Champions (70): Annie Olaf Diana XinZhao Sylas Yone Aatrox Kayle MasterYi Azir Kayn Zoe Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Seraphine Warwick Nunu MissFortune Ashe Jax Morgana Zac Singed Evelynn Yasuo Amumu Rammus Velkoz Shaco Illaoi DrMundo SonaDJGenre01 Irelia Veigar Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Renekton Brand LeeSin Vayne Heimerdinger Nasus Udyr Poppy Gragas Ezreal Garen Leona Talon Yuumi TahmKench Shen LuxAir Samira Viego Volibear Rengar Senna Sett Lillia Zed Draven Hecarim Khazix Darius Skins (34): Lunar Guardian Warwick Ocean Song Seraphine Temple Jax Ocean Song Yone Bewitching Yuumi Imperial Xin Zhao High Noon Yasuo Debonair Zed Lunar Wraith Sylas iBlitzcrank Odyssey Yasuo Nightbringer Kayn Firefighter Tristana Nightbringer Yasuo Rocket Girl Tristana Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger Cryocore Brand Bilgewater Katarina Order of the Lotus Irelia Pool Party Draven Eternal Dragon Brand Workshop Nunu & Willump Death Sworn Katarina Marauder Xin Zhao Blood Moon Evelynn Dragonslayer Kayle Pulsefire Ezreal Space Groove Gragas Spirit Blossom Yasuo Sherwood Forest Ashe Sentinel Irelia Sheriff Caitlyn Tundra Hunter Warwick Truth Dragon Yasuo
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