This works but not when PHP runs it.
2 years ago
1.7 kB
import requests, json import telegram_send import time # for sleep from datetime import datetime, timezone; # Variables we need to use to get the data from the API BASE_URL = "" CITY_NAME = "Amsterdam" API_KEY = "-" # Create full URL to get data URL = BASE_URL + "q=" + CITY_NAME + "&APPID=" + API_KEY def get_weather_data(): # HTTP request response = requests.get(URL) #Check status code of request if response.status_code == 200: # We want the data to be json so we convert it data = response.json() # Getting main data from json main = data["main"] # Getting weather data from json temperature = main["temp"] - 273.15; # Kelvin to Celsius # getting the humidity humidity = main['humidity'] # getting the pressure pressure = main['pressure'] # weather report report = data['weather'] print(f"{CITY_NAME:-^30}") print(f"Temperature: {temperature}") print(f"Humidity: {humidity}") print(f"Pressure: {pressure}") print(f"Weather Report: {report[0]['description']}") # Create a list of messages to send to telegram messages = [f"Temperature: {temperature}", f"Humidity: {humidity}", f"Pressure: {pressure}", f"Weather Report: {report[0]['description']}"] return messages else: # showing the error message print("Error in the HTTP request") def main(): telegram_send.send(messages=[get_weather_data()]) print('message has been sent') main()