2 months ago
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import open3d as o3d import copy import numpy as np def draw_registration_result(source, target, transformation): """ Visualizes how well two point clouds are aligned after ICP. This function creates a visualization window showing both point clouds: - Source points in yellow (after transformation) - Target points in blue Parameters: source: The point cloud we're trying to align (moving cloud) target: The point cloud we're trying to align to (static cloud) transformation: 4x4 matrix showing how to move source to align with target """ # Create copies to avoid modifying the original point clouds source_temp = copy.deepcopy(source) target_temp = copy.deepcopy(target) # Color the point clouds differently so we can tell them apart source_temp.paint_uniform_color([1, 0.706, 0]) # Yellow color for source target_temp.paint_uniform_color([0, 0.651, 0.929]) # Blue color for target # Apply the transformation to the source point cloud source_temp.transform(transformation) # Show both point clouds in a visualization window # zoom: How close to view the point clouds # front: Direction we're looking from # lookat: Point we're looking at # up: Which direction is up in the view o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([source_temp, target_temp], zoom=0.4459, front=[0.9288, -0.2951, -0.2242], lookat=[1.6784, 2.0612, 1.4451], up=[-0.3402, -0.9189, -0.1996]) def find_nearest_neighbors(source_pc, target_pc, nearest_neigh_num): """ For each point in the target cloud, finds the closest point in the source cloud. This is a crucial step in ICP - we need to know which points correspond to each other. Parameters: source_pc: Point cloud we're moving target_pc: Point cloud we're trying to match nearest_neigh_num: How many nearest neighbors to find (usually 1) Returns: Array of closest points from source for each target point """ # Create a KD-tree from the source points for efficient nearest neighbor search # A KD-tree is like a spatial index - it helps us find closest points much faster point_cloud_tree = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(source_pc) # Array to store the matching points we find points_arr = [] # For each point in the target cloud for point in target_pc.points: # Find the nearest neighbor in the source cloud # Returns: [number of neighbors found, indices of neighbors, squared distances] [_, idx, _] = point_cloud_tree.search_knn_vector_3d(point, nearest_neigh_num) # Add the closest point to our array points_arr.append(source_pc.points[idx[0]]) return np.asarray(points_arr) def icp(source, target): """ Implements the Iterative Closest Point algorithm. This algorithm tries to find the best way to align two point clouds by: 1. Finding matching points between the clouds 2. Computing the best transformation to align these matches 3. Applying the transformation and repeating until the alignment is good enough Parameters: source: Point cloud we want to move target: Point cloud we want to align to Returns: 4x4 transformation matrix that best aligns source to target """ # Set initial colors for visualization source.paint_uniform_color([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) # Gray for source target.paint_uniform_color([0, 0, 1]) # Blue for target # Convert target points to numpy array for easier math target_points = np.asarray(target.points) # Apply an initial transformation to source # This can help avoid getting stuck in local minima # The matrix includes both rotation and translation initial_transform = np.asarray([ [0.862, 0.011, -0.507, 0.5], # First row (rotation + x translation) [-0.139, 0.967, -0.215, 0.7], # Second row (rotation + y translation) [0.487, 0.255, 0.835, -1.4], # Third row (rotation + z translation) [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] # Fourth row (always [0,0,0,1] for homogeneous coordinates) ]) source = source.transform(initial_transform) # Initialize variables for the iterative process curr_iteration = 0 # Keep track of how many iterations we've done cost_change_threshold = 0.001 # Stop when improvement is smaller than this curr_cost = 1000 # Current alignment error prev_cost = 10000 # Previous alignment error while True: # STEP 1: Find closest points between source and target new_source_points = find_nearest_neighbors(source, target, 1) # STEP 2: Find the centers (centroids) of both point sets source_centroid = np.mean(new_source_points, axis=0) target_centroid = np.mean(target_points, axis=0) # Center both point clouds by subtracting their centroids # This makes it easier to find the optimal rotation source_repos = np.asarray([new_source_points[ind] - source_centroid for ind in range(len(new_source_points))]) target_repos = np.asarray([target_points[ind] - target_centroid for ind in range(len(target_points))]) # STEP 3: Find the optimal rotation using SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) # First, compute the cross-covariance matrix cov_mat = target_repos.transpose() @ source_repos # Perform SVD decomposition # U and Vt contain the rotation information we need U, X, Vt = np.linalg.svd(cov_mat) # Compute the optimal rotation matrix R = U @ Vt # Compute the optimal translation # This moves the rotated source centroid to the target centroid t = target_centroid - R @ source_centroid t = np.reshape(t, (1,3)) # Calculate how good our current alignment is # Lower cost means better alignment curr_cost = np.linalg.norm(target_repos - (R @ source_repos.T).T) print("Current alignment error =", curr_cost) # Check if we've improved enough to continue if ((prev_cost - curr_cost) > cost_change_threshold): # If yes, update everything and continue prev_cost = curr_cost # Create a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix # This combines rotation and translation into one matrix transform_matrix = np.hstack((R, t.T)) # Combine R and t horizontally transform_matrix = np.vstack((transform_matrix, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))) # Apply the transformation to the source point cloud source = source.transform(transform_matrix) curr_iteration += 1 else: # If we haven't improved enough, stop iterating break print("\nCompleted after", curr_iteration, "iterations") # Show the final result draw_registration_result(source, target, transform_matrix) return transform_matrix # Test the ICP implementation on example point clouds ### PART A: Demo point clouds from Open3D ### demo_icp_pcds = o3d.data.DemoICPPointClouds() source = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(demo_icp_pcds.paths[0]) target = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(demo_icp_pcds.paths[1]) part_a = icp(source, target) ### PART B: KITTI dataset point clouds ### # KITTI is a popular dataset for autonomous driving source = o3d.io.read_point_cloud("kitti_frame1.pcd") target = o3d.io.read_point_cloud("kitti_frame2.pcd") print("Point cloud sizes:", len(source.points), len(target.points)) part_b = icp(source, target)
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