a year ago
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#questions and answers (with slight adaptation) retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/ng-interactive/2020/sep/12/who-wants-to-be-a-millionaire-jackpot-questions-quiz-yourself #My TA Nienke Dekkema has checked my code and says it is correct, however there is a bug in Spyder that sometimes prints messages in an incorrect order, leaving my code to get stuck import io #imports input/output functions file = io.open('scoreboard.txt', 'a') #opens file scoreboard.txt and gives appending permission name = input("Please give your name") welcome_msg = "Welcome " + name + " to Who Wants to be a Millionaire! You have 2 jokers that take away 2 wrong answers. Any additional joker use is penalized with deducting one step per additional use from the prizelader" q1= "In the UK, the abbreviation NHS stands for National what Service?" a1= ["Humanity", "Health", "Honour", "Household"] q2= "Which Disney character famously leaves a glass slipper behind at a royal ball?" a2= ["Pocahontas", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", "Elsa"] q3= "What name is given to the revolving belt machinery in an airport that delivers checked luggage from the plane to baggage reclaim?" a3= ["Hangar", "Terminal", "Concourse", "Carousel"] q4= "Which of these brands was chiefly associated with the manufacture of household locks?" a4= ["Phillips", "Flymo", "Chubb", "Ronseal"] q5= "The hammer and sickle is one of the most recognisable symbols of which political ideology?" a5= ["Republicanism", "Communism", "Conservatism", "Liberalism"] q6= "Which toys have been marketed with the phrase “robots in disguise”?" a6= ["Bratz Dolls", "Sylvanian Families", "Hatchimals", "Transformers"] q7= "What does the word loquacious mean?" a7= ["Angry", "Chatty", "Beautiful", "Shy"] q8= "Obstetrics is a branch of medicine particularly concerned with what?" a8= ["Childbirth", "Broken bones", "Heart conditions", "Old age"] q9= "In Doctor Who, what was the signature look of the fourth Doctor, as portrayed by Tom Baker?" a9= ["Bow-tie, braces and tweed jacket","Wide-brimmed hat and extra long scarf", "Pinstripe suit and trainers", "Cape, velvet jacket and frilly shirt" ] #b q10= "Which of these religious observances lasts for the shortest period of time during the calendar year?" a10= ["Ramadan", "Diwali", "Lent", "Hanukkah"] q11= "At the closest point, which island group is only 50 miles south-east of the coast of Florida?" a11= ["Bahamas", "US Virgin Islands", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Bermuda"] q12= "Construction of which of these famous landmarks was completed first?" a12= ["Empire State Building", "Royal Albert Hall", "Eiffel Tower", "Big Ben Clock Tower"] q13= "Which of these cetaceans is classified as a “toothed whale”?" a13= ["Gray whale", "Minke whale", "Sperm whale", "Humpback whale"] q14= "Who is the only British politician to have held all four “Great Offices of State” at some point during their career?" a14= ["David Lloyd George", "Harold Wilson", "James Callaghan", "John Major"] q15= "Is Bonnie the best?" a15= ["No, cats are better", "Yes", "Only in the winter", "No, the neighbours dog is better"] List_of_questions = [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, q12, q13, q14, q15] List_of_answers = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15] List_of_money = [0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 125000, 500000, 1000000] #0 needed, otherwise choosing 6 at first question leads to winning the million correct_answers = ["2", "3", "4", "3", "2", "4", "2", "1", "2", "2", "1", "4", "3", "3", "2"] #strings, so that no answer can crash the code -> if it were int, any letter as answer would lead to an error empty_list = [] #used for joker qnr=-1 #starts at -1 so that I can increase qnr straight away in while loop, which is useful for continue in joker situations joker=0 print(welcome_msg) def joker_check(joker_amount, allowed): #checks to see if joker has been used more than two times, which is then used to deduct prize money if joker_amount <= allowed: joker = 0 else: joker = joker_amount - allowed return joker while qnr <=13: #allows up to 15 executions qnr += 1 print(List_of_questions[qnr]) print(List_of_answers[qnr]) user_answer= input("Is the answer 1,2,3 or 4? If you want to use a joker, select 5. If you want to take the money, type 6") if user_answer == correct_answers[qnr]: print("Correct answer!") elif user_answer == "6": #code for cashout print("Congratulations " + name + " on winning " + str(List_of_money[qnr-joker_check(joker, 2)]) + "€") file.writelines([name , " ", str(List_of_money[qnr-joker_check(joker, 2)]), "\n"]) break elif user_answer == "5": #code for joker-option joker += 1 empty_list = List_of_answers[qnr] if correct_answers[qnr] == "1" or correct_answers[qnr] == "4": #code executed when the correct answer is either 1 or 4, gets rid of options 2 and 3 empty_list.pop(2) #gets rid of option 3 empty_list.pop(1) #gets rid of option 2 print("You have selected a joker. The remaining answers are: " + str(empty_list)) new_user_answer= input("Is the answer 1 or 4?") #creates variable new_user_answer, to let user give an answer for previously asked question where joker was selected if new_user_answer == correct_answers[qnr]: print("Correct answer!") continue elif new_user_answer == "6": print("Congratulations " + name + " on winning " + str(List_of_money[qnr-joker_check(joker, 2)]) + "€") #just removed a -1, should be right file.writelines([name , " ", str(List_of_money[qnr-joker_check(joker, 2)]), "\n" ]) break else: print("Wrong answer :(") file.writelines([name , " 0" , "\n"]) break elif correct_answers[qnr] == "2" or correct_answers[qnr] == "3": #code executed when the correct answer is either 2 or 3, gets rid of options 1 and 4 empty_list.pop(0) #gets rid of option 1 empty_list.pop() #gets rid of option 4; could also use (2) in brackets, but () gets rid of last option anyways print("You have selected a joker. The remaining answers are: " + str(empty_list)) new_user_answer= input("Is the answer 2 or 3?") if new_user_answer == correct_answers[qnr]: print("Correct answer!") continue elif new_user_answer == "6": print("Congratulations " + name + " on winning " + str(List_of_money[qnr-joker_check(joker, 2)]) + "€") file.writelines([name , " ", str(List_of_money[qnr-joker_check(joker, 2)]), "\n"]) break else: print("Wrong answer :(") file.writelines([name , " 0" , "\n"]) break else: #code if answer is unexpected(so not 1,2,3,4,5 or 6) or wrong print("Wrong answer :(") file.writelines([name, " 0", "\n"]) break if qnr == 14 and joker<3: #code if every question was correctly answered print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! " + name + ", YOU ARE A MILLIONAIRE!!!") #specific congratulations message if less than 3 jokers were used file.writelines([name, " ", str(List_of_money[qnr+1]), "\n"]) #qnr+1 because [15] needs to be reached elif qnr == 14: print("Congratulations on correctly answering every question, you have won: " + str(List_of_money[qnr+1-joker_check(joker, 2)]) + "€") #specific congratulations message if more than 2 jokers were used file.writelines([name, " ", str(List_of_money[qnr+1-joker_check(joker, 2)]), "\n"]) file.close() #closes file #"I declare that the work submitted here is from my authorship only. I haven’t used any gen- erative AI to help with any code/text included in my work. I have given credit for the help I had conceptualizing my project. My work respects the university and course code of conduct" #Aknowledgement:I´d like to thank my dog Bonnie, who inspired question 15 and motivated me. Furthermore, I want to thank my TA Nienke Dekkema for helping me when issues occured.