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import pandas as pd import numpy as np import logging from semopy import ModelMeans from semopy.report import report from semopy.plot import semplot # Configure logging logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - [%(funcName)s] - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SEMAnalysis: def __init__(self, data_path): self.data_path = data_path self.df = None self.model = None self.results = None self.composite_reliabilities = {} logger.info(f"Initializing SEMAnalysis with data path: {data_path}") # Define variable groups self.attention_items = [ 'SM1A1', 'SM1A2', 'SM1A3', 'SM2A1', 'SM2A2', 'SM2A3', 'SM3A1', 'SM3A2', 'SM3A3', 'SM4A1', 'SM4A2', 'SM4A3', 'BM1A1', 'BM1A2', 'BM1A3', 'BM2A1', 'BM2A2', 'BM2A3', 'BM3A1', 'BM3A2', 'BM3A3', 'BM4A1', 'BM4A2', 'BM4A3' ] self.engagement_items = [ 'SM1E1', 'SM1E2', 'SM1E3', 'SM1E4', 'SM1E5', 'SM2E1', 'SM2E2', 'SM2E3', 'SM2E4', 'SM2E5', 'SM3E1', 'SM3E2', 'SM3E3', 'SM3E4', 'SM3E5', 'SM4E1', 'SM4E2', 'SM4E3', 'SM4E4', 'SM4E5', 'BM1E1', 'BM1E2', 'BM1E3', 'BM1E4', 'BM2E1', 'BM2E2', 'BM2E3', 'BM2E4', 'BM3E1', 'BM3E2', 'BM3E3', 'BM3E4', 'BM4E1', 'BM4E2', 'BM4E3', 'BM4E4' ] self.visibility_items = ['dV1', 'dV2', 'dV3', 'dV4'] def load_data(self): """Load the dataset from the specified path.""" try: logger.info(f"Loading data from: {self.data_path}") self.df = pd.read_csv(self.data_path, delimiter=';') self.df.columns = self.df.columns.str.replace("_", "", regex=False) logger.info(f"Data loaded successfully. Shape: {self.df.shape}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error loading data: {str(e)}") raise def preprocess_data(self): """Preprocess the dataset.""" try: logger.info("Starting data preprocessing") # Replace single spaces with NaN for col in self.df.columns: self.df[col] = self.df[col].replace(' ', np.nan) # Convert to numeric self.df = self.df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # Handle -99 as missing value self.df = self.df.replace(-99, np.nan) # Create gender columns self.df['Gender_Female'] = (self.df['Gender'] == 1).astype(int) self.df['Gender_Male'] = (self.df['Gender'] == 2).astype(int) self.df['Gender_NonBinary'] = (self.df['Gender'] == 0).astype(int) # Create Inoculation and Visibility self.df['Inoculation'] = 0 self.df.loc[(self.df['Flow'] == 1.0) | (self.df['Flow'] == 4.0), 'Inoculation'] = 1 self.df['Visibility'] = 0 self.df.loc[(self.df['Flow'] == 2.0) | (self.df['Flow'] == 3.0), 'Visibility'] = 1 # Create difference variables self.df['dV1'] = self.df['V11'] - self.df['V12'] self.df['dV2'] = self.df['V21'] - self.df['V22'] self.df['dV3'] = self.df['V31'] - self.df['V32'] self.df['dV4'] = self.df['V41'] - self.df['V42'] # Remove low variance variables low_variance = self.df.var()[self.df.var() < 1e-5].index self.df.drop(columns=low_variance, inplace=True) # Standardize numeric columns numeric_cols = self.df.select_dtypes(include=['float64', 'int64']).columns self.df[numeric_cols] = (self.df[numeric_cols] - self.df[numeric_cols].mean()) / self.df[numeric_cols].std() # Handle missing values self.df.fillna(self.df.mean(), inplace=True) logger.info("Preprocessing completed successfully") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error during preprocessing: {str(e)}") raise def specify_model(self): """Specify the SEM model.""" logger.info("Specifying SEM model") return """ # Measurement model for Visibility Visibility =~ dV1 + dV2 + dV3 + dV4 # Measurement model for Attention Attention =~ SM1A1 + SM1A2 + SM1A3 + SM2A1 + SM2A2 + SM2A3 + SM3A1 + SM3A2 + SM3A3 + SM4A1 + SM4A2 + SM4A3 Attention =~ BM1A1 + BM1A2 + BM1A3 + BM2A1 + BM2A2 + BM2A3 + BM3A1 + BM3A2 + BM3A3 + BM4A1 + BM4A2 + BM4A3 # Measurement model for Engagement Engagement =~ SM1E1 + SM1E2 + SM1E3 + SM1E4 + SM1E5 + SM2E1 + SM2E2 + SM2E3 + SM2E4 + SM2E5 + SM3E1 + SM3E2 + SM3E3 + SM3E4 + SM3E5 + SM4E1 + SM4E2 + SM4E3 + SM4E4 + SM4E5 Engagement =~ BM1E1 + BM1E2 + BM1E3 + BM1E4 + BM2E1 + BM2E2 + BM2E3 + BM2E4 + BM3E1 + BM3E2 + BM3E3 + BM3E4 + BM4E1 + BM4E2 + BM4E3 + BM4E4 # Structural model Attention ~ Inoculation + Visibility Engagement ~ Inoculation + Visibility """ def fit_model(self): """Fit the SEM model.""" try: logger.info("Starting SEM model fitting") model_spec = self.specify_model() self.model = ModelMeans(model_spec) self.model.fit(self.df) self.results = self.model.inspect() logger.info("Model fitting completed") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error fitting the SEM model: {str(e)}", exc_info=True) raise def plot_model(self, output_file='sem_model.png'): """Create and save path diagram of the SEM model.""" try: logger.info("Creating path diagram") semplot(self.model, output_file) report(self.model, "model_results") logger.info(f"Path diagram saved to {output_file}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error creating path diagram: {str(e)}", exc_info=True) raise def calculate_composite_reliability(self, items): """Calculate the composite reliability for a set of items.""" try: logger.info(f"Calculating composite reliability for {len(items)} items") loadings = self.results.loc[self.results['lval'].isin(items), 'Estimate'].values loadings = np.array(loadings, dtype=float) loadings = loadings[~np.isnan(loadings)] reliability = np.sum(loadings)**2 / (np.sum(loadings)**2 + np.sum(1 - loadings**2)) return reliability except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error calculating composite reliability: {str(e)}") return None def run(self): """Run the entire SEM analysis pipeline.""" logger.info("Starting SEM analysis pipeline") try: self.load_data() self.preprocess_data() self.fit_model() # Calculate composite reliabilities constructs = { "Attention": self.attention_items, "Engagement": self.engagement_items, "Visibility": self.visibility_items } for construct, items in constructs.items(): logger.info(f"Processing reliability for construct: {construct}") reliability = self.calculate_composite_reliability(items) self.composite_reliabilities[construct] = reliability # Create model visualization self.plot_model() # Print results print("\nModel Results:") print("=" * 80) print(report(self.model, "model_results")) print("\nComposite Reliabilities:") print("-" * 40) for construct, rel in self.composite_reliabilities.items(): print(f"{construct:<20} = {rel:>10.4f}") logger.info("Analysis pipeline completed successfully") except Exception as e: logger.error("Error in analysis pipeline", exc_info=True) raise if __name__ == "__main__": logger.info("Starting SEM Analysis script") try: data_path = './ThesisData6.csv' logger.info(f"Using data path: {data_path}") sem_analysis = SEMAnalysis(data_path) sem_analysis.run() logger.info("Script completed successfully") except Exception as e: logger.error("Script failed with error", exc_info=True) raise
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