public class LCS { public static int lcs (String s, String t) { return lcs (s, t, 0, 0, ""); } private static int lcs (String s, String t, int i, int j, String str) { if (i == s.length() || j == t.length()) return str.length(); if (s.charAt(i) == t.charAt(j)) str += s.charAt(i); return Math.max(lcs(s, t, i+1, j, str), lcs(s, t, i, j+1, str)); } public static void main (String [] args) { String a = "abcdefgh"; String b = "bcwxftjg"; String c = "xwd"; String d = "kmns"; System.out.println("for a and b (should be 4): " + lcs(a,b)); System.out.println("for b and c (should be 1): " + lcs(b,c)); System.out.println("for a and d (should be 0): " + lcs(a,d)); System.out.println("for b and d (should be 0): " + lcs(b,d)); System.out.println("for c and d (should be 0): " + lcs(c,d)); } }
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