a year ago
48 kB
[Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] #include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> #include <string> using namespace std; class student{ public: string name; int id; student(string name1, int id1){ name=name1; id=id1; } }; int main(){ unordered_map<string,student *> mymap; student s1("abc",1); student s2("bcd",2); //them mymap["abc"]=&s1; mymap["bcd"]=&s2; //tim //unordered_map<string,student *>::iterator it; auto it = mymap.find("abc"); if(it==mymap.end()){ //ko thay cout<<"ko thay"<<endl; } else{ student *s=it->second; cout<<"id: "<<s->id<<endl; } //xoa mymap.erase(s2.name); auto it1 = mymap.find(s2.name); if(it1==mymap.end()){ //ko thay cout<<"ko thay"<<endl; } else{ student *s=it1->second; cout<<"id: "<<s->id<<endl; } return 0; } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:25 #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include <stdio.h> extern void init(int N); extern void addProduct(int mPrice, int tagNum, char tagName[][10]); extern int buyProduct(char tag1[], char tag2[], char tag3[]); extern void adjustPrice(char tag1[], int changePrice); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define INIT 0 #define ADD 1 #define BUY 2 #define ADJ 3 static void mstrcpy(char dst[], const char src[]) { int c = 0; while ((dst[c] = src[c]) != '\0') ++c; } static int mstrcmp(const char str1[], const char str2[]) { int c = 0; while (str1[c] != '\0' && str1[c] == str2[c]) ++c; return str1[c] - str2[c]; } static bool run() { int N, cmd, ans, ret, tnum, price; char tag[5][10]; int Q = 0; bool okay = false; ret = ans = 0; okay = false; scanf("%d", &Q); for (int i = 0; i < Q; ++i) { scanf("%d", &cmd); switch (cmd) { case INIT: scanf("%d", &N); init(N); okay = true; break; case ADD: scanf("%d %d", &price, &tnum); for (int m = 0; m < tnum; m++) { scanf("%s", tag[m]); } addProduct(price, tnum, tag); break; case BUY: scanf("%d", &ans); for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { scanf("%s", tag[m]); } ret = buyProduct(tag[0], tag[1], tag[2]); if (ans != ret) { okay = false; } break; case ADJ: scanf("%s %d", tag[0], &price); adjustPrice(tag[0], price); break; default: okay = false; } } return okay; } int main() { setbuf(stdout, NULL); //freopen("sample_input.txt", "r", stdin); int T, MARK; scanf("%d %d", &T, &MARK); for (int tc = 1; tc <= T; tc++) { int score = run() ? MARK : 0; printf("#%d %d\n", tc, score); } return 0; } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:25 note pad [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:26 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Node { public: char data; Node *pre; Node *next; }; typedef class Node *node; node creatNewnode(char c) { node temp = new Node(); temp->data = c; temp->next = NULL; temp->pre = NULL; return temp; } void Linknode(node front, node end) { front->next = end; end->pre = front; } void insertNode(node front, node p, node end) { Linknode(front, p); Linknode(p, end); } void removeNode(node p) { Linknode(p->pre, p->next); } class cur { public: int row; int col; }mouse; int h, w; int line; class List { public: Node *phead; Node *ptail; int size; int cnt[29]; }list[301]; void init(int H, int W, char mStr[]) { h = H; w = W; mouse.col = mouse.row = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= h; i++) { list[i].size = 0; list[i].phead = new Node(); list[i].ptail = new Node(); Linknode(list[i].phead, list[i].ptail); } for (int i = 1; i <= h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 29; j++) { list[i].cnt[j] = 0; } } line = 1; for (int i = 0; mStr[i] != 0; i++) { node temp = creatNewnode(mStr[i]); insertNode(list[line].ptail->pre, temp, list[line].ptail); list[line].cnt[mStr[i] - 'a']++; list[line].size++; if (list[line].size >= w) { line++; } } } void insert(char mChar) { node temp = creatNewnode(mChar); int ha = mouse.row; int cot = mouse.col; node cur = list[ha].phead->next; for (int i = 1; i < cot; i++) { cur = cur->next; } insertNode(cur->pre, temp, cur); mouse.col++; list[ha].size++; list[ha].cnt[mChar - 'a']++; while (list[ha].size > w) { node temp = list[ha].ptail->pre; Linknode(temp->pre, temp->next); list[ha].size--; list[ha].cnt[temp->data - 'a']--; ha++; node cur = list[ha].phead; insertNode(cur, temp, cur->next); list[ha].size++; list[ha].cnt[temp->data - 'a']++; } if (ha > line) { line = ha; } if (mouse.col > w) { mouse.row++; mouse.col = 1; } } char moveCursor(int mRow, int mCol) { if (mRow > line || (mRow == line && mCol > list[line].size)) { mouse.row = line; mouse.col = list[line].size + 1; return '$'; } mouse.col = mCol; mouse.row = mRow; node cur = list[mRow].phead->next; for (int i = 1; i < mCol; i++) { cur = cur->next; } return cur->data; } int countCharacter(char mChar) { int res = 0; for (int i = mouse.row; i <= line; i++) { res += list[i].cnt[mChar - 'a']; } node temp = list[mouse.row].phead->next; for (int i = 1; i < mouse.col; i++) { if (temp->data == mChar) { res--; } temp = temp->next; } return res; } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:26 number baseball [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:26 #define N 4 typedef class { public: int strike; int ball; } Result; int A[6000][4]; int Count; extern Result query(int guess[]); Result myquery(int guess[], int dest[]){ Result result; result.strike=0; result.ball=0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){ if (i == j && guess[i] == dest[j]) result.strike++; else if(i != j && guess[i] == dest[j]) result.ball++; } } return result; } void mycopy(int src[], int dest[]){ for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ dest[i] = src[i]; } } void init(){ int a,b,c,d; Count = 0; for (a=0;a<=9;a++){ for (b=0;b<=9;b++){ for (c=0;c<=9;c++){ for (d=0;d<=9;d++){ if ((a!=b)&&(a!=c)&&(a!=d)&&(b!=c)&&(b!=d)&&(c!=d)){ A[Count][0]=a; A[Count][1]=b; A[Count][2]=c; A[Count][3]=d; Count ++; } } } } } } void doUserImplementation(int inputD[]) { Result res, res1; init(); while(Count>0){ int countg = 0; mycopy(A[0], inputD); res = query(inputD); if(res.strike==4){ return; } for(int i=1;i<Count;i++){ res1 = myquery(inputD,A[i]); if(res.strike==res1.strike&&res.ball==res1.ball){ mycopy(A[i],A[countg]); countg++; } } Count = countg; } } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:26 2hand market [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:26 #include <unordered_map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct product { int price; bool isDel; }; product prd[30005]; unordered_map<string,vector<int>> umap; int tagid; void init(int N) { umap.clear(); tagid = 0; } void addProduct(int mPrice, int tagNum, char tagName[][10]) { prd[tagid].price = mPrice; prd[tagid].isDel = false; vector<string> TohopTag; for (int i = 0; i < tagNum; i++) { TohopTag.push_back(tagName[i]); umap[tagName[i]].push_back(tagid); } sort(TohopTag.begin(), TohopTag.end()); for (int i = 0; i < tagNum; i++){ for (int j = i+1; j < tagNum; j++){ for (int k = j+1; k < tagNum; k++) { string longtag = TohopTag[i] + " " + TohopTag[j] + " " + TohopTag[k]; umap[longtag].push_back(tagid); } } } tagid++; } int buyProduct(char tag1[], char tag2[], char tag3[]) { vector<string> TohopTag; TohopTag.push_back(tag1); TohopTag.push_back(tag2); TohopTag.push_back(tag3); sort(TohopTag.begin(), TohopTag.end()); string longTag = TohopTag[0] + " " + TohopTag[1] + " " + TohopTag[2]; int prdSelected = -1; for (auto it:umap[longTag]) { if (prd[it].isDel == false) { if (prdSelected == -1 || prd[it].price < prd[prdSelected].price) { prdSelected = it; } } } if (prdSelected == -1) return -1; prd[prdSelected].isDel = true; return prd[prdSelected].price; } void adjustPrice(char tag1[], int changePrice) { for (auto it:umap[tag1]) { prd[it].price += changePrice; } } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:27 soldier [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:27 #define MAXSIZE 100001 #define NULL 0 class Soldier { public: int ID, teamID, Score; Soldier *next, *prev; Soldier(int id, int team, int score) { ID = id; teamID = team; Score = score; next = prev = nullptr; } }; class DoubleLL { public: Soldier *head, *tail; DoubleLL() { head = new Soldier(-1, -1, -1); tail = new Soldier(-1, -1, -1); connect(head, tail); } void connect(Soldier *s1, Soldier *s2) { s1->next = s2; s2->prev = s1; } void insSoldier(Soldier *newSol) { connect(newSol, head->next); connect(head, newSol); } }; class Team { public: DoubleLL *arrScore[6]; Team() { for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { arrScore[i] = new DoubleLL(); } } void hideSol(Soldier *newSol, int score) { arrScore[score]->insSoldier(newSol); } void connectSol(Soldier *s1, Soldier *s2) { s1->next = s2; s2->prev = s1; } void updateTeam(int score) { int deltaScore = 0; if(score > 0) { for(int i = 4; i >= 1; i--) { if(arrScore[i]->head->next != arrScore[i]->tail) { deltaScore = (i + score) > 5 ? 5 : (i + score); connectSol(arrScore[deltaScore]->tail->prev, arrScore[i]->head->next); connectSol(arrScore[i]->tail->prev, arrScore[deltaScore]->tail); connectSol(arrScore[i]->head, arrScore[i]->tail); } } } else if(score < 0) { for(int i = 2; i <= 5; i++) { if(arrScore[i]->head->next != arrScore[i]->tail) { deltaScore = (i + score) < 1 ? 