Advent of Code 2023-25 simplified v2
const { exec } = require("child_process"); const { input, consoleTime } = require("lib"); const { writeFile } = require("fs").promises; function solve(input) { return calc(parse(input)); } function parse(input) { return input .split("\n") .map((l) => l.split(": ").map((m) => m.split(" ").filter(Boolean))); } function calc(data) { const graphViz = false; // Set to true to generate a GraphViz file if (graphViz) { let dot = "digraph G {\n"; for (const [from, to] of data) { dot += ` ${from}`; if (to.length) dot += ` -> ${to.join(",")}`; dot += "\n"; } dot += "}"; writeFile("", dot).then(() => exec("dot -Tsvg -o data.svg") ); } // Remove three edges from the graph manually // vqj -> szh // jbx -> sml // zhb -> vxr const graph = {}; for (const [from, to] of data) { if (!graph[from]) graph[from] = []; for (const t of to) { if (!graph[t]) graph[t] = []; graph[from].push(t); graph[t].push(from); } } const total = Object.keys(graph).length; let count = 0; function explore(node, visited = new Set()) { if (visited.has(node)) return; visited.add(node), count++; for (const key of node) explore(graph[key], visited); } explore(Object.values(graph)[0]); return count * (total - count); }
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