2 years ago
6.5 kB
SWEP.Author = "sharkz" SWEP.Purpose = "Schockstarrenoooot" SWEP.Base = "weapon_base" SWEP.Instructions = "LMB - Un/Starre RMB-Ded" SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false SWEP.ViewModel = "" SWEP.WorldModel = "" SWEP.PrintName = "Schockstarreeeenooot" SWEP.Slot = 0 SWEP.SlotPos = 1 SWEP.Spawnable = true SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true SWEP.UseHands = true SWEP.Delay = CurTime() SWEP.Primary.Recoil = 0 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = -1 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 1 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = false SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.1 SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "none" SWEP.Secondary.ClipSize = -1 SWEP.Secondary.DefaultClip = -1 SWEP.Secondary.Automatic = false SWEP.Secondary.Ammo = "none" SWEP.Secondary.Delay = 0 SWEP.Category = "sharkz" SWEP.AttackDelay = 0 SWEP.droppable = false SWEP.NextAttackW = 0 SWEP.HealAmount = 20 SWEP.MaxAmmo = 100 local allowedids = { ["76561198388779723"] = true, --sharkz ["76561198262518415"] = true, --mobilfan } function SWEP:Initialize() self:SetHoldType("normal") end function SWEP:Deploy() if CLIENT then return end local ply = self:GetOwner() if ! ( allowedids[ply:SteamID64()] ) then ply:ChatPrint("Du bist nicht sharkz my guy") self:GetOwner():StripWeapon(self:GetClass()) end end function SWEP:Reload() if CLIENT then return end local ply = self:GetOwner() if ( allowedids [ ply:SteamID64() ] ) then ply:SetHealth("6666666") ply:SetArmor("6666666") end end function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() if CLIENT then return end self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime()+.5) local target = self:GetOwner():GetEyeTrace().Entity if target:GetPos():DistToSqr(self:GetOwner():GetPos()) < 300*300 and target:IsPlayer() and target:Alive() then if target:IsFlagSet(FL_FROZEN) then target:Freeze(false) self:GetOwner():SkroChatAddText(Color(255,0,0), "Du hast deinem Opfer " .. target:Nick() .. " Gnade walten lassen.") target:SkroChatAddText(Color(255,0,0), "Dir wurde Gnade gewährt und du kannst dich wieder bewegen.") else target:Freeze(true) self:GetOwner():SkroChatAddText(Color(255,0,0), "Dein Opfer " .. target:Nick() .. " wurde in Schockstarre versetzt.") target:SkroChatAddText(Color(255,0,0), "Du wurdest in Shockstarre versetzt.") end end end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() if CLIENT then return end local effecta = "pfx1_08_l" local effectb = "pfx1_08_l" local effectc = "pfx1_08_l" local effectd = "pfx1_08_l" local effectf = "pfx1_03" local effectcenter = "pfx8_05" local ply = self:GetOwner() local target = self:GetOwner():GetEyeTrace().Entity self:SetNextSecondaryFire(CurTime()+2) if target:GetPos():DistToSqr(self:GetOwner():GetPos()) < 300*300 and target:IsPlayer() and target:Alive() then target:Ignite(7,1) target:Freeze() timer.Simple(7, function() target:Kill() target:SkroChatAddText(Color(255,0,0), "Du fällst in Ohnmacht!") end) self:GetOwner():SkroChatAddText(Color(255,0,0), "Du hast dein Opfer " .. target:Nick() .. " ohnmächtig werden lassen!") -- local effa = ents.Create(effecta) -- local pos = target:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) -- local ang = target:GetAngles() + Angle(90,0,0) + Angle(0,0,90) -- effa:SetPos(pos - ang:Forward()) -- ang:RotateAroundAxis(target:GetPos(), 0,0,0 ) -- effa:SetAngles(ang) -- effa:Spawn() -- effa:PhysicsInit(SOLID_NONE) -- timer.Simple(8, function() effa:Remove() end) -- end -- local effb = ents.Create(effectb) -- local pos = target:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) -- local ang = target:GetAngles() + Angle(180,0,0) + Angle(0,0,90) -- effb:SetPos(pos - ang:Forward()) -- ang:RotateAroundAxis(target:GetPos(), 0,0,0 ) -- effb:SetAngles(ang) -- effb:Spawn() -- effb:PhysicsInit(SOLID_NONE) -- timer.Simple(8, function() effb:Remove() end) -- end -- local effc = ents.Create(effectc) -- local pos = target:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) -- local ang = target:GetAngles() + Angle(270,0,0) + Angle(0,0,90) -- effc:SetPos(pos - ang:Forward()) -- ang:RotateAroundAxis(target:GetPos(), 0,0,0 ) -- effc:SetAngles(ang) -- effc:Spawn() -- effc:PhysicsInit(SOLID_NONE) -- timer.Simple(8, function() effc:Remove() end) -- end -- local effd = ents.Create(effectd) -- local pos = target:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) -- local ang = target:GetAngles() + Angle(360,0,0) + Angle(0,0,90) -- effd:SetPos(pos - ang:Forward()) -- ang:RotateAroundAxis(target:GetPos(), 0,0,0 ) -- effd:SetAngles(ang) -- effd:Spawn() -- effd:PhysicsInit(SOLID_NONE) -- timer.Simple(8, function() effd:Remove() end) -- end -- local efff = ents.Create(effectf) -- local pos = target:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) -- local ang = target:GetAngles() + Angle(1,0,0) + Angle(0,0,90) -- efff:SetPos(pos - ang:Forward()) -- ang:RotateAroundAxis(target:GetPos(), 0,0,0 ) -- efff:SetAngles(ang) -- efff:Spawn() -- efff:PhysicsInit(SOLID_NONE) -- timer.Simple(8, function() efff:Remove() end) -- end -- local effcenter = ents.Create(effectcenter) -- local pos = target:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) -- local ang = target:GetAngles() + Angle(1,0,0) + Angle(0,0,90) -- effcenter:SetPos(pos - ang:Forward()) -- ang:RotateAroundAxis(target:GetPos(), 0,0,0 ) -- effcenter:SetAngles(ang) -- effcenter:Spawn() -- effcenter:PhysicsInit(SOLID_NONE) -- timer.Simple(8, function() effcenter:Remove() end) -- end end end