20 days ago
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#include <iostream> #include <random> #include <string> #include<set> #include<fstream> #include<algorithm> #include<iomanip> #include<map> #include "mpfr.cpp" using namespace std; int hd_s_tau[1000][1000]; string type_map[] = {"random", "stress_random_lenk", "stress_ACGT", "stress_AC", "stress_A"}; //RESULTS double estimator; double error_term; int type = 1; bool ERROR = false; // long double pow(long double base, int exp){ // double val = pow(base, exp);//long double) // //cout<< base<< "^" << exp<<"=" <<val<<endl; // if(abs(base)>0 && abs(base)<1 && exp>0 && val > base){ // cout<<"error pow "<<val<<endl; // throw ("error"); // } // if(val != 0.0 && val < std::numeric_limits<long double>::min()){ // cout<<"underflow "<<val<<endl; // throw std::underflow_error("underflow"); // } // return val; // } long double pow(double base, int exp){ // HiPrecPow hpp; // return hpp.compute_pow(base, exp); try{ long double val = std::pow(base, exp); //(double)exp //cout<< base<< "^" << exp<<"=" <<val<<endl; if(abs(base)>0 && abs(base)<1 && exp>0 && val > base){ cerr<<"ERROR: error pow "<<val<<endl; ERROR = true; //throw ("error"); } if(val != 0.0 && val < std::numeric_limits<long double >::min()){ cerr<<"ERROR: underflow => " <<base<< "^" << exp <<"="<<val<<endl; ERROR = true; //throw std::underflow_error("underflow"); } double positive_infinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); double negative_infinity = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); double not_a_number = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); if(val == positive_infinity || val == negative_infinity || val == not_a_number){ cerr<<"ERROR: inf => " <<base<< "^" << exp <<"="<<val<<endl; ERROR = true; } return val; }catch(const std::exception& e){ cerr<<"ERROR: pow "<<e.what()<<endl; ERROR = true; //throw 1; } return 0; } namespace ValidationExamples{ static const int NUM_EXAMPLES = 4; static const string strings[NUM_EXAMPLES] = {"AAAAAAAAA","ACGAACGAAA", "ACGTACGTAA","ACACACACAA"}; static const string taus[NUM_EXAMPLES] = {"AAA", "AACG", "ACGT", "ACAA"}; static const int ks[NUM_EXAMPLES] = {3,4, 4,4}; static const double rs[NUM_EXAMPLES] = {0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.05}; static const double results_sds1000[NUM_EXAMPLES] = {0.770130, 0.193595, 0.275141, 0.413365}; }; class VarianceTest { public: VarianceTest(std::string S, std::string tau, int k, double r) : S(S), tau(tau), k(k), r(r) {} VarianceTest(int EXAMPLE_ID) : EXAMPLE_ID(EXAMPLE_ID) {} VarianceTest() {} void doIt(int EXAMPLE_ID) { this->S = ValidationExamples::strings[EXAMPLE_ID]; this->tau = ValidationExamples::taus[EXAMPLE_ID]; this->k = ValidationExamples::ks[EXAMPLE_ID]; this->r = ValidationExamples::rs[EXAMPLE_ID]; this->EXAMPLE_ID = EXAMPLE_ID; doIt(); } void doIt() { //int EXAMPLE_ID = 0; // Initialize the variables // this->S = ValidationExamples::strings[EXAMPLE_ID]; // this->tau = ValidationExamples::taus[EXAMPLE_ID]; // this->k = ValidationExamples::ks[EXAMPLE_ID]; // this->r = ValidationExamples::rs[EXAMPLE_ID]; int n = S.length(); int L = n - k + 1; double p = r / (3 * (1 - r)); double rr = pow(1 - r, k); double sum1 = 0; double sum2 = 0; double sum3 = 0; double temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n - k; ++i) { int h1 = H(i); sum1 += (rr * pow(p, h1) - rr * rr * pow(p * p, h1)); temp = 0; for (int j = i + 1; j <= i + k - 1; ++j) { if (j > n - k) continue; int h2 = H(j); sum2 += rr * rr * pow(p, h1) * pow(p, h2); temp += rr * rr * pow(p, h1) * pow(p, h2); int delta = k - (j - i); std::string over = overlap(delta); if (over.empty()) continue; int h3 = H(i, 2 * k - delta, over); sum3 += pow(1 - r, 2 * k - delta) * pow(p, h3); } } sum2 *= 2; sum3 *= 2; double sd = std::sqrt(sum1 - sum2 + sum3); std::printf("Computed: %.6f\n", std::sqrt(sum1 - sum2 + sum3)); if(EXAMPLE_ID!