from pya3 import * # User Credential user_id = "" api_key = "" # Connect and get session Id alice = Aliceblue(user_id=user_id, api_key=api_key) alice.get_session_id() print(alice.get_session_id()) # Get Session ID sleep(1) LTP = 0 socket_opened = False subscribe_flag = False subscribe_list = [] unsubscribe_list = [] def socket(): def socket_open(): # Socket open callback function print("Connected") global socket_opened socket_opened = True if ( subscribe_flag ): # This is used to resubscribe the script when reconnect the socket. alice.subscribe(subscribe_list) def socket_close(): # On Socket close this callback function will trigger global socket_opened, LTP socket_opened = False LTP = 0 print("Closed") def socket_error( message, ): # Socket Error Message will receive in this callback function global LTP LTP = 0 print("Error :", message) def feed_data(message): # Socket feed data will receive in this callback function global LTP, subscribe_flag feed_message = json.loads(message) if feed_message["t"] == "ck": print( "Connection Acknowledgement status :%s (Websocket Connected)" % feed_message["s"] ) subscribe_flag = True print("subscribe_flag :", subscribe_flag) print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) pass elif feed_message["t"] == "tk": print("Token Acknowledgement status :%s " % feed_message) print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) pass else: # print("Feed :", feed_message) LTP = ( feed_message["lp"] if "lp" in feed_message else LTP ) # If LTP in the response it will store in LTP variable print(type(feed_message["tk"])) if feed_message["tk"] == "243769": print(feed_message) # Socket Connection Request alice.start_websocket( socket_open_callback=socket_open, socket_close_callback=socket_close, socket_error_callback=socket_error, subscription_callback=feed_data, run_in_background=True, ) while not socket_opened: print("Connecting...") global subscribe_list, unsubscribe_list # Subscribe the Instrument print("Subscribe :", datetime.now()) subscribe_list = [ alice.get_instrument_by_token("MCX", 243769), alice.get_instrument_by_token("MCX", 243770), ] alice.subscribe(subscribe_list) sleep(10) # print("Unsubscribe :",datetime.now()) # unsubscribe_list = [alice.get_instrument_by_token("NFO",35018)] # alice.unsubscribe(unsubscribe_list) # sleep(8) # Stop the websocket # alice.stop_websocket() # sleep(10) # print(datetime.now()) # # # Connect the socket after socket close # alice.start_websocket(socket_open_callback=socket_open, socket_close_callback=socket_close, # socket_error_callback=socket_error, subscription_callback=feed_data, run_in_background=True) # strategy Function here you can implement your strategy def strategy(): while True: # print(LTP) sleep(5) if __name__ == "__main__": socket() strategy()
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