1 : (i + score); connectSol(arrScore[deltaScore]->tail->prev, arrScore[i]->head->next); connectSol(arrScore[i]->tail->prev, arrScore[deltaScore]->tail); connectSol(arrScore[i]->head, arrScore[i]->tail); } } } } }; Team team[6]; Soldier *soldier[MAXSIZE]; void init() { for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) team[i] = Team(); } void hire(int mID, int mTeam, int mScore) { Soldier *sol = new Soldier(mID, mTeam, mScore); team[mTeam].hideSol(sol, mScore); soldier[mID] = sol; } void fire(int mID) { soldier[mID]->prev->next = soldier[mID]->next; soldier[mID]->next->prev = soldier[mID]->prev; } void updateSoldier(int mID, int mScore) { fire(mID); soldier[mID]->Score = mScore; team[soldier[mID]->teamID].hideSol(soldier[mID], mScore); } void updateTeam(int mTeam, int mChangeScore) { team[mTeam].updateTeam(mChangeScore); } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 7/28/2023 17:27 int bestSoldier(int mTeam) { int res = -1; for(int i = 5; i >= 1; i--) { if(team[mTeam].arrScore[i]->head->next != team[mTeam].arrScore[i]->tail) { Soldier *temp = team[mTeam].arrScore[i]->head->next; res = temp->ID; while(temp != team[mTeam].arrScore[i]->tail) { if(temp->ID > res) res = temp->ID; temp = temp->next; } break; } } return res; } >> Monday, July 31, 2023 [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 7/31/2023 17:39 #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> #include <cstring> using namespace std; #define MAX_N 100002 #define MAX_GRP 11 #define MAX_JOB 1001 struct PASAGE { int id; int point; int groupid; }; struct COM_UP { bool operator () (const PASAGE a, const PASAGE b) { if (a.point == b.point) { return a.id < b.id; } return a.point > b.point; } }; struct COM_DOWN { bool operator () (const PASAGE a, const PASAGE b) { if (a.point == b.point) { return a.id > b.id; } return a.point < b.point; } }; priority_queue<PASAGE, vector<PASAGE>, COM_UP> heap_small[MAX_GRP]; priority_queue<PASAGE, vector<PASAGE>, COM_DOWN> heap_big[MAX_GRP]; PASAGE org_vec[MAX_N]; vector<int> job_psgid[MAX_JOB]; int m_grougs; void updataQueue(const int id) { heap_big[org_vec[id].groupid].emplace(org_vec[id]); heap_small[org_vec[id].groupid].emplace(org_vec[id]); } void init(int N, int M, int J, int mPoint[], int mJobID[]) { for (int i = 0; i < J; i++) { job_psgid[i].clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < N / M; i++) { heap_big[i] = priority_queue<PASAGE, vector<PASAGE>, COM_DOWN>(); heap_small[i] = priority_queue<PASAGE, vector<PASAGE>, COM_UP>(); } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 7/31/2023 17:39 m_grougs = N / M; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { org_vec[i] = { i, mPoint[i], i / M }; updataQueue(i); job_psgid[mJobID[i]].push_back(i); } } void destroy() { } int update(int mID, int mPoint) { org_vec[mID].point += mPoint; updataQueue(mID); return org_vec[mID].point; } int updateByJob(int mJobID, int mPoint) { int ret_val = 0; for (const auto id : job_psgid[mJobID]) { org_vec[id].point += mPoint; updataQueue(id); ret_val += org_vec[id].point; } return ret_val; } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 7/31/2023 17:39 int move(int mNum) { vector<int> up_vecs[MAX_GRP], down_vecs[MAX_GRP]; // take num biggest value bool flag = false; for (int g = 1; g < m_grougs; g++) { int num = 0; while (num < mNum) { const auto heap_top = heap_big[g].top(); heap_big[g].pop(); if (heap_top.point != org_vec[heap_top.id].point || heap_top.groupid != org_vec[heap_top.id].groupid) { continue; } flag = false; for (auto t : up_vecs[g]) { if (t == heap_top.id) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) continue; up_vecs[g].push_back(heap_top.id); num++; } } //take num less value for (int g = 0; g < m_grougs - 1; g++) { int num = 0; while (num < mNum) { const auto heap_top = heap_small[g].top(); heap_small[g].pop(); if (heap_top.point != org_vec[heap_top.id].point || heap_top.groupid != org_vec[heap_top.id].groupid) { continue; } flag = false; for (auto t : down_vecs[g]) { if (t == heap_top.id) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) continue; down_vecs[g].push_back(heap_top.id); num++; } } // move big(up_vecs) to less int ret_val = 0; for (int g = 1; g < m_grougs; g++) { for (auto up : up_vecs[g]) { org_vec[up].groupid = g - 1; updataQueue(up); ret_val += org_vec[up].point; } } for (int g = 0; g < m_grougs - 1; g++) { for (auto down : down_vecs[g]) { org_vec[down].groupid = g + 