3 months ago
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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using TMPro; public class PathfindingTester : MonoBehaviour { private float moveSpeed; public bool isStopped = false; public float baseSpeed = 20f; public int numberOfPackages = 0; // Number of packages carried by this robot. public TextMeshProUGUI speedInfo; // Display the current speed. public TextMeshProUGUI packageInfo; // Display the number of packages. public TextMeshProUGUI parcelInfo; // Display the delivery state. public float MoveSpeed { get => isStopped ? 0 : moveSpeed; set { moveSpeed = value; if (value == 0) isStopped = true; } } private bool hasReturned = false; public bool HasReturned() { return hasReturned; } public void SetReturned(bool value) { hasReturned = value; } private AStarManager AStarManager = new AStarManager(); private List<GameObject> Waypoints = new List<GameObject>(); private List<Connection> ConnectionArray = new List<Connection>(); public GameObject start; public GameObject pickupPoint; public GameObject deliveryPoint; public GameObject returnPoint; public GameObject car; // Robot's game object. public Camera mainCamera; public Vector3 cameraOffset = new Vector3(0, 5, -10); public float cameraFollowSpeed = 5f; public float turnSpeed = 2f; private int currentWaypointIndex = 0; private Vector3 offSet = new Vector3(0, 0.3f, 0); public GameObject boxPrefab; // Box prefab. private GameObject currentBox; // Box instance for this robot. private bool boxCarrying = false; private enum State { MovingToPickup, MovingToDelivery, ReturningToStart, Finished } private State currentState = State.MovingToPickup; void Start() { if (!ValidateSetup()) return; // Instantiate box at pickup point for this robot. currentBox = Instantiate(boxPrefab, pickupPoint.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); // Find waypoints and connections. FindWaypointsAndConnections(); // Set initial path to pickup point. SetPathToDestination(start, pickupPoint); MoveSpeed = baseSpeed; } void Update() { if (ConnectionArray.Count == 0 || car == null) return; if (currentState == State.Finished) return; MoveCarAlongPath(); UpdateCameraPosition(); UpdateParcelInfo(); UpdateSpeedInfo(); UpdatePackageInfo(); } public void ResumeAgent() { isStopped = false; moveSpeed = baseSpeed - (baseSpeed * numberOfPackages * 0.1f); // Adjust speed based on the number of packages. Debug.Log($"{name} resumed movement at speed {moveSpeed}"); } private bool ValidateSetup() { if (start == null || pickupPoint == null || deliveryPoint == null || returnPoint == null || boxPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Missing essential objects. Check start, pickupPoint, deliveryPoint, returnPoint, and boxPrefab assignments."); return false; } return true; } private void FindWaypointsAndConnections() { GameObject[] waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Waypoint"); foreach (GameObject waypoint in waypoints) { WaypointCON waypointCon = waypoint.GetComponent<WaypointCON>(); if (waypointCon) { Waypoints.Add(waypoint); foreach (GameObject connectionNode in waypointCon.Connections) { Connection connection = new Connection(); connection.SetFromNode(waypoint); connection.SetToNode(connectionNode); AStarManager.AddConnection(connection); } } } } private void MoveCarAlongPath() { if (currentWaypointIndex >= ConnectionArray.Count) { HandleStateTransition(); return; } Transform targetWaypoint = ConnectionArray[currentWaypointIndex].GetToNode().transform; Vector3 direction = targetWaypoint.position - car.transform.position; direction.y = 0; if (direction.magnitude > 0.1f) { Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); car.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(car.transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed); } car.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(car.transform.position, targetWaypoint.position, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime); if (Vector3.Distance(car.transform.position, targetWaypoint.position) < 0.1f) { currentWaypointIndex++; } } private void UpdateCameraPosition() { if (mainCamera != null) { Vector3 desiredPosition = car.transform.position + car.transform.rotation * cameraOffset; mainCamera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(mainCamera.transform.position, desiredPosition, Time.deltaTime * cameraFollowSpeed); mainCamera.transform.LookAt(car.transform.position); } } private void HandleStateTransition() { if (currentState == State.MovingToPickup) { StartCoroutine(PickupBox()); } else if (currentState == State.MovingToDelivery) { StartCoroutine(DeliverBox()); } else if (currentState == State.ReturningToStart) { currentState = State.Finished; hasReturned = true; StopCar(); } } private IEnumerator PickupBox() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); currentBox.SetActive(false); boxCarrying = true; DecreaseSpeedForPackages(); SetPathToDestination(pickupPoint, deliveryPoint); currentState = State.MovingToDelivery; } private IEnumerator DeliverBox() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); currentBox.transform.position = deliveryPoint.transform.position; currentBox.SetActive(true); boxCarrying = false; ResetSpeedAfterDelivery(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); SetPathToDestination(deliveryPoint, returnPoint); currentState = State.ReturningToStart; } private void StopCar() { MoveSpeed = 0; Debug.Log($"{car.name} has completed its journey."); } private void SetPathToDestination(GameObject from, GameObject to) { ConnectionArray.Clear(); ConnectionArray = AStarManager.PathfindAStar(from, to); currentWaypointIndex = ConnectionArray.Count > 0 ? 0 : currentWaypointIndex; } private void UpdateParcelInfo() { if (parcelInfo == null) { Debug.LogError("ParcelInfo TextMeshProUGUI is not assigned."); return; } parcelInfo.text = currentState switch { State.MovingToPickup => "Heading to Pickup Point...", State.MovingToDelivery => "Carrying Package to Delivery Point...", State.ReturningToStart => "Returning to Start Point...", State.Finished => "Delivery Complete.", _ => "Idle" }; } private void UpdateSpeedInfo() { if (speedInfo != null) { speedInfo.text = $"Speed: {MoveSpeed:F2} km/h"; } } private void UpdatePackageInfo() { if (packageInfo != null) { packageInfo.text = $"Packages: {numberOfPackages}"; } } private void DecreaseSpeedForPackages() { MoveSpeed = baseSpeed * Mathf.Pow(0.9f, numberOfPackages); } private void ResetSpeedAfterDelivery() { MoveSpeed = baseSpeed; } }
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