2 years ago
3.9 kB
import java.util.*; import*; public class HuffmanCode { private HuffmanNode head; public HuffmanCode(int[] frequencies){ Queue<HuffmanNode> Pqueue = new PriorityQueue<HuffmanNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++){ if (frequencies[i] > 0){ Pqueue.add(new HuffmanNode(i, frequencies[i])); } } while(Pqueue.size() > 1){ //HuffmanNode firstRemove = Pqueue.peek(); HuffmanNode firstRemove = Pqueue.remove(); // HuffmanNode secondRemove = Pqueue.peek(); HuffmanNode secondRemove = Pqueue.remove(); Pqueue.add(new HuffmanNode(-1, firstRemove.frequency + secondRemove.frequency , firstRemove, secondRemove)); } head = Pqueue.remove(); } public HuffmanCode(Scanner input){ while (input.hasNextLine()){ String data = input.nextLine(); String encoding = input.nextLine(); head = maketree(head, Integer.parseInt(data), encoding); } } private HuffmanNode maketree(HuffmanNode current, int data, String encoding){ if (encoding.length() == 0){ return new HuffmanNode(data, 0, null, null); } else{ if (current == null){ current = new HuffmanNode(-1, 0, null, null); } if (encoding.charAt(0) == '0'){ current.left = maketree(current.left, data, encoding.substring(1)); } else{ current.right = maketree(current.right, data, encoding.substring(1)); } return current; } } public void save(PrintStream output){ String continuing = ""; traverseTree(output, head, continuing); } //Note: Let the user know the tree-reading order in the comment. private void traverseTree(PrintStream output, HuffmanNode curr, String continuing){ if (curr != null){ if (curr.left == null && curr.right == null){ output.println(curr.getASCII()); output.println(continuing); } else{ if (curr.left != null){ traverseTree(output, curr.left, continuing + "0"); } if (curr.right != null){ traverseTree(output, curr.right, continuing + "1"); } } } } public void translate(BitInputStream input, PrintStream output){ //public int nextBit() while(input.hasNextBit()){ translate(input, output, head); } } private void translate (BitInputStream input, PrintStream output, HuffmanNode curr){ if (curr.left == null && curr.right == null){ output.write((char)curr.getASCII()); } else{ int nextBit = input.nextBit(); if (nextBit == 0){ translate(input, output, curr.left); } else{ translate(input, output, curr.right); } } } public static class HuffmanNode implements Comparable<HuffmanNode>{ private int ASCIINo; private int frequency; private HuffmanNode left; private HuffmanNode right; public HuffmanNode(int ASCIINo, int frequency){ this(ASCIINo, frequency, null, null); } public HuffmanNode(int ASCIINo, int frequency, HuffmanNode left, HuffmanNode right){ this.ASCIINo = ASCIINo; this.frequency = frequency; this.left = left; this.right = right; } public int getASCII(){ return this.ASCIINo; } @Override public int compareTo(HuffmanNode other){ return this.frequency - other.frequency; } } }
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