public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
// Get the player's information
String playerName = event.getPlayer().getName();
double x = event.getTo().getX();
double y = event.getTo().getY();
double z = event.getTo().getZ();
Vector velocity = event.getPlayer().getVelocity();
// Calculate speed
double speed = velocity.length();
// Calculate friction (negative acceleration)
double friction = -0.98 * speed;
// Calculate jump height (vertical movement)
double jumpHeight = Math.abs(event.getFrom().getY() - event.getTo().getY());
// Check if the player is swimming in lava
boolean swimmingInLava = event.getPlayer().getLocation().getBlock().getType().name().contains("LAVA");
// Check if the player is falling
boolean falling = !event.getPlayer().isOnGround();
// Check if the player is flying with an elytra
boolean elytraFlying = event.getPlayer().isGliding();
// Check if the player is using elytra rockets
boolean elytraRocketBoost = event.getPlayer().isGliding() && event.getPlayer().isSprinting();
// Get player's viewing direction (pitch and yaw)
float pitch = event.getPlayer().getLocation().getPitch();
float yaw = event.getPlayer().getLocation().getYaw();
// Calculate vertical speed and acceleration
double verticalSpeed = velocity.getY();
double verticalAcceleration = (verticalSpeed - event.getPlayer().getVelocity().getY()) / event.getPlayer().getFallDistance();
// Calculate horizontal speed
double horizontalSpeed = Math.sqrt(velocity.getX() * velocity.getX() + velocity.getZ() * velocity.getZ());
// Calculate horizontal acceleration
long currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeInterval = currentTimestamp - lastTimestamp;
if (timeInterval > 0) {
double horizontalAcceleration = (horizontalSpeed - lastHorizontalSpeed) / (double) timeInterval;
getLogger().info(playerName + " horizontal acceleration: " + horizontalAcceleration);
lastHorizontalSpeed = horizontalSpeed;
lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
// Log the player's movement variables, rotation, and transformation rotation (if needed)
getLogger().info(playerName + " moved to X:" + x + " Y:" + y + " Z:" + z);
getLogger().info(playerName + " velocity X:" + velocity.getX() + " Y:" + velocity.getY() + " Z:" + velocity.getZ());
getLogger().info(playerName + " speed: " + speed);
getLogger().info(playerName + " friction: " + friction);
getLogger().info(playerName + " jump height: " + jumpHeight);
getLogger().info(playerName + " pitch (looking up or down): " + pitch);
getLogger().info(playerName + " yaw (looking left or right): " + yaw);
getLogger().info(playerName + " swimming in lava: " + swimmingInLava);
getLogger().info(playerName + " falling: " + falling);
getLogger().info(playerName + " elytra flying: " + elytraFlying);
getLogger().info(playerName + " elytra rocket boost: " + elytraRocketBoost);
getLogger().info(playerName + " vertical speed: " + verticalSpeed);
getLogger().info(playerName + " vertical acceleration: " + verticalAcceleration);
getLogger().info(playerName + " horizontal speed: " + horizontalSpeed);