2 months ago
1.3 kB
--function to get yaw or pitch depending on int choice of 1/2 function getYawPitch(choice) redstone.setOutput("front",true) sleep(0.05) redstone.setOutput("front",false) sleep(0.2) local rawPitch = peripheral.call("right","getLine",choice) local Pitch = string.match(rawPitch, "(.-)º") return tonumber(Pitch) end function sign(x) return x>=0 and 1 or x<0 and -1 end local params = {...} if #params<2 then print("Not enough parameters") exit() end local targetYaw = params[1] local targetPitch = params[2] local currentYaw = getYawPitch(1) local currentPitch = getYawPitch(2) print("Current Yaw: ",currentYaw," Target Yaw: ",targetYaw," Current Pitch: ",currentPitch," Target Pitch: ",targetPitch) local yawDegreesNeeded = (targetYaw - currentYaw)*8 local yawDifference = targetYaw - currentYaw local yawDegreesNeeded = (math.abs(yawDifference) <= 180) and yawDifference*8 or (yawDifference - 360 * sign(yawDifference)) local pitchDegreesNeeded = (targetPitch - currentPitch)*8 peripheral.call("bottom","rotate",yawDegreesNeeded,sign(yawDegreesNeeded)) peripheral.call("top","rotate",pitchDegreesNeeded,sign(pitchDegreesNeeded)) sleep((math.max(math.abs(yawDegreesNeeded), math.abs(pitchDegreesNeeded))/480)+0.5)
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