1; updataQueue(down); ret_val += org_vec[down].point; } } return ret_val; } >> Tuesday, August 1, 2023 [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/1/2023 10:51 tree set [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/1/2023 10:51 #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <set> using namespace std; class Node { public: int id; int score; Node(int i, int s) { id = i; score = s; } }; class CmpNode { public: bool operator() (const Node *n1, const Node *n2) { if (n2->score != n1->score) return n1->score < n2->score; return n1->id < n2->id; } }; int main() { set<Node *, CmpNode> p; Node n1(1, 22); Node n2(2, 33); Node n3(3, 77); Node n4(4, 77); p.insert(&n1); p.insert(&n2); p.insert(&n3); p.insert(&n4); //p.erase(&n4); n4.score = 11; //p.insert(&n4); for (Node *tp : p) { printf("%d %d\n", tp->id, tp->score); } printf("\n\n"); /* p.erase(); p.find(); p.upper_bound(); p.lower_bound(); p.begin(); p.end(); p.size(); */ Node n(2, 33); auto it = p.upper_bound(&n); it--; printf("%d_%d\n", (*it)->id, (*it)->score); return 0; } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 8/1/2023 16:45 #include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> #include <set> using namespace std; #define maxN 200000000 class node { public: int st; int value; bool is_empty; }; class cmp { public: bool operator()(const node *n1,const node *n2) { if(n1->value != n2->value)return n1->value < n2->value; return n1->st < n2->st; } }; unordered_map < int , node *> mymap; set <node *, cmp> myset; void init(int N) { mymap.clear(); myset.clear(); node *newNode = new node(); newNode->st = 0; newNode->value = N; newNode->is_empty = true; myset.insert(newNode); return; } int allocate(int mSize) { /*for (node *tp : myset) { printf("%d %d\n", tp->st, tp->value); } printf("\n\n");*/ //cout<<"them "<<mSize<<" vao vi tri "; node *newNode = new node(); newNode->value = mSize; newNode->st= -1; //newNode->is_empty = false; auto it = myset.upper_bound(newNode); if(it!= myset.end()){ int start = (*it)->st; int kc = (*it)->value; //cout<<start<<"-\n"; newNode->st = start; newNode->value = mSize; mymap[start]= newNode; myset.erase(*it); if(mSize < kc ){ node *newNod = new node(); newNod->st = start + mSize; newNod->value = kc -mSize; myset.insert(newNod); } return start; } return -1; } int release(int mAddr) { auto it = mymap.find(mAddr); if(it == mymap.end())return -1; int ans = (it->second)->value; //cout<<mAddr<<" "<<(it->second)->st<<" "<<ans<<"+\n"; node *newN = new node(); newN->st = (it->second)->st; newN->value = ans; mymap.erase(it); int dau = newN->st,cuoi = dau + ans - 1; node *bef = new node(); node *aft = new node(); for (node *tp : myset) { if(tp->st< dau && tp->st + tp->value == dau) { dau = tp->st; bef = tp; } if(tp->st == cuoi+1) { cuoi = tp->st + tp->value -1; aft = tp; } //printf("%d %d\n", tp->st, tp->value); } newN->st = dau; newN->value = cuoi-dau+1; myset.erase(bef); myset.erase(aft); myset.insert(newN); return ans; } >> Wednesday, August 2, 2023 [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 14:44 #include<set> #include<unordered_map> using namespace std; struct loc { int start; int end; }; struct comperator { bool operator()(const struct loc &a, const struct loc &b) { if ((a.end - a.start) > (b.end - b.start)) { return true; } else if ((a.end - a.start) == (b.end - b.start) && (a.start < b.start)) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; set<struct loc, struct comperator> alllockers; set<int> alreadyAssigned; unordered_map<int, int> locker_to_mid; int numOfLockers; int alreadyallocated; int getLockerId(int start, int end) { if (start == 1) { return start; } else if (end == numOfLockers) { return end; } else { return (start + (end - start) / 2); } } void init(int N) { alreadyallocated = 0; numOfLockers = N; alllockers.clear(); alreadyAssigned.clear(); locker_to_mid.clear(); alllockers.insert({ 1,numOfLockers }); alreadyAssigned.insert(0); alreadyAssigned.insert(numOfLockers + 1); return; } bool isValidInsertion(int leftIdx, int rightIdx) { if (leftIdx > rightIdx) { return false; } return true; } int arrive(int mId) { auto itr = alllockers.begin(); int lockerId = getLockerId(itr->start,itr->end); if (isValidInsertion(itr->start, lockerId - 1)) { alllockers.insert({ itr->start, lockerId - 1 }); } if (isValidInsertion(lockerId + 1, itr->end )) { alllockers.insert({ lockerId + 1, itr->end }); } alllockers.erase(itr); alreadyAssigned.insert(lockerId); locker_to_mid[mId] = lockerId; return lockerId; } int leave(int mId) { int lockerId = locker_to_mid[mId]; auto itr = alreadyAssigned.find(lockerId); int priviousLoc = *(--itr); itr++; int nextLoc = *(++itr); alllockers.erase({priviousLoc + 1, lockerId - 1}); alllockers.erase({lockerId + 1, nextLoc - 1}); if(isValidInsertion(priviousLoc + 1,nextLoc - 1)) { alllockers.insert({ priviousLoc + 1,nextLoc - 1 }); } alreadyAssigned.erase(lockerId); locker_to_mid.erase(mId); return (numOfLockers - alreadyAssigned.size() + 2); } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 14:49 locker [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 14:52 #include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> #include <set> #include <queue> #include <vector> using namespace std; int N; int emp; class node { public: int st; int fi; int value; bool del; node() { del = false; } }; class cmp{ public: bool operator()(const node *n1, const node *n2) { if(n1->value != n2->value) return n1->value < n2->value; return n1->st > n2->st; } }; class cmp2{ public: bool operator()(const node *n1, const node *n2) { if(n1->st !=n2->st) return n1->st < n2->st; return n1->fi < n2->fi; } }; unordered_map <int , int> mymap; priority_queue < node*,vector<node *>, cmp> myset; set <node *, cmp2> myset2; void init(int N) { ::N = N; emp = N; while(!myset.empty())myset.pop(); mymap.clear(); myset2.clear(); node *newNode = new node(); newNode->st = 0; newNode->fi = N+1; newNode->value = N; myset.push(newNode); myset2.insert(newNode); return; } node *x = new node(); int arrive(int mId) { emp--; node *tp = myset.top(); myset.pop(); while(tp->del) { tp = myset.top(); myset.pop(); } int u = tp->st; int v = tp->fi; myset2.erase(tp); if(u==0) { mymap[mId]= 1; if(tp->fi != 2){ tp->st++; tp->value--; myset.push(tp); myset2.insert(tp); } return 1; }else if(v== N+1) { mymap[mId]= N; if(tp->st != N-1){ tp->fi--; tp->value--; myset.push(tp); myset2.insert(tp); } return N; }else { int mid = (u+v)/2; mymap[mId]= mid; if(mid - u -1 >0){ node *newNode = new node(); newNode->st = tp->st; newNode->fi = mid; newNode->value = mid - u -1; myset.push(newNode); myset2.insert(newNode); } if(v - mid - 1 > 0){ node *newNode = new node(); newNode->st = mid; newNode->fi = v; newNode->value = v- mid -1 ; myset.push(newNode); myset2.insert(newNode); } return mid; } } int leave(int mId) { emp++; int u = mymap[mId]; mymap.erase(mId); x->st = u; x->fi = u; auto it = myset2.upper_bound(x); node *cur = new node(); cur->st = u-1; cur->fi = u+1; if(it != myset2.end() && (*it)->st == u) { cur->fi = (*it)->fi; (*it)->del = true; myset2.erase(it); } it = myset2.upper_bound(x); if(it != myset2.begin() ) { it--; if((*it)->fi == u) { cur->st = (*it)->st; (*it)->del = true; myset2.erase(it); } } cur->value = cur->fi - cur->st -1; myset.push(cur); myset2.insert(cur); return emp; } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 14:52 #include <set> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; struct compare_section { bool operator()(pair<int, int> p1, pair<int, int> p2){ if(p1.second-p1.first == p2.second-p2.first){ return p1.first < p2.first; } return p1.second-p1.first > p2.second-p2.first; } }; set <pair<int, int>, compare_section> section; set <int> locker; unordered_map<int, int> map_id; int n_total; int cnt_user; void init(int N) { n_total = N; section.clear(); locker.clear(); map_id.clear(); section.insert(make_pair(1, N)); //trong tu 1 -> N; locker.insert(0); locker.insert(N+1); return; } int arrive(int mId) { auto it = section.begin(); int st = it->first; int end = it->second; if(it->first == 1){ map_id[mId] = 1; section.erase(make_pair(1,end)); section.insert(make_pair(2, end)); locker.insert(1); return 1; } else if(it->second == n_total){ map_id[mId] = n_total; section.erase(make_pair(st,n_total)); section.insert(make_pair(st, n_total - 1)); locker.insert(n_total); return n_total; } int post_lock = (it->second + it->first) >> 1; map_id[mId] = post_lock; section.insert(make_pair(it->first, post_lock-1)); section.insert(make_pair(post_lock+1, it->second)); section.erase(it); locker.insert(post_lock); return post_lock; } int leave(int mId) { int lock_id = map_id[mId]; auto it = locker.find(lock_id); int next_post = *(++it); int pre_post = *(--(--it)); locker.erase(++it); section.erase(make_pair(pre_post + 1, lock_id - 1)); section.erase(make_pair(lock_id + 1, next_post - 1)); section.insert(make_pair(pre_post + 1, next_post - 1)); return n_total - locker.size() + 2; } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 8/2/2023 14:55 #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; const int MAXNODE = 