=-1) cout<<"Expected: "<<ValidationExamples::results_sds1000[EXAMPLE_ID]<<endl; // std::printf("%.10f %.10f %.10f\n", sum1, sum2, sum3); } private: std::string S; std::string tau; int k; double r; int EXAMPLE_ID = -1; std::string overlap(int delta) { bool o = true; for (int i = k - delta; i < k; ++i) { if (tau[i] != tau[i - k + delta]) { o = false; break; } } if (!o) return ""; else return tau + tau.substr(delta, k - delta); } int H(int i, int l, const std::string& over) { int h = 0; for (int j = 0; j < l; ++j) { if (S[i + j] != over[j]) ++h; } return h; } int H(int i) { int h = 0; for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { if (S[i + j] != tau[j]) ++h; } return h; } }; class FastHammingDistance{ public: string zodd=""; string zeven=""; uint64_t zodd_t, zeven_t; void hammingDistanceGlobalSet(int K){ for (int i = 0; i < K+2; ++i) { //i<32 for K=30 zodd += "01"; } for (int i = 0; i < K+2; ++i) { zeven += "10"; } zodd_t = std::stoull(zodd, nullptr, 2); zeven_t = std::stoull(zeven, nullptr, 2); } }; class SimParams{ public: int k; unsigned long L; double r; SimParams(){ } SimParams(int k, unsigned long L, double r){ this->k = k; this->L = L; this->r = r; } double get_one_minus_q(){ return pow(1.0-r, k); //(1 − r)^k } double get_q(){ return 1 - pow(1.0-r, k); //1 − (1 − r)^k } double get_p(){ return r/3.0/(1-r); } unsigned long get_n(){ return L+k-1; } }; std::string encode_kmer(const std::string& kmer) { std::string encoded_kmer; for (char base : kmer) { switch (base) { case 'A': encoded_kmer += "00"; // 'A' is encoded as 00 break; case 'C': encoded_kmer += "01"; // 'C' is encoded as 01 break; case 'G': encoded_kmer += "10"; // 'G' is encoded as 10 break; case 'T': encoded_kmer += "11"; // 'T' is encoded as 11 break; default: throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid character in k-mer: " + std::string(1, base)); } } return encoded_kmer; } vector<uint64_t> stringToBinaryVec(string kmer){ int K = kmer.length(); string bv_line = encode_kmer(kmer); vector<uint64_t> curr_bv(ceil(K/32)); for (int i = 0; i< ceil(K/32); i++){ if(2*K>i*64){ curr_bv[i] = std::stoull(bv_line.substr(64*i,std::min(64, 2*K-i*64)), nullptr, 2); } } return curr_bv; } uint64_t stringToBinary(string kmer){ string bv_line = encode_kmer(kmer); int K = kmer.length(); uint64_t curr_bv_lo = std::stoull(bv_line.substr(0,std::min(64, 2*K)), nullptr, 2); return curr_bv_lo; } std::string generateRandomString(int length, unsigned int seed=0) { const std::string charset = "ACGT"; // Characters to choose from std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); //std::mt19937 gen(seed); to set seed std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, charset.length() - 1); std::string randomString; randomString.reserve(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { randomString += charset[dis(gen)]; } return randomString; } std::string generateMutatedString(string s, double r=0.1) { string notT = "ACG"; string notG = "ACT"; string notC = "AGT"; string notA = "CGT"; std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::string mutatedString; mutatedString.reserve(s.length()); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis1(0.0, 1.0); // std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis2(0.0, 1.0); // std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis3(0.0, 1.0); double random_value = dis1(gen); //cout<<i<<" "<<random_value<<" "<<(1-r)<<endl; if (random_value < (1-r)) { mutatedString += s[i]; // Same with probability (1-r) //stay same } else { std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 2); // Range: {0, 1, 2} if(s[i] == 'A'){ mutatedString += notA[dis(gen)]; }else if(s[i] == 'C'){ mutatedString += notC[dis(gen)]; }else if(s[i] == 'G'){ mutatedString += notG[dis(gen)]; }else if(s[i] == 'T'){ mutatedString += notT[dis(gen)]; } } } return