPAGE.MESSAGE.ERRORITEMLOAD', {}, this.i18nService.getActiveLang() ), }); console.warn('Page section could not be loaded', err); return of(undefined); }), filter((data) => data !== undefined), mergeMap(({ itemNames, pageSection, nodeMetadata }) => { let itemId: undefined | number = undefined; const metadata = nodeMetadata[0]; if (metadata?.metadata?.position) { section.styleClass = `config-editor__panel--position-${metadata.metadata.position}`; } if (itemNode && itemNames) { itemId = typeof itemNode.value === 'string' ? itemNames.find((x) => x.itemName === itemNode.value)?.id : itemNode.value; } if ( itemId === undefined && metadata?.nodeType === NodeType.I && !itemNames?.some((itemName) => itemName.itemName === itemNode?.value) ) { return of(undefined); } return forkJoin({ pageSection: of(pageSection), relItemData: itemId ? this.itemDataService.getById(itemId).pipe( catchError((err) => { console.warn('Error loading item', err); return of(undefined); }) ) : of(undefined), }); }), finalize(() => { this.queryStringService.addUrlParam( SELECTION_PARAM_KEY, <string>node.key ); this.selectionChange$.next({ node, requestType: EditorSelectionChangeType.Load, }); }) ) .subscribe((data) => { // Handle the loaded section and its data if (!data) { section.messages = [ ...(section.messages ?? []), { severity: 'error', detail: this.i18nService.translate( 'editor.EDITORPAGE.MESSAGE.ERRORITEMEXISTS', {}, this.i18nService.getActiveLang() ), }, ]; section.header = node.label; section.key = <string>node.key; section.expandedOnce = true; } else { const { relItemData, pageSection } = data; section.header = pageSection.header; section.key = <string>node.key; section.content = <EditorContent[]>pageSection.content; if (relItemData) { section.itemName = relItemData.name; section.valueName = <string>relItemData.name; section.isItem = true; section.expandedOnce = true; } } }); } }
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