17 days ago
2.2 kB
``` np.random.seed(410) n = 30 x = stats.norm(0, 1).rvs(n) C, G = 2, 1000 theta = np.zeros((C, G)) tau = np.ones((C, G)) # initialize tau to 1 for c in range(C): for g in range(1, G): tau_prop = stats.gamma(a=4, scale=0.5).rvs() log_like_prop = np.sum(stats.norm(loc=theta[c, g-1], scale=tau_prop).logpdf(x)) log_like_curr = np.sum(stats.norm(loc=theta[c, g-1], scale=tau[c, g-1]).logpdf(x)) # Prior: half-normal with scale 3 for tau: log_prior_prop = stats.halfnorm(scale=3).logpdf(tau_prop) log_prior_curr = stats.halfnorm(scale=3).logpdf(tau[c, g-1]) # Proposal density evaluations: note these are for i.i.d. samples so # q(·) = Gamma(4, scale=0.5).pdf(·) log_q_prop = stats.gamma(a=4, scale=0.5).logpdf(tau_prop) log_q_curr = stats.gamma(a=4, scale=0.5).logpdf(tau[c, g-1]) log_r_tau = (log_like_prop + log_prior_prop + log_q_curr) - (log_like_curr + log_prior_curr + log_q_prop) if np.log(np.random.rand()) < min(0, log_r_tau): tau[c, g] = tau_prop else: tau[c, g] = tau[c, g-1] theta_prop = stats.norm(loc=theta[c, g-1], scale=0.25).rvs() # Compute the log likelihoods with the updated tau[c, g]: log_like_prop = np.sum(stats.norm(loc=theta_prop, scale=tau[c, g]).logpdf(x)) log_like_curr = np.sum(stats.norm(loc=theta[c, g-1], scale=tau[c, g]).logpdf(x)) # Prior for theta is a t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom: log_prior_prop = stats.t(df=2).logpdf(theta_prop) log_prior_curr = stats.t(df=2).logpdf(theta[c, g-1]) # For theta the proposal is symmetric, so the q's cancel: log_r_theta = (log_like_prop + log_prior_prop) - (log_like_curr + log_prior_curr) if np.log(np.random.rand()) < min(0, log_r_theta): theta[c, g] = theta_prop else: theta[c, g] = theta[c, g-1] ```
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