mutatedString; } // Function to calculate the probability that a standard normal variable > c double probability_greater_than(double c) { double cdf_c = 0.5 * (1 + std::erf(c / std::sqrt(2))); // Calculate the CDF of the standard normal distribution at c //cout<<"Z"<<1.0 - cdf_c<<endl; // The probability that a standard normal variable > c return 1.0 - cdf_c; } set<string> kspectrum(string s, int k){ set<string> kmers; for(int i=0; i<s.length()-k+1; i++){ string kmer = s.substr(i, k); kmers.insert(kmer); } return kmers; } int hammingDist(string str1, string str2) { int i = 0, count = 0; while (str1[i] != '\0') { if (str1[i] != str2[i]) count++; i++; } return count; } void tau_join(string kmer, vector<string>& retvec){ int k = kmer.length(); for (int delta = 1; delta<=k; delta++){ // <= k bool isOverlap = true; for(int j = delta-1; j>=0; j--){ if(kmer[j]!=kmer[k-delta+j]){ isOverlap = false; break; } } if(isOverlap){ if(delta==k){ retvec.push_back(kmer); }else{ retvec.push_back(kmer+kmer.substr(delta, k-delta)); } //len=|K|+|K|-delta // } // kmer[0] == kmer[k-1] // kmer[0] = kmer[k-2] // kmer[1] = kmer[k-1] // kmer[0] = kmer[k-3] // kmer[1] = kmer[k-2] // kmer[2] = kmer[k-1] } } void value_checker(double val){ if(val != 0.0 && val < std::numeric_limits<double>::min()){ cout<<"underflow "<<val<<endl; throw std::underflow_error("underflow"); } if(std::isinf(val)){ cout<<"overflow "<<val<<endl; throw std::overflow_error("overflow"); } } string generateStressTestString(int length, int k){ std::string pattern = "ACGT"; if(type == 1){ pattern = generateRandomString(k); }else if(type == 2){ pattern = "ACGT"; }else if(type == 3){ pattern = "AC"; }else if(type == 4){ pattern = "A"; } std::string s = ""; std::string result; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { result += pattern[i % pattern.length()]; } for (int i = 0; i < floor(length/k); ++i) { s += result; } int patlen = s.length(); for (int i = 1; i <= length-patlen; ++i) { s += "A"; } //cout<<length<<" " << s.length()<<" "<<"stress test str"<<s<<endl; return s; } int intersect_size(string s, string t, int k){ set<string> set1 = kspectrum(s, k); set<string> set2 = kspectrum(t, k); std::vector<string> intersect; std::set_intersection(set1.begin(), set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), std::back_inserter(intersect)); return intersect.size(); } string readString(string filename){ string randomString; std::ifstream file(filename); if (file.is_open()) { if (std::getline(file, randomString)) { //std::cout << "Line read from file: " << line << std::endl; //L = randomString.length(); } else { std::cerr << "File is empty." << std::endl; } file.close(); } else { std::cerr << "Unable to open file." << std::endl; } return randomString; } string readSubstring(string filename, int L){ std::ifstream file(filename); std::string line; if (file.is_open()) { file.seekg(0, std::ios::end); // Get the size of the file std::streampos fileSize = file.tellg(); file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); //std::srand(std::time(nullptr)); // Generate a random starting position within the file std::streampos startPos = (std::rand() % (int(fileSize) - L)); // Move to the random starting position file.seekg(startPos); // Read 100 characters from the file char buffer[L+1]; // Buffer to hold 100 characters + null terminator file.read(buffer, L); buffer[L] = '\0'; // Null terminate the string // Assign the buffer content to the string line = buffer; //cout<< "sp" << startPos << " " <<std::rand() <<endl; //std::cout << "Random "<< L <<" characters from the file: " << line << std::endl; file.close(); // Close the file } else { std::cerr << "Unable to open file." << std::endl; } return line; } class ResultAggregator{ public: vector<int> isizes; double isize_mean; double isize_sd; vector<double> test_vals_xtau; double test_vals_xtau_mean; double