Stresses Calculator - Our 9th Symphony 🤩
6 months ago
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% Code that executes after component creation function startupFcn(app) movegui(app.StressesCalculatorTeam2UIFigure, 'center'); app.InputParametersPanel.BorderColor = [0.09,0.42,0.53]; app.OutputparametersPanel.BorderColor = [0.09,0.42,0.53]; app.RotationStressesPanel.BorderColor = [0.09,0.42,0.53]; app.MaximumShearStressPanel.BorderColor = [0.09,0.42,0.53]; app.PrincipalStressesPanel.BorderColor = [0.09,0.42,0.53]; end % Button pushed function: CalculateParametersDrawCircleButton function CalculateParametersDrawCircleButtonPushed(app, event) % Inputs: Sigma_x = app.Sigma_xEditField.Value; Sigma_y = app.Sigma_yEditField.Value; Shear = app.Shear_xyxyEditField.Value; RotationAngle = app.RotationAngleEditField.Value; % Calculations: Sigma_x1 = ((Sigma_x+Sigma_y)/2) + (((Sigma_x-Sigma_y)/2)*cosd(2*RotationAngle)) + (Shear*sind(2*RotationAngle)); Sigma_y1 = ((Sigma_x+Sigma_y)/2) - (((Sigma_x-Sigma_y)/2)*cosd(2*RotationAngle)) - (Shear*sind(2*RotationAngle)); Shear_xy = ((-(Sigma_x-Sigma_y)/2)*sind(2*RotationAngle)) + (Shear*cosd(2*RotationAngle)); Sigma1 = ((Sigma_x+Sigma_y)/2) + sqrt((((Sigma_x-Sigma_y)/2)^2)+ Shear^2); Sigma2 = ((Sigma_x+Sigma_y)/2) - sqrt((((Sigma_x-Sigma_y)/2)^2)+ Shear^2); a=Sigma_x-Sigma_y; b=Shear; c=2*(b/a); d=atand(c); Theta_p1=d/2; Theta_p2 = Theta_p1+90; s = atand(-a/(2*b)); Theta_s1 = s/2; Theta_s2 = Theta_s1 + 90; MaximumShear = sqrt((((Sigma_x-Sigma_y)/2)^2)+ Shear^2); % Output: app.Sigma_x1EditField.Value = Sigma_x1; app.Sigma_y1EditField.Value = Sigma_y1; app.Shear_x1y1EditField.Value = Shear_xy; app.Sigma1EditField.Value = Sigma1; app.Sigma2EditField.Value = Sigma2; app.Theta_p1EditField.Value = Theta_p1; app.Theta_p2EditField.Value = Theta_p2; app.MaximumShearEditField.Value = MaximumShear; app.Theta_s1EditField.Value = Theta_s1; app.Theta_s2EditField.Value = Theta_s2; % Mohr's Circle: % Resetting Axes cla(app.UIAxes); % Computing Radius and Center of the circle R=sqrt((a/2)^2+Shear^2); C=(Sigma_x+Sigma_y)/2; % Customize axes labels and properties xlabel(app.UIAxes, 'Sigma'); ylabel(app.UIAxes, 'Shear Stress'); % Fix aspect ratio to ensure circle looks correct axis(app.UIAxes, 'equal'); % Calculate the limits for the y axis yMin = -R; % Minimum y-coordinate (assuming center at y=0) yMax = R; % Maximum y-coordinate (assuming center at y=0) % Set the limits of the axes to include a margin around the circle margin = 0.1 * R; % Adjust this value as needed for desired margin %xlim(app.UIAxes, [xMin - margin, xMax + margin]); ylim(app.UIAxes, [yMin - margin, yMax + margin]); % Holding app.UIAxes hold(app.UIAxes, 'on'); % Add diameters for principal stresses and initial stress state plot(app.UIAxes, [Sigma_x, Sigma_y], [Shear, -Shear], 'r'); plot(app.UIAxes, [Sigma_x1, Sigma_y1], [Shear_xy, -Shear_xy], 'g'); % Generate angles for drawing the circle theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); % Calculate x and y coordinates of the circle x = C + R * cos(theta); y = R * sin(theta); % Plot the circle on the UIAxes plot(app.UIAxes, x, y, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2); % Enable grid for better visualization grid(app.UIAxes, 'on'); % Release the hold on app.UIAxes hold(app.UIAxes, 'off'); % Turn Visibility on if app.StressesCalculatorTeam2UIFigure.Position(3) == 320 app.OutputparametersPanel.Visible = "on"; app.StressesCalculatorTeam2UIFigure.Position = [0,0,629,480]; movegui(app.StressesCalculatorTeam2UIFigure, 'center'); app.InputParametersPanel.Position = [31,281,260,170]; app.OutputparametersPanel.Position = [341, 31, 260, 420]; app.CalculateParametersDrawCircleButton.Position = [56, 249, 212, 23]; app.UIAxes.Position = [21, 33, 300, 208]; app.UIAxes.PlotBoxAspectRatio = [1,0.8566176470588235,0.8566176470588235]; app.UIAxes.Visible = "on"; app.UIAxes.Toolbar.Visible = "on"; end
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