#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <unordered_map> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // Structure to hold opcode information struct Opcode { string mnemonic; string opcode; }; // Symbol table to hold labels and their addresses unordered_map<string, int> symbolTable; // Opcode table for the assembler unordered_map<string, Opcode> opcodeTable = { {"MOV", {"MOV", "B8"}}, {"ADD", {"ADD", "01"}}, {"SUB", {"SUB", "29"}}, {"JMP", {"JMP", "EB"}} }; // Utility function to trim whitespace string trim(const string &str) { size_t first = str.find_first_not_of(' '); if (first == string::npos) return ""; size_t last = str.find_last_not_of(' '); return str.substr(first, (last - first + 1)); } // First pass: Build the symbol table void firstPass(const vector<string> &sourceCode) { int address = 0; for (const auto &line : sourceCode) { istringstream iss(line); string label, mnemonic, operand; // Extract label if present getline(iss, label, ':'); if (iss.peek() == ' ' || iss.peek() == '\t' || iss.peek() == '\n') { label = trim(label); } else { iss.seekg(0); label.clear(); } // Extract mnemonic and operand iss >> mnemonic >> operand; if (!label.empty()) { symbolTable[label] = address; } if (!mnemonic.empty() && opcodeTable.find(mnemonic) != opcodeTable.end()) { address += 2; // Assuming fixed length instructions for simplicity } } } // Second pass: Generate machine code void secondPass(const vector<string> &sourceCode, vector<string> &machineCode) { for (const auto &line : sourceCode) { istringstream iss(line); string label, mnemonic, operand; // Extract label if present getline(iss, label, ':'); if (iss.peek() == ' ' || iss.peek() == '\t' || iss.peek() == '\n') { label = trim(label); } else { iss.seekg(0); label.clear(); } // Extract mnemonic and operand iss >> mnemonic >> operand; if (!mnemonic.empty() && opcodeTable.find(mnemonic) != opcodeTable.end()) { string opcode = opcodeTable[mnemonic].opcode; if (symbolTable.find(operand) != symbolTable.end()) { int address = symbolTable[operand]; stringstream ss; ss << opcode << " " << hex << address; machineCode.push_back(ss.str()); } else { machineCode.push_back(opcode + " " + operand); } } } } int main() { // Example assembly source code vector<string> sourceCode = { "START: MOV AX, 1234", " ADD AX, BX", "LOOP: SUB AX, 1", " JMP LOOP" }; firstPass(sourceCode); vector<string> machineCode; secondPass(sourceCode, machineCode); cout << "Symbol Table:" << endl; for (const auto &entry : symbolTable) { cout << entry.first << " : " << hex << entry.second << endl; } cout << "\nMachine Code:" << endl; for (const auto &line : machineCode) { cout << line << endl; } return 0; }
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