40005; class Node { public: int start, size; void init(int st, int sz) { start = st; size = sz; } }; Node pool[MAXNODE]; int cnt; Node *getNode(int st, int sz) { pool[cnt].init(st, sz); return (pool + cnt++); } class CmpSize { public: bool operator() (const Node *n1, const Node *n2) const { if (n1->size != n2->size) return n1->size > n2->size; return n1->start < n2->start; } }; class CmpStart { public: bool operator() (const Node *n1, const Node *n2) const { return n1->start < n2->start; } }; int N; unordered_map<int, int> hashLocker; set<Node *, CmpSize> treeSize; set<Node *, CmpStart> treeStart; void init(int N) { cnt = 0; ::N = N; hashLocker.clear(); treeSize.clear(); treeStart.clear(); Node *n = getNode(1, N); treeSize.insert(n); treeStart.insert(n); return; } int arrive(int mId) { Node *maxSpace = *(treeSize.begin()); treeSize.erase(maxSpace); treeStart.erase(maxSpace); if (maxSpace->start == 1) { // pick locker at first hashLocker[mId] = 1; maxSpace->start = 2; maxSpace->size--; treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); return 1; } if (maxSpace->start + maxSpace->size - 1 == N) { // pick locker at last hashLocker[mId] = N; maxSpace->size--; treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); return N; } { // pick locker at the middle of space int indexLocker = maxSpace->start + (maxSpace->size - 1) / 2; hashLocker[mId] = indexLocker; Node *rightSpace = getNode(indexLocker + 1, maxSpace->start + maxSpace->size - (indexLocker + 1)); maxSpace->size = indexLocker - maxSpace->start; if (maxSpace->size > 0) { treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); } if (rightSpace->size > 0) { treeSize.insert(rightSpace); treeStart.insert(rightSpace); } return indexLocker; } return 0; } int leave(int mId) { int indexLocker = hashLocker[mId]; hashLocker.erase(mId); Node *delNode; Node *newNode = getNode(indexLocker, 1); Node tp; tp.init(indexLocker, 0); auto it = treeStart.lower_bound(&tp); if (it != treeStart.end()) { delNode = (*it); if (newNode->start + newNode->size == delNode->start) { treeSize.erase(delNode); treeStart.erase(delNode); newNode->size += delNode->size; } } auto it2 = treeStart.lower_bound(&tp); if (it2 != treeStart.begin()) { it2--; delNode = (*it2); if (delNode->start + delNode->size == newNode->start) { treeSize.erase(delNode); treeStart.erase(delNode); newNode->start = delNode->start; newNode->size += delNode->size; } } treeSize.insert(newNode); treeStart.insert(newNode); return N - hashLocker.size(); } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 14:56 #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; const int MAXNODE = 40005; class Node { public: int start, size; void init(int st, int sz) { start = st; size = sz; } }; Node pool[MAXNODE]; int cnt; Node *getNode(int st, int sz) { pool[cnt].init(st, sz); return (pool + cnt++); } class CmpSize { public: bool operator() (const Node *n1, const Node *n2) const { if (n1->size != n2->size) return n1->size > n2->size; return n1->start < n2->start; } }; class CmpStart { public: bool operator() (const Node *n1, const Node *n2) const { return n1->start < n2->start; } }; int N; unordered_map<int, int> hashLocker; set<Node *, CmpSize> treeSize; set<Node *, CmpStart> treeStart; void init(int N) { cnt = 0; ::N = N; hashLocker.clear(); treeSize.clear(); treeStart.clear(); Node *n = getNode(1, N); treeSize.insert(n); treeStart.insert(n); return; } int arrive(int mId) { Node *maxSpace = *(treeSize.begin()); treeSize.erase(maxSpace); treeStart.erase(maxSpace); if (maxSpace->start == 1) { // pick locker at first hashLocker[mId] = 1; maxSpace->start = 2; maxSpace->size--; treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); return 1; } if (maxSpace->start + maxSpace->size - 1 == N) { hashLocker[mId] = N; maxSpace->size--; treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); return N; } { int indexLocker = maxSpace->start + (maxSpace->size - 1) / 2; hashLocker[mId] = indexLocker; Node *rightSpace = getNode(indexLocker + 1, maxSpace->start + maxSpace->size - (indexLocker + 1)); maxSpace->size = indexLocker - maxSpace->start; if (maxSpace->size > 0) { treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); } if (rightSpace->size > 0) { treeSize.insert(rightSpace); treeStart.insert(rightSpace); } return indexLocker; } return 0; } int leave(int mId) { int indexLocker = hashLocker[mId]; hashLocker.erase(mId); Node *delNode; Node *newNode = getNode(indexLocker, 1); Node tp; tp.init(indexLocker, 0); auto it = treeStart.lower_bound(&tp); if (it != treeStart.end()) { delNode = (*it); if (newNode->start + newNode->size == delNode->start) { treeSize.erase(delNode); treeStart.erase(delNode); newNode->size += delNode->size; } } auto it2 = treeStart.lower_bound(&tp); if (it2 != treeStart.begin()) { it2--; delNode = (*it2); if (delNode->start + delNode->size == newNode->start) { treeSize.erase(delNode); treeStart.erase(delNode); newNode->start = delNode->start; newNode->size += delNode->size; } } treeSize.insert(newNode); treeStart.insert(newNode); return N - hashLocker.size(); } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 14:59 #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; const int MAXNODE = 40005; struct Node { int start, size; void init(int st, int sz) { start = st; size = sz; } }; Node pool[MAXNODE]; int cnt; Node *getNode(int st, int sz) { pool[cnt].init(st, sz); return (pool + cnt++); } struct CmpSize { bool operator() (const Node *n1, const Node *n2) const { if (n1->size != n2->size) return n1->size > n2->size; return n1->start < n2->start; } }; struct CmpStart { bool operator() (const Node *n1, const Node *n2) const { return n1->start < n2->start; } }; int N; unordered_map<int, int> hashLocker; set<Node *, CmpSize> treeSize; set<Node *, CmpStart> treeStart; void init(int N) { cnt = 0; ::N = N; hashLocker.clear(); treeSize.clear(); treeStart.clear(); Node *n = getNode(1, N); treeSize.insert(n); treeStart.insert(n); return; } int arrive(int mId) { Node *maxSpace = *(treeSize.begin()); treeSize.erase(maxSpace); treeStart.erase(maxSpace); if (maxSpace->start == 1) { // pick locker at first hashLocker[mId] = 1; maxSpace->start = 2; maxSpace->size--; treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); return 1; } if (maxSpace->start + maxSpace->size - 1 == N) { // pick locker at last hashLocker[mId] = N; maxSpace->size--; treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); return N; } { // pick locker at the middle of space int indexLocker = maxSpace->start + (maxSpace->size - 1) / 2; hashLocker[mId] = indexLocker; Node *rightSpace = getNode(indexLocker + 1, maxSpace->start + maxSpace->size - (indexLocker + 1)); maxSpace->size = indexLocker - maxSpace->start; if (maxSpace->size > 0) { treeSize.insert(maxSpace); treeStart.insert(maxSpace); } if (rightSpace->size > 0) { treeSize.insert(rightSpace); treeStart.insert(rightSpace); } return indexLocker; } return 0; } int leave(int mId) { int indexLocker = hashLocker[mId]; hashLocker.erase(mId); Node *delNode; Node *newNode = getNode(indexLocker, 1); Node tp; tp.init(indexLocker, 0); auto it = treeStart.lower_bound(&tp); if (it != treeStart.end()) { delNode = (*it); if (newNode->start + newNode->size == delNode->start) { treeSize.erase(delNode); treeStart.erase(delNode); newNode->size += delNode->size; } } auto it2 = treeStart.lower_bound(&tp); if (it2 != treeStart.begin()) { it2--; delNode = (*it2); if (delNode->start + delNode->size == newNode->start) { treeSize.erase(delNode); treeStart.erase(delNode); newNode->start = delNode->start; newNode->size += delNode->size; } } treeSize.insert(newNode); treeStart.insert(newNode); return N - hashLocker.size(); } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 15:03 servival train [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/2/2023 15:03 #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<set> using namespace std; struct passenger { int gId; int points; }; passenger PS[100005]; vector<int> JOBID[1000]; struct cmp { bool operator()(int a, int b) const { if (PS[a].points == PS[b].points) return a < b; return PS[a].points > PS[b].points; } }; set<int, cmp> GROUPSET[10]; // decreasing order int groupcnt; int job; void init(int N, int M, int J, int mPoint[], int mJobID[]) { groupcnt = N/M; job = J; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { PS[i].gId = i / M; PS[i].points = mPoint[i]; JOBID[mJobID[i]].push_back(i); GROUPSET[i / M].insert(i); } } void destroy() { for (int i = 0; i < groupcnt; i++) GROUPSET[i].clear(); for (int i = 0; i < job; i++) JOBID[i].clear(); } int update(int mID, int mPoint) { int groupNumber = PS[mID].gId; GROUPSET[groupNumber].erase(mID); PS[mID].points += mPoint; GROUPSET[groupNumber].insert(mID); return PS[mID].points; } int updateByJob(int mJobID, int mPoint) { int sum = 0; int size = JOBID[mJobID].size(); // update point for each passenger in that jobid for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int id = JOBID[mJobID][i]; sum += update(id, mPoint); } return sum; } int move(int mNum) { int sum = 0; // store temp value vector<int> TMP[10]; for (int