2 years ago
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from flask import Flask, jsonify, request from cassandra.cluster import Cluster from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider from cassandra.query import dict_factory # create a connection to Cassandra auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username='your_username', password='your_password') cluster = Cluster([''], auth_provider=auth_provider) session = cluster.connect('hobs_ods_staging') session.row_factory = dict_factory # create a Flask app app = Flask(__name__) # define the model class for the "hos_cart_details" table class HosCartDetails: def __init__(self, event_date, business_id, key, buid, created_time, opid, status, cart_type, updated_time, username, value, value_type): self.event_date = event_date self.business_id = business_id self.key = key self.buid = buid self.created_time = created_time self.opid = opid self.status = status self.cart_type = cart_type self.updated_time = updated_time self.username = username self.value = value self.value_type = value_type @classmethod def find_by_event_date(cls, event_date): rows = session.execute(""" SELECT * FROM hos_cart_details WHERE hoscd_event_date = %s """, (event_date,)) return [cls(**row) for row in rows] @classmethod def find_by_business_id(cls, business_id): rows = session.execute(""" SELECT * FROM hos_cart_details WHERE hoscd_businessid = %s """, (business_id,)) return [cls(**row) for row in rows] # define a route for fetching data by event date @app.route('/hos_cart_details/eventdate/<string:event_date>') def get_hos_cart_details_by_event_date(event_date): cart_details = HosCartDetails.find_by_event_date(event_date) return jsonify([{ 'event_date': cart.event_date, 'business_id': cart.business_id, 'key': cart.key, 'buid': cart.buid, 'created_time': cart.created_time, 'opid': cart.opid, 'status': cart.status, 'cart_type': cart.cart_type, 'updated_time': cart.updated_time, 'username': cart.username, 'value': cart.value, 'value_type': cart.value_type } for cart in cart_details]) # define a route for fetching data by business ID @app.route('/hos_cart_details/businessid/<string:business_id>') def get_hos_cart_details_by_business_id(business_id): cart_details = HosCartDetails.find_by_business_id(business_id) return jsonify([{ 'event_date': cart.event_date, 'business_id': cart.business_id, 'key': cart.key, 'buid': cart.buid, 'created_time': cart.created_time, 'opid': cart.opid, 'status': cart.status, 'cart_type': cart.cart_type, 'updated_time': cart.updated_time, 'username': cart.username, 'value': cart.value, 'value_type': cart.value_type } for cart in cart_details]) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
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