test_vals_xtau_sd; //vector<string> labels = {"r", "L","k", "num_reps", "estimate", "mean", "sd", "variance", "abs_error", "rel_error", "fixed_tau"}; string labels[9] = {"r", "L","k", "num_reps", "estimate", "mean", "sd", "variance", "fixed_tau"}; vector<string> values; template<typename T> void put_values(T v){ values.push_back(to_string(v)); } // = {"num_reps", "estimate", "mean", "sd", "variance", "abs_error", "rel_error"}; double relative_error(double estimate, double mean){ return abs((estimate-mean)/mean); } void diffReport(int num_replicates, double estimate, double mean, double sd, double r, int L, int k, string fixed_tau){ put_values(r); put_values(L); put_values(k); put_values(num_replicates); put_values(estimate); put_values(mean); put_values(sd); put_values(sd*sd); // put_values(abs(estimate-mean)); // put_values(relative_error(estimate, mean)); values.push_back(fixed_tau); for(int i = 0; i< 9; i++){ std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2); cout<<labels[i]<<" "<<values[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; /* for(int i = 0; i< labels.size(); i++){ cout<<values[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; */ //cout<<"num_reps "<< num_replicates<< " estimate "<<estimate<<" mean "<<mean<<" sd "<<sd<<" variance "<<sd*sd<<" abs_error "<<abs(estimate-mean)<<" rel_error "<<relative_error(estimate, mean)<<endl; } double calculateMean(const std::vector<int>& numbers) { double sum = 0.0; for (const auto& num : numbers) { sum += num; } return sum / numbers.size(); } double calculateMean(const std::vector<double>& numbers) { double sum = 0.0; for (const auto& num : numbers) { sum += num; } return sum / numbers.size(); } double calculateStandardDeviation(const std::vector<int>& numbers) { double mean = calculateMean(numbers); double squaredDiffSum = 0.0; for (const auto& num : numbers) { double diff = num - mean; squaredDiffSum += diff * diff; } double variance = squaredDiffSum / numbers.size(); return std::sqrt(variance); } double calculateStandardDeviation(const std::vector<double>& numbers) { double mean = calculateMean(numbers); double squaredDiffSum = 0.0; for (const auto& num : numbers) { double diff = num - mean; squaredDiffSum += diff * diff; } double variance = squaredDiffSum / numbers.size(); return std::sqrt(variance); } void calculateMeanSD(const std::vector<int>& numbers, double& mean, double& sd) { mean = calculateMean(numbers); double squaredDiffSum = 0.0; for (const auto& num : numbers) { double diff = num - mean; squaredDiffSum += diff * diff; } double variance = squaredDiffSum / numbers.size(); sd = std::sqrt(variance); } void calculateMeanSD(const std::vector<double>& numbers, double& mean, double& sd) { mean = calculateMean(numbers); double squaredDiffSum = 0.0; for (const auto& num : numbers) { double diff = num - mean; squaredDiffSum += diff * diff; } double variance = squaredDiffSum / numbers.size(); sd = std::sqrt(variance); } }; class Thm11 { public: Thm11() {}; // Provide a definition for the default constructor int k = 8; double r = 0.01; unsigned long L = 17; int n = L+k-1; int fixed_tau_index_j = 0; //set by call to init string fixed_string_s; SimParams sim; vector< map<int, string> > tau_joins_by_delta; int hd_s_tau[1000][1000]; string fixed_tau; int unique = 0; //saved 1 : string: TACGTACGAA, tau ACGA int get_hd_s_tau(int i, int j){ if(i>=L || j>=unique){ cout<<"Error: get_hd_s_tau out of bounds: i, j, L, unique: "<<i << " "<< j<<" "<<L<<" "<<unique<<endl; throw std::invalid_argument("Error: get_hd_s_tau out of bounds"); } return hd_s_tau[i][j]; } void set_hd_s_tau(int i, int j, int val){ if(i>=L || j>=unique){ cout<<"Error: get_hd_s_tau out of bounds: i, j, L, unique: "<<i << " "<< j<<" "<<L<<" "<<unique<<endl; throw std::invalid_argument("Error: set_hd_s_tau out of bounds"); } hd_s_tau[i][j] = val; } void