i = 1; i < groupcnt; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mNum; j++) { // heigh element auto itr1 = GROUPSET[i].begin(); // low element auto itr2 = --GROUPSET[i - 1].end(); TMP[i - 1].push_back(*itr1); TMP[i].push_back(*itr2); // erase from set GROUPSET[i].erase(itr1); GROUPSET[i - 1].erase(itr2); } } for (int i = 0; i < groupcnt; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < TMP[i].size(); j++) { sum += PS[TMP[i][j]].points; PS[TMP[i][j]].gId = i; GROUPSET[i].insert(TMP[i][j]); } } return sum; } [Phạm Quang Trà (Tra_광차_Tra) / Pham Quang Tra] 8/2/2023 16:41 //soldier const int MIN_ID = 1; const int MAX_ID = 100000; const int MIN_TEAM = 1; const int MAX_TEAM = 5; const int MIN_SCORE = 1; const int MAX_SCORE = 5; struct Node { int id; int team; Node *prev; Node *next; } soldier[MAX_ID + 1]; struct List { Node head; Node tail; static void link(Node *front, Node *back) { front->next = back; back->prev = front; } static void erase(Node *node) { link(node->prev, node->next); } void initialize() { link(&head, &tail); } void insert(Node *node) { link(tail.prev, node); link(node, &tail); } bool isEmpty() { return (head.next == &tail); } void splice(List *list) { if (list->isEmpty()) return; link(tail.prev, list->head.next); link(list->tail.prev, &tail); list->initialize(); } } soldierGroup[MAX_TEAM + 1][MAX_SCORE + 1]; void init() { for (int i = MIN_TEAM; i <= MAX_TEAM; i++) for (int j = MIN_SCORE; j <= MAX_SCORE; j++) soldierGroup[i][j].initialize(); } void hire(int mID, int mTeam, int mScore) { soldier[mID].id = mID; soldier[mID].team = mTeam; soldierGroup[mTeam][mScore].insert(soldier + mID); } void fire(int mID) { List::erase(soldier + mID); } void updateSoldier(int mID, int mScore) { List::erase(soldier + mID); soldierGroup[soldier[mID].team][mScore].insert(soldier + mID); } void updateTeam(int mTeam, int mChangeScore) { if (mChangeScore > 0) { for (int i = MAX_SCORE - 1; i >= MIN_SCORE; i--) { int newScore = i + mChangeScore; if (newScore > MAX_SCORE) newScore = MAX_SCORE; soldierGroup[mTeam][newScore].splice(&soldierGroup[mTeam][i]); } } else if (mChangeScore < 0) { for (int i = MIN_SCORE + 1; i <= MAX_SCORE; i++) { int newScore = i + mChangeScore; if (newScore < MIN_SCORE) newScore = MIN_SCORE; soldierGroup[mTeam][newScore].splice(&soldierGroup[mTeam][i]); } } } int bestSoldier(int mTeam) { List *maxScoreGroup; for (int i = MAX_SCORE; i >= MIN_SCORE; i--) { if (!soldierGroup[mTeam][i].isEmpty()) { maxScoreGroup = &soldierGroup[mTeam][i]; break; } } int maxId = MIN_ID - 1; Node *maxScoreSoldier = maxScoreGroup->head.next; while (maxScoreSoldier != &(maxScoreGroup->tail)) { if (maxId < maxScoreSoldier->id) maxId = maxScoreSoldier->id; maxScoreSoldier = maxScoreSoldier->next; } return maxId; } >> Thursday, August 3, 2023 [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/3/2023 14:23 #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct node{ int id; int score; int grade; int gen; }; struct cmp{ bool operator()(const node *n1, const node *n2){ if(n1->score!=n2->score) return n1->score<n2->score; else return n1->id<n2->id; } }; set <node *,cmp> s[4][3]; unordered_map<int,node*> mymap; void init() { mymap.clear(); for(int i=1;i<4;i++){ s[i][1].clear(); s[i][2].clear(); } return; } int add(int mId, int mGrade, char mGender[7], int mScore) { node *newNode=new node(); int gender=1; if(mGender[0]=='f') gender=2; newNode->id=mId; newNode->gen=gender; newNode->grade=mGrade; newNode->score=mScore; s[mGrade][gender].insert(newNode); auto it=s[mGrade][gender].rbegin(); mymap[mId]=newNode; return (*it)->id; } int remove(int mId) { auto it=mymap.find(mId); if(it==mymap.end()) return 0; node *cur=it->second; int mGrade = cur->grade; int mGender = cur->gen; s[mGrade][mGender].erase(cur); if(s[mGrade][mGender].empty())return 0; auto i = s[mGrade][mGender].begin(); return (*i)->id; } int query(int mGradeCnt, int mGrade[], int mGenderCnt, char mGender[][7], int mScore) { int gen[2]; for(int i=0;i< mGenderCnt;i++) { gen[i] = 1; if(mGender[i][0]=='f')gen[i]=2; } int ansId =0 , ansScore = 300003; node *newNode = new node(); newNode->score = mScore; newNode->id = 0; for(int i=0;i<mGradeCnt;i++) for(int j=0;j<mGenderCnt;j++) { int lop = mGrade[i]; int gt = gen[j]; auto it = s[lop][gt].upper_bound(newNode); if(it != s[lop][gt].end()) { if((*it)->score < ansScore)ansScore = (*it)->score, ansId = (*it)->id;else if((*it)->score == ansScore)if(ansId > (*it)->id)ansId = (*it)->id; } } return ansId; } [Nguyễn Văn Vang / Nguyen Van Vang] 8/3/2023 14:24 school record