
a month ago
1.5 kB
template_data = "YOUR_TEMPLATE_ARRAY_CONTENT"  # Replace with your actual template array content

prompt = f"""
You are an expert in performing analytics on the provided data and generating HTML and JavaScript code for interactive data visualizations. Your task is to create a **single** self-contained HTML file that displays **all sections** from the provided template array. Each section must be displayed in a separate <div> container.

1. Use the following template array (pasted below) to render **all** sections and **all** widgets. 
2. For each `section_data` field and each item in its array, generate an appropriate Plotly chart or table according to the `widget_description`.
3. Place each section’s content (the charts or tables) inside a <div> with a heading or sub-heading for that section.
4. The HTML must be self-contained, including all resources (CSS/JS). If you use a CDN for Plotly, embed its script link directly so the HTML works on its own.
5. Include a **brief** explanatory note **within the HTML** (e.g., a <p> or <div>) for each chart/table—this is the “detailed explanation about the graph or visualization.”
6. Return **only** the complete HTML code, with **no** additional explanations or commentary outside the HTML.

**Here is the 'template' array to be used:**


Please generate the final HTML code now, following all the above requirements, without any extra text outside the HTML code.
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