a year ago
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#Necessary imports import string import pandas as pd import regex as re import datetime import datefinder import sys import subprocess import linecache from itertools import islice import time import gzip import os import itertools # Declaring Files agent_file='/Analytics/venv/Jup/CAPE_Apache_Beam/agent.properties' bookmark_file='/Analytics/venv/Jup/CAPE_Apache_Beam/bookmark_log.properties' #Program Execution import time start_time = time.time() ##Caching the VMList so that even if subsequent calls, it returns the cached VM list without needing to read the file again. vm_list_cache = None def get_VMList(): global vm_list_cache if vm_list_cache is None: try: with open(agent_file,'rt') as file: for line in file: if 'VMList' in line: vm_list = str(line.split('=')) vm_list = re.findall(r'\d+', vm_list) vm_list_cache = list(map(int, vm_list)) break except FileNotFoundError: print(f"{agent_file} not found") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while reading the file: {str(e)}") vm_list_cache = [] return vm_list_cache print("The VM List is : ",get_VMList()) #Get number of lines to be copied def get_log_block_size(): try: with open(agent_file,'rt') as file: for line in file: if 'vmmetricskpi.log_block' in line: print("Getting the Log Block size") log_block_size=line.split('=') #print(log_block_size,type(log_block_size)) no_of_lines=log_block_size[1] break except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while reading the file: {str(e)}") return no_of_lines print("Number of Lines : ",get_log_block_size()) # Checking Current Timestamp print("Getting Current Timestamp") current_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") print("Current Time: ",current_time) def get_vm_details(): VMList=get_VMList() All_VM_Details = [] for vm in VMList: vm_id=vm try: VM_Details = {vm_id:{'vm_ip':[],'vm_output_log_filename':[],'vm_log_enable':[],'vm_log_filename':[],'bookmark':[],'bookmark_ip':[],'bookmark_log':[]}}; with open(agent_file,'rt') as file: for line in file: if str(vm) + ".privatip" in line: vm_ip = str(line.split('=')) vm_ip = re.findall( r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}', vm_ip) vm_ip = list(map(str, vm_ip)) vm_ip = vm_ip[0] VM_Details[vm_id]['vm_ip'].append(vm_ip) bookmark_ip = vm_ip VM_Details[vm_id]['bookmark_ip'].append(bookmark_ip) bookmark_log=bookmark_ip + "_bookmark_log=" VM_Details[vm_id]['bookmark_log'].append(bookmark_log) if str(vm)+".vmmetricskpi.output_log.filename" in line: vm_output_log_filename =line.split('=') vm_output_log_filename= list(map(str,vm_output_log_filename)) vm_output_log_filename = vm_output_log_filename[1].strip() VM_Details[vm_id]['vm_output_log_filename'].append(vm_output_log_filename) if str(vm)+".vmmetricskpi.log_enable" in line: vm_log_enable =line.split('=') vm_log_enable= list(map(str,vm_log_enable)) vm_log_enable = vm_log_enable[1].strip() VM_Details[vm_id]['vm_log_enable'].append(vm_log_enable) if str(vm)+".vmmetricskpi.log.filename" in line: vm_log_filename =line.split('=') vm_log_filename= list(map(str,vm_log_filename)) vm_log_filename = vm_log_filename[1].strip() bookmark=vm_log_filename.split("-") bookmark= list(map(str,bookmark)) bookmark = bookmark[1].strip() VM_Details[vm_id]['vm_log_filename'].append(vm_log_filename) VM_Details[vm_id]['bookmark'].append(bookmark) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"{agent_file} not found") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to get details for VM {vm}: {e}") continue All_VM_Details.append(VM_Details) all_vm_details =dict() all_vm_details = zip(VMList, All_VM_Details) all_vm_details = dict(all_vm_details) return all_vm_details print("VM Details : \n ",get_vm_details()) # Checking log enable condition is Yes or No def check_log_enable(): VMList = get_VMList() all_vm_details = get_vm_details() ## Moved Outside the Loop (change from Original Code) for vm_id in VMList: try: vm_log_enable = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['vm_log_enable'][0] if vm_log_enable.lower() == 'y': print(f"Log enable condition is yes. Let's proceed further to check Bookmark Function for VM {vm_id}") check_bookmark_record(vm_id) else: print(f"Log enable condition is no. No action needed for VM {vm_id}") except KeyError: print(f"No VM details found for VM {vm_id}") continue # Checking if Bookmark Record is found in Runtime_log.properties def check_bookmark_record(i): vm_id = i all_vm_details = get_vm_details() vm_ip = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['vm_ip'][0] # Access List Element without Quotes print(vm_ip) line_to_search = f"{vm_ip}_bookmark_log=" print("Bookmark Log : ", line_to_search) try: with open(bookmark_file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() filtered_lines = [line for line in lines if line_to_search in line] if filtered_lines: for bookmark_line in filtered_lines: print(f"Bookmark Log Record found: {bookmark_line}") print("Redirecting to perform_functions_with_bookmark_record") perform_functions_with_bookmark_record(bookmark_line, i) else: bookmark_index = 1 print("Line to search", line_to_search) bookmark_line = f"{line_to_search}{bookmark_index}" print("Bookmark_log : ", bookmark_line) print("No line found containing the specified string: ") print("Bookmark Log Record not found.Creating a record and redirecting to syslog File Location") with open(bookmark_file, 'a') as file: file.write("\n") file.write(bookmark_line) perform_functions_with_bookmark_record(bookmark_line, i) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Bookmark file '{bookmark_file}' not found.") return None def