precompute_si_tau_hd_result_thm11(SimParams& sim, string& s){ // // // PHASE1: INIT this->k = sim.k; this->r = sim.r; // double p = sim.get_p(); // int L = s.length() - k + 1; this->n = s.length(); this->L = n - k + 1; double p = r / (3 * (1 - r)); double rr = pow(1 - r, k); set<string> set1 = kspectrum(s, k); std::vector<string> s_vector(set1.begin(), set1.end()); this->unique = s_vector.size(); //populate tau_joins std::vector< vector<string> > tau_joins(s_vector.size()); for(int j = 0 ; j < s_vector.size(); j++ ){ string tau = s_vector[j]; //FiX tau_join(tau, tau_joins[j]); } tau_joins_by_delta.resize(s_vector.size()); for(int j = 0 ; j < s_vector.size(); j++ ){ string tau = s_vector[j]; //FiX for(string &s : tau_joins[j]){ int delta = 2*k - s.length(); //2*k - s.length(); // cout<<":::" << delta<<" "<<s<<endl; tau_joins_by_delta[j][delta] = s; } } //populate hd_s_tau for (int i = 0; i <= s.length() - k; ++i) { string s_i = (s.substr(i, k)); for(int j = 0 ; j < s_vector.size(); j++ ){ string tau = s_vector[j]; //FiX set_hd_s_tau(i, j, hammingDist(s_i, tau)); //hd_s_tau[i][j] = hammingDist(s_i, tau); } } // // // PHASE2: Compute estimate of intersection double sum_pr = 0; double sum_e_max_tau = 0; for(int j = 0 ; j<s_vector.size(); j++){ // not on I, length of |sp(s)| -> so tau = s_vector[j] //string s_tau = s_vector[j]; double sum_top = 0; double vcomp_sum1 = 0; double vcomp_sum2 = 0; double vcomp_sum3 = 0; double vcomp_temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n - k; ++i) { //PHASE1: do sum top double pp = pow(p, get_hd_s_tau(i,j)); double pp2 = pow(pp,2); sum_top -= pp; // PHASE2: do sum bottom (sd) // double sum_bottom1 = 0; // double sum_bottom2 = 0; // double sum_bottom2_p1 = 0; // double sum_bottom2_p2 = 0; int h1 = get_hd_s_tau(i,j); vcomp_sum1 += (rr * pow(p, h1) - rr * rr * pow(p * p, h1)); vcomp_temp = 0; for (int delta_o = i + 1; delta_o <= i + k - 1; ++delta_o) { if (delta_o > n - k) continue; //fixing it : L-1 max value n-k+1 -1 = n-k int h2 = get_hd_s_tau(delta_o,j); //H(delta_o); vcomp_sum2 += rr * rr * pow(p, h1) * pow(p, h2); vcomp_temp += rr * rr * pow(p, h1) * pow(p, h2); int delta = k - (delta_o - i); std::string over=""; if(tau_joins_by_delta[j].count(delta)>0){ over = tau_joins_by_delta[j][delta]; // overlap(delta); } if (over=="") continue; int h3 = hammingDist(s.substr(i, 2 * k - delta), over); //H(i, 2 * k - delta, over); vcomp_sum3 += pow(1 - r, 2 * k - delta) * pow(p, h3); } } vcomp_sum2 *= 2; vcomp_sum3 *= 2; double sd = std::sqrt(vcomp_sum1 - vcomp_sum2 + vcomp_sum3); //Finalized bottom for inner loop //cout<<":::"<<"sd: "<<sd<<" "<<s_vector[j]<<endl; sum_top *= rr; //Finalized top for inner loop sum_pr += probability_greater_than(sum_top / sd); //sum_pr over all tau const double pi = M_PI; // Value of pi double term1 = pow(2.0 / pi, 1.0 / 4.0); double term2 = pow(2 * k, 2.0) * L / pow(sd, 3.0); double term3 = sqrt(28.0) * pow(2 * k, 1.5) * sqrt(L) / (sqrt(pi) * pow(sd, 2.0)); double e_max_tau = term1 * sqrt(term2 + term3); //Finalized e_max_tau for inner loop sum_e_max_tau += e_max_tau; //sum_e_max_tau over all tau /* for(int i = 0; i< L; i++){ double pp=pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j]); double pp2 = pow(pp,2); sum_top -= pp; sum_bottom1 += pp/sim.get_one_minus_q() - pp2; //sum_bottom1 += pp/(); for(int delta = 1; delta<=k; delta++){ // if(i+delta>=L){ // break; // } sum_bottom2_p1+= -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+k-delta][j] ); //cout<<sum_bottom2_p1<<" sp "<< " delta " << delta << " k "<<k<< " "<< hd_s_tau[i][j] << " "<< hd_s_tau[i+delta][j] << " " << i+delta<<endl; } for (int t = 0; t< tau_joins[j].size(); t++){ string joinedString = tau_joins[j][t]; int delta = 2*k - joinedString.length();//len = 2k -delta //sum_bottom2+= -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+delta][j] ); string s_i_len_same_as_joinedString = s.substr(i, joinedString.length() ); if(s_i_len_same_as_joinedString.length()==joinedString.length() && delta!