Private Sub FilterAndRemoveBlankRows(wsReport As Worksheet) Dim lastRow As Long Dim i As Long Dim countryColumnRange As Range Dim isRowEmpty As Boolean Dim selectedCountry As String Dim countryColumns As Variant ' Get the selected country from the dropdown selectedCountry = Me.cmbOptions.Value ' Assuming cmbOptions contains the selected country ' Define country-specific column ranges based on the selected country If selectedCountry = "UAE" Then countryColumns = Array(5, 6, 7, 8) ' Columns E:H for UAE ElseIf selectedCountry = "Hong Kong" Then countryColumns = Array(9, 9) ' Column I for Hong Kong ElseIf selectedCountry = "India" Then countryColumns = Array(10, 11) ' Columns J:K for India ElseIf selectedCountry = "Kuwait" Then countryColumns = Array(12, 12) ' Column L for Kuwait ElseIf selectedCountry = "Qatar" Then countryColumns = Array(13, 13) ' Column M for Qatar ElseIf selectedCountry = "Oman" Then countryColumns = Array(14, 15) ' Columns N:O for Oman ElseIf selectedCountry = "Bahrain" Then countryColumns = Array(16, 17) ' Columns P:Q for Bahrain ElseIf selectedCountry = "Pakistan" Then countryColumns = Array(18, 19) ' Columns R:S for Pakistan ElseIf selectedCountry = "USA" Then countryColumns = Array(20, 21) ' Columns T:U for USA End If ' Find the last row in the report sheet lastRow = wsReport.Cells(wsReport.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row ' Loop through each row from the bottom to the top For i = lastRow To 4 Step -1 ' Start from row 4 (assuming header is in row 3) isRowEmpty = True ' Assume row is empty unless proven otherwise ' Check all columns for the selected country For Each col In countryColumns Set countryColumnRange = wsReport.Range(wsReport.Cells(i, col), wsReport.Cells(i, col)) If WorksheetFunction.CountA(countryColumnRange) > 0 Then isRowEmpty = False ' If any country column has content, keep the row Exit For End If Next col ' If all country columns are empty, delete the row If isRowEmpty Then wsReport.Rows(i).Delete End If Next i End Sub
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