perform_functions_with_bookmark_record(bookmark_line, i): try: print("The function with perform_functions_with_bookmark_record is getting called.") vm_id = i print("VM ID :", vm_id) bookmark_record = bookmark_line number_of_lines = get_log_block_size() print("No of Lines to copy : ", number_of_lines) print("Bookmark Record", bookmark_record) all_vm_details = get_vm_details() vm_ip = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['vm_ip'][0] vm_log_filename = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['vm_log_filename'][0] print("VM Log FIle : ", vm_log_filename) vm_output_directory_loc = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['vm_output_log_filename'][0] print("VM Output Directory : ", vm_output_directory_loc) bookmark_log = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['bookmark_log'][0] syslog_record = bookmark_record.split(str(vm_ip) + '_bookmark_log=') syslog_record_no = syslog_record[1] print("Syslog Record number for VM {} is {}".format(i, syslog_record_no)) copying_loglines_and_updating_bookmark(bookmark_record, syslog_record_no, i, number_of_lines) except Exception as e: print("Error in perform_functions_with_bookmark_record function:", e) def copying_loglines_and_updating_bookmark(bookmark_record, syslog_record_no, i, log_block_size): print("The function with searching_copying_logs is getting called.") vm_id = i print("VM ID :", vm_id) bookmark_line = bookmark_record number_of_lines = log_block_size print("No of Lines to copy : ", number_of_lines) print("Bookmark Record", bookmark_record) old_line_number = syslog_record_no print('Old line number from bookmark file is : ', old_line_number) last_line_no = int(old_line_number) + int(number_of_lines) print('Value of New Line Number is :', last_line_no) all_vm_details = get_vm_details() vm_ip = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['vm_ip'][0] vm_log_filename = all_vm_details[vm_id][vm_id]['vm_log_filename'][0] syslog_record = str(vm_ip) + "_bookmark_log=" print(syslog_record) print("VM Log FIle : ", vm_log_filename) # Finding the line with index as line number try: last_line_output = linecache.getline(vm_log_filename, last_line_no) print("Content for nth line :", last_line_output) except Exception as e: print("Exception while reading line from file:", e) return None filename = f"{vm_ip}-T{current_time}.txt" print(filename) X = int(old_line_number) # Starting line number #print(f"Old Value is {X}") Y = int(last_line_no) # Ending line number print(f'New Value is {Y}') try: with open(vm_log_filename, 'r') as input_file, open(filename, 'w') as output_file: # Using itertools.islice to copy lines between start and end indexes output_file.writelines(itertools.islice(input_file, X - 1, Y)) except Exception as e: print("Exception while copying lines to file:", e) return None # Updating the last index in a Bookmark File print("Updating the last index in a Bookmark File") bookmark_record = syslog_record print(f"Bookmark Record for {i} is {bookmark_record}") print(f"Updating Bookmark record for {bookmark_record}") updated_bookmark_rec = f"{bookmark_record}{last_line_no}\n" print(updated_bookmark_rec) try: with open(bookmark_file, 'r+') as file: lines = file.readlines() file.seek(0) for line_no, line in enumerate(lines): if bookmark_record in line: lines[line_no] = updated_bookmark_rec file.seek(0) file.writelines(lines) file.truncate() except Exception as e: print("Exception while updating bookmark file:", e) return None # Call filter_log_data to filter the copied data filtered_filename = filter_log_data(filename) # Compress the output file and remove the uncompressed file output_file_name = output_file.name new_output_file_name = output_file_name.replace('.txt', '-cassandra.txt') os.rename(output_file_name, new_output_file_name) try: with open(new_output_file_name, 'rb') as input_file, gzip.open(new_output_file_name + '.gz', 'wb') as output_file_gz: input_data = input_file.read() output_file_gz.write(input_data) os.remove(new_output_file_name) # Set permissions on the output file os.chmod(output_file_gz.name, 0o777) except Exception as e: print("Exception while compressing file:", e) # Return the filtered filename return filtered_filename def filter_log_data(input_file): print(f"Filtering data in {input_file} file.") # Define the list of important words important_words = ['unauthorized', 'error','cron','kernel error', 'OS error', 'rejected', 'warning', "error", "fail", "exception", "critical", "security", "authentication", "intrusion", "attack", "status", "performance", "uptime", "load", "config", "setting", "permission", "firewall", "debug", "trace", "stack"] # Define the output filename output_file = f"{input_file.replace('.txt', '-postgre.txt')}" try: # Open the input and output files with open(input_file, 'r') as input_file, open(output_file, 'w') as output_file: # Loop through each line in the input file for line in input_file: # Check if any of the important words appear in the line if any(word in line.lower() for word in important_words): # If yes, write the line to the output file output_file.write(line) # Set permissions on the output file os.chmod(output_file.name, 0o777) # Compress the output file and remove the uncompressed file with open(output_file.name, 'rb') as input_file, gzip.open(output_file.name + '.gz', 'wb') as output_file_gz: input_data = input_file.read() output_file_gz.write(input_data) os.remove(output_file.name) # Return the output filename return output_file.name + '.gz' except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}") return None check_log_enable() ## Execution Time end_time = time.time() print("Execution time: ", end_time - start_time, "seconds")