=k){ int d = hammingDist(s_i_len_same_as_joinedString, joinedString); sum_bottom2_p2 += 2*pow(p,d)/(pow(1-r, delta)); } } } sum_bottom2= sum_bottom2_p1 + sum_bottom2_p2; cout<<"for tau "<<j<<" "<<s_vector[j]<<endl; cout<<"sum top = "<<sum_top<<endl; cout<<"sum b1 = "<<sum_bottom1<<endl; cout<<"sum b2 p1 = "<<sum_bottom2_p1<<endl; cout<<"sum b2 p2 = "<<sum_bottom2_p2<<endl; cout<<"sum b2 ="<<sum_bottom2<<endl; cout<<"sum_top / sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2 = "<<sum_top / sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2)<<endl; if (std::isinf(sum_bottom2_p1) && sum_bottom2_p1 < 0) { cout<<"Error "<<j<<" "<< s_vector[j]<<endl; exit(1); } double sigma_tau = sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2); //variance of tau const double pi = M_PI; // Value of pi double term1 = pow(2.0 / pi, 1.0 / 4.0); double term2 = pow(2 * k, 2.0) * L / pow(sigma_tau, 3.0); double term3 = sqrt(28.0) * pow(2 * k, 1.5) * sqrt(L) / (sqrt(pi) * pow(sigma_tau, 2.0)); double e_max_tau = term1 * sqrt(term2 + term3); //cout<<term1<<" "<<term2<<" "<<term3<<" "<<e_max_tau<<endl; sum_e_max_tau += e_max_tau; sum_pr += probability_greater_than(sum_top / sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2)); */ } estimator = sum_pr; error_term = sum_e_max_tau; } double compute_sd_estimate(){ //PART1:: INIT // fixed_string_s = readSubstring("/Users/amatur/code/downloads/t2t_chr21.sset", L+k-1); //fixed_string_s = "AGCTTAAAGTAATTATCTAGGTGTCTGTATTTG"; //fixed_string_s = "AGCTTAAAGTAATTATCTAGGTGTCTGTATTTGCCT"; vector<string> s_kspectrum_vector; // L = fixed_string_s.length() - k + 1; //readSubstring("/Users/amatur/code/downloads/t2t_chr21.sset", L+k-1); type = 3; //fixed_string_s = generateStressTestString( L+k-1, k); fixed_string_s = generateRandomString( L+k-1); //generateStressTestString( L+k-1, k); //fixed_string_s = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG"; // fixed_string_s = "ACGAACGAAA"; // L = fixed_string_s.length() - k + 1; fixed_string_s = "AAAAAAAAA"; cout<<fixed_string_s<<endl; sim.k = k; sim.L = L; sim.r = r; set<string> set1 = kspectrum(fixed_string_s, k); std::vector<string> s_vector(set1.begin(), set1.end()); s_kspectrum_vector = s_vector; fixed_tau = s_kspectrum_vector[fixed_tau_index_j]; if(fixed_tau_index_j > s_kspectrum_vector.size()){ cout<<"Error: fixed_tau_index_j out of bounds"<<" " <<fixed_tau_index_j<<endl; exit(1); } vector< vector<string> > tau_joins; tau_joins.resize(s_kspectrum_vector.size()); for(int j = 0 ; j < s_kspectrum_vector.size(); j++ ){ string tau = s_kspectrum_vector[j]; //FiX tau_join(tau, tau_joins[j]); } for(int j = 0 ; j < s_kspectrum_vector.size(); j++ ){ string tau = s_kspectrum_vector[j]; //FiX for(string &s : tau_joins[j]){ int delta = 2*k - s.length(); //2*k - s.length(); tau_joins_by_delta[j][delta] = s; } } for (int i = 0; i < fixed_string_s.size(); ++i) { string s_i = (fixed_string_s.substr(i, k)); //for(int j = 0 ; j < s_kspectrum_vector.size(); j++ ){ for(int j = fixed_tau_index_j ; j <= fixed_tau_index_j; j++ ){ string tau = s_kspectrum_vector[j]; //FiX hd_s_tau[i][j] = hammingDist(s_i, tau); //tau_join(tau, tau_joins[j]); } } //PART2:: COMPUTE double p = sim.get_p(); double sigma_tau = 777777; //fix a tau: j = 0 for(int j = fixed_tau_index_j ; j<=fixed_tau_index_j; j++){ // not on I, length of |sp(s)| double sum_top = 0; double sum_bottom1 = 0; double sum_bottom2 = 0; double sum_bottom2_p1 = 0; double sum_bottom2_p2 = 0; set<int> delta_taus; for (int t = 0; t< tau_joins[j].size(); t++){ delta_taus.insert(2*k - tau_joins[j][t].length()); } int coutcounter=0; for(int i = 0; i< L; i++){ double pp = pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j]); double pp2 = pow(pp,2); sum_top -= pp; sum_bottom1 += pp/sim.get_one_minus_q() - pp2; //sum_bottom1 += pp/(); int t = tau_joins[j].size()-1; string joinedString = tau_joins[j][t]; int delta = 2*k - joinedString.length();//len = 2k -delta for(int o = 1; o <= k-1; o++){ if(L-i-1 < o){ cout<<"SHOUDL NOT HAPPEN"<<endl; break; } sum_bottom2_p1+= -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+k-o][j] ); //cout<<"CC" << p<<" "<< fixed_string_s.substr(i, k) << " "<< o << " hd "<< hd_s_tau[i][j] << " " << fixed_string_s.substr(i+k-o, k) <<" hd "<< hd_s_tau[i+k-o][j] <<" " << -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+k-o][j] )<<endl; //cout<<sum_bottom2_p1<<" sp "<< " delta " << delta << " k "<<k<< " "<< hd_s_tau[i][j] << " "<< hd_s_tau[i+delta][j] << " " << i+delta<<endl; //if(i>L+k-1 = o upper range = L - i ) /* if(k-o == delta && t>=0){ string s_i_len_same_as_joinedString = fixed_string_s.substr(i, joinedString.length() ); if(s_i_len_same_as_joinedString.length()==joinedString.length() && delta!=k){ coutcounter++; int d = hammingDist(s_i_len_same_as_joinedString, joinedString); //cout<<d<< " " << i<<" "<< s_i_len_same_as_joinedString << " "<< delta << " hd "<< hd_s_tau[i][j] << " " << joinedString<<" hd "<< hd_s_tau[i+k-delta][j] <<" " << -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+k-delta][j] )<<endl; sum_bottom2_p2 += 2*pow(p,d)*(pow(1-r, k+o)); //cout<<(pow(1-r, delta))<<endl; } //problem in p2 //go to next delta t--; if(t>=0){ joinedString = tau_joins[j][t]; delta = 2*k - joinedString.length();//len = 2k -delta } } */ //sum_bottom2+= -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+delta][j] ); //sum_bottom2_p2 += 2*pow(p,d)/(pow(1-r, delta)); } ///* for (int t = 0; t< tau_joins[j].size(); t++){ string joinedString = tau_joins[j][t]; int delta = 2*k - joinedString.length();//len = 2k -delta if (delta==k) { continue; } //sum_bottom2+= -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+delta][j] ); string s_i_len_same_as_joinedString =""; if(joinedString.length() - i + 1 > 0 && i<fixed_string_s.length()){ s_i_len_same_as_joinedString = fixed_string_s.substr(i, joinedString.length() ); } if(s_i_len_same_as_joinedString.length()==joinedString.length()){ //if(delta!=k){ coutcounter++; int d = hammingDist(s_i_len_same_as_joinedString, joinedString); //cout<<d<< " " << i<<" "<< s_i_len_same_as_joinedString << " "<< delta << " hd "<< hd_s_tau[i][j] << " " << joinedString<<" hd "<< hd_s_tau[i+k-delta][j] <<" " << -2*pow(p, hd_s_tau[i][j] + hd_s_tau[i+k-delta][j] )<<endl; sum_bottom2_p2 += 2*pow(p,d)/(pow(1-r, delta)); //cout<<(pow(1-r, delta))<<endl; } //problem in p2 } //*/ } cout<<"Count "<<coutcounter<<endl; sum_bottom2= sum_bottom2_p1 + sum_bottom2_p2; cout<<"sum top "<<sum_top<<endl; cout<<"sum b1 (p0) "<<sum_bottom1 / pow((1-r), 2*k) <<endl; cout<<"sum b2 p1 "<<sum_bottom2_p1 / pow((1-r), 2*k) <<endl; cout<<"sum b2 p2 "<<sum_bottom2_p2/ pow((1-r), 2*k) <<endl; double a = sum_bottom1 / pow((1-r), 2*k) ;//0.201732; double b = sum_bottom2_p1 / pow((1-r), 2*k); //-20.712563; //sum_bottom2_p1 / pow((1-r), 2*k) ; //-20.712563; double c = sum_bottom2_p2/ pow((1-r), 2*k); //21.037053; // cout<<"sum b2 "<<sum_bottom2<<endl; cout<<"sum_top / sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2) "<<sum_top / sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2)<<endl; if (std::isinf(sum_bottom2_p1) && sum_bottom2_p1 < 0) { cout<<"Error "<<j<<" "<< s_kspectrum_vector[j]<<endl; exit(1); } //sigma_tau = pow((1-r), k) * sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2); //variance of tau sigma_tau = pow((1-r), k) * sqrt(sum_bottom1 + sum_bottom2); //variance of tau cout<<"ABC"<<sqrt(a+b+c)<<endl; //sigma_tau = sqrt(a+b+c); } return sigma_tau; } int sum_xi_tau(string& mutated_string, string tau){ int sum = 0; // generate all kmer from mutated_string for (int i = 0; i <= mutated_string.length() - k; ++i) { std::string kmer = mutated_string.substr(i, k); if(kmer==tau){ sum+=1; } } if(sum<0){ cout<<"Error: overflow: sum_xi_tau "<<sum<<endl; exit(1); } return sum; //return CAPITAL-X^tau } }; ///* int main (int argc, char* argv[]){ // cout<<pow(1.64567e156, 1000000000)<<endl; // exit(1); // /*** BEGIN VARIANCE TEST ***/ // VarianceTest varianceTest; // varianceTest.doIt(0); // exit(1); // /*** END VARIANCE TEST ***/ srand(time(nullptr)); // parameters to be passed by command line // int L = -1; // int k = -1; // double r = -1;' // int L = 100; // int k = 25; // double r = 0.01; // type = 0; int L = 100; int k = 50; double r = 0.001; type = 0; string filename=""; int num_replicates = 1; //do this random string generation "num_replicates" times num_replicates=100; vector<string> args(argv + 1, argv + argc); for (auto i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) { if (*i == "-h" || *i == "--help") { cout << "Syntax: -i [input-file] -l <length>[100] -r <mutation-rate>[0.01] -t <type-of-input-string>[1] -k <kmer-size>[33] -c <num-replicates>[100]" << endl; cout<< " Types: 0: random, 1: stress test, 2: ACGT, 3: AC, 4: A"<<endl; return 0; } else if (*i == "-r") { r = stod(*++i); } else if (*i == "-l") { L = stoull(*++i); } else if (*i == "-k") { k = stoi(*++i); } else if (*i == "-t") { type = stoi(*++i); }else if (*i == "-i") { filename = (*++i); } else if (*i == "-c") { num_replicates = stoi(*++i); } } //hammingDistanceGlobalSet(K); // if using efficient hamming distance: TODO // /*** BEGIN EXAMPLE BYPASS COMMAND LINE ***/ // Example: ./thm11 -l 100 -k 40 -r 0.01 -c 100 // L=100; // k=40; // r=0; // num_replicates=100; // SimParams sim(k, L, r); //k, L, r // /*** END EXAMPLE BYPASS COMMAND LINE ***/ ResultAggregator res; std::string randomString; //Setup the FIXED string "s" and the parameters for the simulation (string in => randomString) SimParams sim(k, L, r); //k, L, r filename=""; //filename="/Users/amatur/code/downloads/t2t_chr21.sset"; int length = sim.get_n(); if (filename==""){ if(type == 0){ randomString = generateRandomString(length); }else{ randomString = generateStressTestString(length, sim.k); } }else{ randomString = readSubstring(filename, length); } // /*** BEGIN MINI TESTS ***/ // int example_id = 2; // SimParams sim(ValidationExamples::ks[example_id], ValidationExamples::strings[example_id].length()-ValidationExamples::ks[example_id]+1, ValidationExamples::rs[example_id]); //k, L, r // randomString = ValidationExamples::strings[example_id]; // Thm11 thm11; // thm11.precompute_si_tau_hd_result_thm11(sim, randomString); // exit(1); // /*** END MINI TESTS ***/ /*** BEGIN MAIN TEST ***/ Thm11 thm11; thm11.precompute_si_tau_hd_result_thm11(sim, randomString); for(int i=0; i<num_replicates; i++){ std::string mutatedString = generateMutatedString(randomString, sim.r); int Isize = intersect_size(randomString, mutatedString, sim.k); res.isizes.push_back(Isize); } res.calculateMeanSD(res.isizes, res.isize_mean, res.isize_sd); double r_prime = 1.0 - pow(2, log2( res.isize_mean)/sim.k-log2(sim.L)/sim.k); if(ERROR){ cout<<"num_replicates "<<num_replicates<< " input_s "<< type_map[type] << " L "<<sim.L<<" r "<<sim.r<< " k "<< sim.k << " estimate " << estimator << " |I|_mean " << res.isize_mean << " |I|_sd " << res.isize_sd << " L(1-q) "<<sim.L*(1-sim.get_q())<< " r_prime " << r_prime << " theoretical_err " << error_term << " observed_err "<< abs( res.isize_mean-estimator)<< " ERROR ERROR" << endl; }else{ cout<<"num_replicates "<<num_replicates<< " input_s "<< type_map[type] << " L "<<sim.L<<" r "<<sim.r<< " k "<< sim.k << " estimate " << estimator << " |I|_mean " << res.isize_mean << " |I|_sd " << res.isize_sd << " L(1-q) "<<sim.L*(1-sim.get_q())<< " r_prime " << r_prime << " theoretical_err " << error_term << " observed_err "<< abs( res.isize_mean-estimator)<< endl; } } //*/
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